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Thursday, June 21, 2012


President Obama grew a set but they still need to be larger.He finely opened his mouth and talked with Russian government's KGB> PUTIN and CHINA"S government. I do not know if they will listen but the Pan Arab League also told them the same thing. The league also asked that Iran be included. My question is why?? HOM'S...4 more people where murdered by Assad and his troops. This does not include the 100 plus yesterday. Genocide was Hitler's way and it seems that evil jumped in to Assad's body as well.... China lost face when a high ranking official was caught in a whopper of a lie. Seems he told everyone he bought a bank in Delaware,started a phony cell phone business, and much more fraud.. Check it out for yourself. ...Israel gets more missiles fired  from Gaza. When will people learn peace is the answer? ...ON the home front, in Alabama. Sunny 92 degrees today, hardly a cloud in the sky.Great day for a swim! Heading for Walmart to pick up medication. arthritis pain in my hands is getting worse and I live with back pain every day.The 1.75acres we own is shaping up.Maybe next year we will plant a garden for fresh food. Like corn-tomato's-blackberries-blueberries-Romain lettuce.and assorted spices. My other half likes that stuff, (meeeeee) I would rather hunt and gather in the huge supermarket's. While I can shoot  an assault riffle or hand gun(service taught)I would rather not....Right now our 2 dogs are outside.Her Alaskan all white and my German Sheppard.Jodie's is a 7 year old crazy Spitz that barks at anything so,mine starts too.Sparky,my Sheppard is going on 8 years old. To me she is just like my child if I had one.IF any of the 1,233people around the world  who read this--want to ask me question's.  There is a comment box under each blog all 79 so far this year. If you start with # 1 and take the time to read them you will have a fairly good idea on how this American Veteran thinks. SO to all colors and religions--be well,be blessed and be happy. Howard from Alabama

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