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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


So Egypts ex dictator is  in a coma. Mubarak got off easy.Me,I would have left him on the streets in Cario and let the people have him. To me that would be justice. Next the Syrian rebels(freedom fighters) bombed the state t.v. station. However the killing of 3 employees does not sit well with me. As  for Islamist in it's pure form not a problem  and I am Messiaic. However,in forms such as terrorism-that  needs to be destroyed.  --- Pakistan the Taliban murdered 17 soldiers(beheaded) and yet that country protects them. Go figure that one out? The U.S.A. is thinking about selling (exporting) oil made from shale and some of it's natural gas. This is a good idea. Let us take that money and get China debt of out backs.    Well that is all the news I care to write about today.  In Alabama  we missed a hurricane by the hair Putins back :) lol. It has been a sunny day 94 degrees. I was in the pool a few times today and mine tan is getting darker(meditrainian blood). So to all my readers,be well,blessed and happy.Howard from Alabama

Thursday, June 21, 2012


President Obama grew a set but they still need to be larger.He finely opened his mouth and talked with Russian government's KGB> PUTIN and CHINA"S government. I do not know if they will listen but the Pan Arab League also told them the same thing. The league also asked that Iran be included. My question is why?? HOM'S...4 more people where murdered by Assad and his troops. This does not include the 100 plus yesterday. Genocide was Hitler's way and it seems that evil jumped in to Assad's body as well.... China lost face when a high ranking official was caught in a whopper of a lie. Seems he told everyone he bought a bank in Delaware,started a phony cell phone business, and much more fraud.. Check it out for yourself. ...Israel gets more missiles fired  from Gaza. When will people learn peace is the answer? ...ON the home front, in Alabama. Sunny 92 degrees today, hardly a cloud in the sky.Great day for a swim! Heading for Walmart to pick up medication. arthritis pain in my hands is getting worse and I live with back pain every day.The 1.75acres we own is shaping up.Maybe next year we will plant a garden for fresh food. Like corn-tomato's-blackberries-blueberries-Romain lettuce.and assorted spices. My other half likes that stuff, (meeeeee) I would rather hunt and gather in the huge supermarket's. While I can shoot  an assault riffle or hand gun(service taught)I would rather not....Right now our 2 dogs are outside.Her Alaskan all white and my German Sheppard.Jodie's is a 7 year old crazy Spitz that barks at anything so,mine starts too.Sparky,my Sheppard is going on 8 years old. To me she is just like my child if I had one.IF any of the 1,233people around the world  who read this--want to ask me question's.  There is a comment box under each blog all 79 so far this year. If you start with # 1 and take the time to read them you will have a fairly good idea on how this American Veteran thinks. SO to all colors and religions--be well,be blessed and be happy. Howard from Alabama

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Afghistan demands we leave but wants our money

The government of Afghanistan mostley Karzi says's leave and take our troops with us. I say sure no problem. While we are at it,take the tanks,arms,trucks,ammo and our money as well. If  President Obama had the balls he would cut off any money to both Iraq and Afghanistan. We the tax payer's are tired of supporting the world where China's debt is so high that they now own banks and real estate in the U S A . Time to learn Chinese. Before the invasion!! Then Obama tells Russia ,stop arming Syria. My question is or what are you going to do about it? Russia's port is in Syria. I have no idea what the heck the U.S.A is doing? I do know what we should do. Recall all our troops from the 110 or so places in the world. Stop giving our money to everyone. The only exception would be humanitarian other wise not a penny! If you want our money-sell us copper,iron ore and oil, about 7.1 billion dollars worth.That seems like a fair exchange to me,your stuff for our money. If no To bad for you. The same in Iraq.As for Russia and China,stop trade,stop selling corn and wheat or what ever they need from us. Maybe they will wake up!! Considering I am only one small voice in America there are many others who think the same. In a presidential race Romney still sucks compared to Obama. But like I have said before, many times, Obama needs to be more aggressive and needs much bigger balls. As for Africa, instead of feeding them and the world, try teaching them to farm,give them seeds and farm equipment so they can have food for life instead of for a day. One more thing--plug the corruption on the money we do give. ALL the people of the world need to stick together against the things our government's do which are not right. So that's it for today on world events. Here in Alabama,the temperature is going to 90 degrees and sunny all day. About to get in to swim trunks and go swimming in our pool.While it is an above ground and only 4 feet deep it works for me.Being a veteran who is disabled that is about the only exercise I get. We are watching our grandson for a few hours today. My stepson found a free multi play house with swing set. Craigslist does come in handy. He and i also look for scrap metal to bring to the junk yard. 11 cents a pound is not a lot,but,it helps buy food. OK FOLKS,BE BLESSED ,WELL AND HAPPY. HOWARD FROM ALABAMA

