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Sunday, September 30, 2012

FYI from Jodies Stuff!: Murder in Afghanistan- again!!

FYI from Jodies Stuff!: Murder in Afghanistan- again!!: Since we are getting killed by the very Afghanistan soldiers and police we train,it makes sense not to train them and get out of that county...

Murder in Afghanistan- again!!

Since we are getting killed by the very Afghanistan soldiers and police we train,it makes sense not to train them and get out of that county. While we are at it, take our weapons,copters, troops and cash. Let them kill each other instead. We helped that country and others as well.  now,get the heck out! All that money which we spend on wars can go to pay down the 16 or so trillion we owe. Makes perfect sense to me.This is not the blog i wanted to do.However,someone needs to speak out and it might as well be me. As for Syria. Here is an old world country with a lot of history but as President Assad keeps bombing Aleppo as well as murdering the people, he brings historical sites to ashes. Someone please shoot this evil demon in the head. In Iraq 32 plus people killed in car bombing. AND still we keep our troops there.The people of the USA are sick of war as well as all the billions spent for what? Here is my plan. Get all,each and every one of our troops out of every country in the world. close all the bases and bring all the weapons,tanks,planes ammo and what ever else we have back to America.. If a country wants the protection of the USA then they have to pay the troops salary. Provide the housing and food as well.Pay to the us treasury a premium which will help with the debt we have. Also pay for the hospitals and the care of our wounded troops and insurance to the families of those killed while helping you. NOW Israel. In Iran you have   Khomeini and Ahmadinejad, both old world out of touch leaders. There are about 70 million people in Iran most under 35 years old who want peace not conflict. The two above want Israel to bring them back to the stone age. The nuclear program has enough fuel enriched to where it can be used for power plants. But they continue to enrich toward nuclear use in bombs. To me and the rest of the world it says go ahead and bomb us we are asking you to do so. In less then 6 months from today i believe Israel will bomb the crap out of Iran. Lets hope when they do they hit the infrastructure and the oil fields as well as Iran's reserve oil. While that is being done maybe the people of Iran will rise up and free themselves? There is always more to write but it is mostly bad news and after a while  get a headache from that. To all colors and religions be well,happy help your down trodden. Howard from Alabama

Friday, September 28, 2012

To the 1840 followers of my blog

Yesterday I wrote a long blog. To my surprise the computer shut down on me. Yes of course   I tried to press save ,but, nothing. Talk about frustrating. I have lots to do today and I will get back to writing it over later or tomorrow. In the mean time how about everyone try to figure out how to help with peace in the world. Howard from Alabama.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Iran ! very little to say

Please know this is about the government of Iran and not the people who want freedom. So here is what i have to say: the government's  Khomeini and Ahmadinejad's  comments about war with Israel and America is so far down that it is pimple on the ass of the world. In less then 24 hours either country can bomb you back to the stone age. I think Iran has a death wish. It is a good thing i am not President as i would grant your wish in a heartbeat. You have insane people running your country. Why doesn't the population raise up against the government. No freedom of speech,burkas everywhere,no driving for you women,no music and dance and a lot more. Not allowed to use your minds for good instead of evil.Most of the people are 35 and under,how do you let these idiots rule? Now nuclear bombs very close. My guess is 6 months. Are the worlds country's ready to deal with a nuclear Iran? To the people of Iran,this is your country. If you do not like what is going on then change it! Be it know that this is not against Islam or Muslims, it is against down right stupid. To all colors and religions,be blessed and watch your 6. Howard from Alabama

Sunday, September 23, 2012


I know there is a lot on your plate and everything is hitting you at one time. But, China is buying up everything.In Canada China buying an oil plus natural gas company. In south America it is buying a gold mine. In America they are buying historical sites and buildings as well as over paying for homes across our great country.Do you not think with most of the 16 trillion debt China is foreclosing on America? I have no idea how to handle this problem but you need to think of something.Are you sure Mitt the Twit Romney is not behind this? After all he sold us out before with his out sourcing and investing in other banks and country's. Even as i write this Europe is begging China for money to save them. HOW ABOUT ADDRESSING THIS AT THE U.N. SPEECH? Instead of waiting for the Republicans to vote no again, just use the power you have and pass all the bills which will help  middle class and lend a hand to the poor.USE the dam executive power you have and dam the Republicans who hold you back. What the hell good is being President if you do not use the power given to you by the voters of America. Come next election i will vote democratic all the way down the ticket and so should all Americans if you want to be heard!! In conclusion i say this: Get off your ass and do something now. Show us you have a set of brass balls or loose your creditability. To all religions and colors, be well-be blessed-voice your views in peace. Howard from Alabama

Thursday, September 20, 2012

ONLY THE TRUTH WRITTEN HERE!(everything researched)

