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Sunday, November 13, 2011

"On the Lighter Side!"

    I think we should do this blog a little  less serious,  maybe  about happy memories  instead of the serious  stuff .but as i said if you need more information just ask. here it is Sunday  Nov 13th. time flies by very fast. in America we have thanksgiving coming up.well in 1863 as we Americans fought each other  the civil war old Abe Lincoln thought it should be a day for national thanks.right in the middle of a bloody civil war, that put brother against brother.look it up on the net for further information. so Christmas comes on Dec 25th of this year old Saint nick rides his sled over the children of earth and drops presents. wouldn't it be nice if he could stop all the conflict on earth. well i am ranting again so back to happy thoughts and better time in the future,  As you  may have noticed,  Howard helped me with  this blog.  He is a little more serious  than I am, that's what makes us so good together, we compliment each other.
   I have been thinking back to the Thanksgivings during my childhood.  I remember there being snow on the ground  during most of the ones before my teenage yrs.  I lived in the town of Brownville, NY. It is  in northern New York state.They get the lake effect snow  from Lake Ontario.  My sister Judy and I would be outside playing in the snow, while my Mom and Grandma were cooking  dinner.  The whole house smelled like Turkey,dressing and a multitude of other succulent morsels.  I remember one year in particular,  I was 10 yrs old,  My Mom asked her best friend and her son to dinner, She was a widow  with no family  living in the area, so it was going to be great,and it was except for one little detail, Moms friend didn't know how to bake a pumpkin pie. It looked great, but she didn't know she was supposed to put sugar in the pumpkin filling.  It was awfull, I was the first person to taste it, I looked at my Mom and she knew  right away  something was wrong. I went to the kitchen ,she followed right behind me.Asked me what was wrong. I said it tastes terrible,  so she said don't say anything and try to eat it or part of it then just say you are full . I did and I told her it was good.   But in the middle of the night I woke up vomiting , for the rest of the night I was sick.  So  that was one of the childhood memories.  But other than the pie the rest of that dinner was awsome , which was the usual at my house , my Mom cooked everything with love.   I have a lot of stories  but for now this is it. Be happy and Blessed

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