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Thursday, May 31, 2012


General Suleiman must think the worlds peoples are dumb and stupid. So Syrian leaders in the government think we will believe the freedom rebels killed the men,women and children in Houla. Perhaps they heard that from the Tooth Fairy,Santa Clause or just out of Assad's butt. Nobody has the balls to stop this genocide? Not America,not the Arab nations and not the toothless unneeded UN. What good are peace keeping troops to afraid of it's own shadow and carry no guns going to do. Maybe point there finger and go boom you dead? what good is a President or Prime Minister who is afraid to say "the hell with an election i am going to help" THIS IS WHY GOVERNMENTS SUCK. They can not do crap because they please to many and not listen to what needs to be done!!! OH, senior ARABS press China to help in Syria. That's like saying cut off all the money we and Russia are making from Assad. How about Kofi Annon telling the US President  as well as other countries--you need to kill Assad and all his top military staff. AS for Russia's Vlad the killer Putin he treats Obama like a child and Obama takes the crap when he should tell Putin shove it up your butt.   I am not naive,knowing full well government are at each others throats. How about asking everyday people what they think? Bottom line here is Russian government makes money from Iran and Syria,supplies both with arms and nuclear know how and makes trillions---so why stop know?----- Well that's it on above. Today in Alabama Gulf coast,95 degrees and mostly sunny. A little windy so when i got out of the pool it was a little chilly. working on a nice tan,trying to keep a good out look on life. Which is more easy to do living in a free country where even the poorest of us have it better then any where else. So people,be blessed, be well be happy if you can. Howard from Alabama.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


First me..The computer went down on me.(no not that way) I lost my program's had to reload windows 98 mil/2000 edition. Then i had to reload msn xp-2000.then the sound went all to heck. It took a couple of days to re-enter everything and all the favorites etc-etc-etc. The weather here in Alabama is great. I took advantage of it.Sunny days  95 degree's and hot. In the pool nearly all day. YES i have a great tan!! These however are little problems.  OUT there in the real world true and deadly evil people are killing men,women and CHILDREN. This guy ASS-ad should have been blown away 9 months ago when he shed the blood of his own people just because he wants to stay in power. DO you think for one moment the world believes Syria's murderous leaders? How about his army generals who know it is wrong to slaughter there own people and do it anyway? It is a shame on the Arab Spring leaders-Turkey's leaders,Qatar and of course American leaders in power that can stop this within one day. Where the hell are you righteous people of all religions?I said this over and over again.I pointed out what will happen if Assad was not stopped. IT IS already to late as genocide has happened from the start of this butcher' Riane. Syria blames terrorist, but  Assad and his army just need to look in a mirror to find them. HOW many times must this happen before we put a stop to it. I can go on and on but unless governments rise up to help more will be murdered. In conclusion Russia and China are as much to blame for the deaths of Syrian people... As for me I am done. Said all I can over the past 9 months or so. Now I will write of other crazy stuff in the world.But not today. Thanks to all my 1200 steady readers of this blog and the many facebook slash/ twitter followers as well. To all religons and people-be well,be blessed and try to be happy. Howard from Alabama

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Well what do you know?

President Obama went to a small business sandwich shop.Back at the White House they where about to talk of the economy and how to help. He purchased $68.00 worth of hoggies(asst.)for those at that meeting.Obama then carried a hand full of them in to the room and passed them out.What does this mean? I will tell you:it means he thinks of the small guys or gals in there shops trying to make a living. In doing so,Obama shows he cares about all Americans first.What he said in so many words is his campaigning is second to the people. Anyone who is read my blog knows I will vote for Obama and this is just one of the reasons... However he gets a failing grade for not helping the Syrian people gain freedom from a murdering rat bastard who genocide's his own people. When is someone going to put a bullet in Assad's head?  ...It bothers me we do business with Russia and China. Then there are the Republicans in America who would rather block Obama then help the people of the USA..... Now local stuff. Sunny and 85 degrees in Alabama.Went swimming for a while,but looks like thunderstorms rolling in.Got gas for my riding mower. $3.50 a gallon. Big news, North and South Dakota are pumping oil..  So who has been saying this all along? If you said me you would be correct. That's it for today. No matter what color you are or what well-be happy-be blessed. Howard from Alabama

Tuesday, May 15, 2012



Friday, May 11, 2012

SYRIA-you can't change spots on a leopared

HUMAN RIGHTS TODAY. In Syria they watched video of Assad's troops breaking in and killing a woman's 2 sons. There where hundreds of  people beaten to the point of death and torture by the Assad troops in Idlib when the peace talks where going on. Assad needs to be taken out. The western or European countries turn a blind eye so they are on their own. The Arab Spring sits on there butts while people of their own blood die by the orders of this low life and his troops. Surely this is what war crimes are.Someone should pull his "heart?" out let him see it as he dies. This would be only just. Then give all hi s oil money back to the people! The international mission is a farce because they do nothing. Obama needs to put his foot down and help these people NOW. If he does right around the world he will not need the 15million dollars raised in Hollywood money. Do you realize Syria is not an armed conflict as only Assad's troops have weapon's. I ask the coalition of countries who let this happen!! Do you think this is right? Well I do not. THE UN IS A VOICELESS COWARD THAT HAS NO EFFECT. DISBAND IT AS IT DOES NOTHING FOR THE WORLD.          Well, that's it for today. I do not even know if what  I say matters? Be well blessed and happy.Howard from Alabama