Sunday, June 17, 2012



Thursday, June 14, 2012


The town of Haffeh was all but empty as the two re-maining people watch the UN monitors check it out.    Buildings  bombed out and still burning. 26000 thousand people. Now Russian government's Putin is selling Assad helicopters so he can shoot even more people. SO i figure around 10,000 Syrians died so far. Do you not consider that genocide? I am really tired of all the worlds war and aggression against one another.The heads of governments are no better. Western alliance sit by and watch all this and do not help. Arab states do the same. Russia and China  are  stealing billions from there country when people are starving. They make that money off of  the purchase of oil  and other things for,which they trade arms and tanks and missiles and blue prints for making nukes and cyber virus's....All this makes me angry because there is nothing I can do about it except write.  Howard from Alabama

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Again Assad murders 12 more men 6 more children,18 in all at the town of Deraa then turns around and kills 33 more in Homs and surrounding towns. I am fairly sure if you add all the Syrian people who died in the last 15 months it would come to 5-7 thousand of which 3000 where women and children. This piece of crap Assad needs to be put down. OBAMA,get the hell off your ass and send drones with hellfire missiles at the army he has and himself as well.The United Nations has not teeth and can not do anything! Peace keeping force has no guns. YOU need to help the people of Syria and NOW. While your at it, get the countries of the world in on this and other hot spots. Can you say GENOCIDE?   OK, we will give you credit for Bin-Ladin and many other top Al-Qarda leaders. So don't stop now.Cut Pakistan of,no more money,no more supplies, no more help of any kind unless they really help the USA as well as the support nations. Lybia needs drone attention as well. As for Iran, squeeze harder! Russia and China are not our friends. There must be something you can do to wake them up? Like stop grain to Russia and China. Find out what they really need and cut them off! This goes for all nations who are with us. We have CIA field personnel,so do not tie there hands. They also need better training and more army rangers-marine black ops and navy seals. Mr. President being elected for a 2nd term is not as important as above.IF you do above your a shoe in. In any event you still have my vote as i think you are doing a great job. BE the lion not the sheep and for heavens sake speak up and out about all your future plans as well as what you have done already. It is not bragging when it is the truth!  OK,so much for today's rant. Here in Alabama gulf coast we have had heavy down pours for a few days.The temps have been in the 80's and 90's but humid, and poor me the pool is full but,no swimming until lightening stops. Will be gong food shopping later. About that,i do not waste anything.we eat leftovers or i make something else out of it(i am a chef)but MOST American just throw out so much food it is a sin.WHY? Because they are spoiled and take things for granted.Here in Alabama, the corporations and supermarkets give away food to the poor when it is about to go out of code.HOWEVER McDonald-Burger King -subway-Taco-bell--Pizza Hut-Domino's toss end of the left overs.That sucks because all that food can feed a lot of people. That is it for today. everyone,all religion's and colors, be well,blessed and happy--Howard from  Alabama

Saturday, June 9, 2012

There is plenty of news--but!!!!

Sure there is a lot to write about. I think today Saturday June ,9th,2012 i will just write about my day. Alabama is a great state to live in. At least down on the gulf coast area.there is lots to do with or with out your children.the beaches are white and clean.The food is the best the USA has to offer(all types).usually the sun is shining but not today.It is a humid 80 degrees and rain is falling medium to hard.I chose to stay home with my female house mate and our dogs who are afraid of thunder and lightening.When we are home they are the sweetest dogs. Should we be out and some one tries to come in,well you get the picture.I have a hand held cross bow and a bowie style knife. Thinking of adding 2 desert eagles and an ak-47 to that. After all the training in the service,i was ok, but now at 66 until July 3rd my reflexes are just not what they where. Even though swimming help my strenght these old bones hurt. Any way, i bought a power ball ticket...$3.00 and a dream :) who knows? . Every time i write a blog i put it on facebook and twitter. later blessed-Howard from Alabama

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Once again Mr. KGB(PUTIN) and Mr.Tienanmen Square (XI-JINPING  (PONG)) WHERE there actions say screw you world. We know Russia and China supply Syria's Assad with weapons to kill that governments people who want freedom. They do it for the money that goes in there pockets from kick backs from buying oil and selling arms.They did not vote in the useless U.N. for just that reason and more. AS for Iran!! The I A E A is also a de-clawed toothless tiger when it comes to dealing with nukes in Iran. Here again China and Russia exchange information and how to build nuclear weapons for oil,with cash kick back in there pockets. For me, the Russian and Chinese governments are as bad or worse as Assad and Armerdinajad. What does my country of America's do? Neut-Nada-nothing. Pakistan,another country who wants billions from the USA still not working to help get rid of Al-Quada that they allow to stay in their country. Here is a thought again. bring troops home from all over the world and the hell with them. IF they want our help let them ask for it.At that point our government should not give anyone the tax payer's money. Should the Saudis-South Korea for that matter anyone wanting troops should pay what it costs. Salary's-arms-food cost to feed troops-air strips built-housing-medical costs.Just every little thing so we Americans can pay down the debt to China. AND another thing!! who the heck told China they can buy banks and real estate. what's next?? Sell of the States?? That's it for today on above rant.. So today in Alabama,sunny with thunder Storm's an the way.90 degrees slight breeze.Need to go to the dollar store and pick up some stuff. Then buy a power ball ticket. Who knows? Well i am outta here for today. BE WELL-BLESSED AND HAPPY :)    HOWARD FROM ALABAMA.