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


YESTURDAY.400 SO FAR THIS MONTH ON TWITTER. HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT FACEBOOK SO YES, THANK YOU PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. At the end of my blogs  I have comments,should you wish to say something. if you leave your email i will get back to you,or just enjoy or not your choice. Point of information: the news in the UK is about the same in the USA....NOW--The suicide bomber was foiled yet again and that is a good thing. A bomb in your under wear seems NUTS to me! How will you ever service your 72 virgins?  Then in Syria(again) an explosion hit a military truck with UN observers. I guess Ass-ad  really does not want you to find out the truth that we all know..  Canada, is the second largest country after Russia,but, with one fifth the population. Did you know that 90% of all the people that live in Canada live with in 200km from the US border?That means there is a very large expanse to the north. Want peace and quiet? Lots of wood to build a cabin home,hunt your food,look for gold,silver or oil. Bring your own women those bears and moose can be mean. LOL!  Lots going on in South America--look it up on line... IN Sudan they are not letting food and aid to the Blue Nile State. Ever hear of drop shipment from a plane? if they need a doctor ,find one who does jumps from that plane. You can always hook him out. AH here's one from South Africa. They sized 7 million dollars worth of rhino horn from 3 poachers,2 of who are vets!I truly dislike those that kill for profit or sport. Beside how many men are that limp and believe this will help?Your more likely to get a flesh eating virus by taking it. IN Libya, the Prime Minister denounced the gunmen who attacked the offices in Tripoli..I think Mr.P.M. they denounced your corruption and and those who want freedom. Mean time on the other side of Africa, at the east end there is a huge hunger crisis... As for Taiwan, not much news today. Now Malaysia riot police used tear gas and water cannons against 80 thousand protesters  because they are tired of government graft and false elections.. Well folks that is it for another day. BE WELL,BLESSED AND HAPPY. HOWARD FROM ALABAMA

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A lot of news in the USA today

People who are statisticians want to say things not looking good for Obama. What I say is life is a crap shoot and you never know what people are thinking or who they believe. But  i would say use your own brain to figure out the better man. For me it is Obama. Do your own research.Next item: Romney is trying to figure out immigration position. I say if you do not know by now you will never know! Some president he will make? SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW,the republicans once again voted against student loans screwing the American people, yet again.Republicans-you suck!!  IN MOSCOW- not only does Putin send cops armed  in riot gear against unarmed protesters again and again.This time it took a child on a bike to ride up between them. This kid is brave as the Russian people should be, but for a little kid he has brass ones.. Iran and it's leaders still are full of -you know what when it come to nukes. They are arrogant fools who want a coalition to bomb them back to the stone age. WHEN READING MY WORDS IT IS THE GOVERNMENTS AND THERE LEADERS  I GET ANGRY AT...NOT THE PEOPLE!!!  The Indian government is cutting back on oil from Iran--good for them it is the right thing to do.NOW more countries need to follow!...... Now about me:) Had a good day,87 degrees and sunny.Was in my pool almost all day. my Mediterranean blood darkens my tan to a bronze color. Our 2 dogs are great,at least my German Sheppard is.The little white Alaskan is a little nasty but still ok...SYRIA it seems to me, a veteran who is disabled that my country the USA is ignoring the deaths and fighting in that country.We should have sent the freedom fighters guns,large 50 calb.ones and hand held missiles,etc,etc,I just do not understand why we did not.?  HOW about this,former Ukrainian prime minster on a hunger strke. I would last about 15min or until the cheese cake was ready. SO  that's it for me today. Hope you all have blessed day or night depending when you reading this..later-- Howard from Alabama

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Let us start with France. Sarkozy lose mainly because of wide spread unemployment. Just like any country,people must be able to work which help the economy in so many ways. Holland was mayor of his town for 7 years but shaking hands and kissing baby's does not make a president. While holland leads by a small margin, he still is a socialist which is to close to Communism for me. However he just might win? .......Syria, Assad is still killing but it is very quiet. American newspapers do not tell the whole story because "if it does not bleed it does not lead". They are like that with Iraq,Afghanistan and any where are troops are.The U.S.A. government is like that. I still say Assad needs to go. How about this tidbit. The Arab Spring and Egypt,Tunisia and almost all the vacation spots are where tourist do not want to go at this point. Good,they do not need the money anyway. Yemen down 85% because no one wants to be killed or kidnapped....Iran is very concerned over Afghanistan and the USA deal struck. Good,you need to worry! There is a lot more news. However it is 87 degrees and we are doing a bbq while I am about to go in our pool while my stepson cooks. BE WELL BLESSED AND HAPPY.,HOWARD FROM ALABAMA.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I am heading for supermarket right now 5/5/12 1pm