Thank God I am an American living in this great country. I do not worry about what I say or who I call what. So what is going on with the Presidential election? The following is just one among many reasons Not to vote for Romney.At a fund raiser he says"he does not worry about the 47% of  non income tax paying Americans. This guy doesn't seem to care about anything or anyone except his bottom line.He pays less in taxes then almost all Americans,has his money in Swiss banks and other overseas banks not including the 200 million or so he has.How did he earn so much? By outsourcing to China,Russia,India,Pakistan,South America. I guess investing in America is just not for him and his rich whiter then White republicans that screw up both the Senate and Congress just to keep Obama from helping we Americans.He has no plans for helping the middle class and low income people.As I see it,Romney is in the top 5% most wealthy and does not wish to pay his fair share to the less people that need a break. Obama started with nothing and worked his way up.Yes,he is NOW rich but he remembers when he was poor.You can not understand that empathy unless you lived it. Me, I will vote for Obama.  There is plenty more if you search the Internet. --   NOW in the world. The anti-Muslim film is an excuse to become a savage with guns,blood,murder,attacks on a country that is trying to help people become free.Why do you Sunny and Shiites kill each other? Do you not have the same blood running through your veins?  Think! Is it possible that   Al-Quida and other factions got together and paid someone to make this outrageous movie which we all know as not true.  Radical Muslim factions want everyone to believe this as an excuse to cover their tracts. Why must so few make all Muslims out to be like them. As for Iran,you are surely asking to be bombed. You give money and arms to those whole who throw the world in to kayos and you continue to build a nuclear bomb. So when Israel and others come against you, you can say you read it here on my blog.  Believe me when i say there is more bad news to report from every country. I get upset because 90% of the earths people want to live in peace. Even in China,Russia,Libya etc- etc.   How can you take a 10 year old boy-strap a vest on him to kill and maim others. at that age he has trouble finding his own weenier let alone  one virgin. There is more but i an tired of all the crap... Be well-blessed and pray for a peaceful world. Howard from Alabama. 

Friday, September 14, 2012


Yes I sit here reporting how I feel about things in the world.All those things are about people and governments. Now some A--HOLE makes a movie that he knew would start riots in the Muslim world. How stupid are those who did not figure this out? Is America to blame for everything on our planet which goes wrong? I think not!! President Obama has been doing his best to heal the country's around the world and you radical Muslims just drink blood and kill anyone who thinks different then you. You send children with bombs strapped to them.You send women to do your crazy bidding. What you need is a country of your own with a hundred foot fence around it. Kill each other you bunch of savages who exploit your Koran and pervert its passages to fit in to your thinking! Do you people even know how to love? OR is your gun an extension of your manhood? You radical sects are like a rotten apple that spreads to all the good ones and infects this world with hate and anger towards one another instead of peace you choose to fight an enemy who is not even there. So what do you do? You make one up and believe your own lies. All these attacks are coordinated. you have help from a terrorist state of Iran. Not the people of Iran but the jerks that run the country,who,insight death and destruction..............NOW TO PRESIDENT OBAMA, you are right to wait and see before you fire one shot. Romney speaks as a fool before thinking. Where he president and had he spoke in this manner we would be at war with many country's on many fronts. He has ZERO experience in foreign affairs. As for helping this country he has a "what's in it for me" attitude. He puts his money in banks around the world which shows "his" economic plan. Now back to you Mr.President,take our taxes and the money we give other countrys, pay down the debt. The hell with country's who try kill us,hate us, burn our embassy's.Take our troops and bring them back to the USA. Put them on border patrol to stop drugs from killing our kids. Take 50 smart people from around the United States and put them in a round table discussion on what's wrong with us and what do they think-  to fix it. You have executive power so screw the Republican party blocking all the good you want to do for the middle class. Use that power,do not be a wimp.Take a T.S. attitude.I know you have a tough job but,you asked for it. As you are the advocate of the 310million of us minus the 2% off the top. Do your dam job and to hell with those greedy 2% and huge corporations who have foreign interests.... Develop the rich over flowing natural gas we have as well as an abundance of coal and oil. All this can be done and still preserve the ecosystem. Show the tree hugger's your plan, and, if it is a good one then tell them to bugger off. Sure I rant and rage but I have a lot to say.It is my belief I am correct in most things on my blogs,however,if wrong I will compromise. ON a different in south Alabama 89 degrees and sunny. I don't sleep to well between all the bad news in the world and fooling myself that 1 person can do good for so many. Trying to hit Florida power ball so i can use most of the money for that good i want so much to do. To all the people in the world,be well,be blessed,help someone who is in need no matter what color or religion. Howard from Alabama

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Here we go again.Libya's American embassy is burning and has blood on the walls.Our ambassador and 2 others murdered by radical Muslims of Al Quida. To me things are very clear. Leave all Muslim country's and take with us all our money and troops. This way they can kill each other so less for us to do.. I have a plan Mr.President, round up all the Muslims who you can prove are terrorist or sending money to them.Next, take all the prisoners in GITMO,lob them in with above. Then take all the radical heads of the mosks add to above.Put 6-10 class rear drop plains on the run way.dress them all up with USA American flag tee shirts,men and women a like. Put them in parachutes,hook them up to the strap for automatic open. Fly them to Iran and push them out. While your at it print up pamphlets warning Iran's government about what is not acceptable,that these pamphlets could have been bombs, and next time they will be. Explain to the people of Iran that this is meant for the war mongers,not them.  be blessed  Howard from Alabama

Monday, September 10, 2012


Syria's assad tells Russia's putin he would step down if so voted out of office.Well folks,he fixed the last election,then when the people demenstrated he murdered them in cold blood.I do not trust the Russian government under Putin or the Syrian government with dictator Assad. They both are proven liar's and heartless killer's of there own people. BY the way,why do we not hear more from the Arab Spring these days? As for Iran and the Ayatollah come and get me and my little puppet Ahmadinejad big mouth but only when i let him off the leash.Pursia was once a great empire. How the mighty have fallen since the days of Saladine. I think my President Obama is going to be re-elected for a second term.I say this as Presidents seem to grow a set of brass balls in the way of being more tuff and also tend to roar louder.However this guy Obama means it when he say's he will side with Israel. A big problem is getting other countrys to man up. I hope you all know that the most dangerous country is Iran. Not because of the people but the crazy ass government.IF Israel is looking for a red line,the enriching to 90% would be it. Why? Because at 90% it would take about 8 weeks for the grade to become nuclear bomb ready. Cutting it very close. Canada pulled out of Terran's embassy and through out the Embassy diplomats in Canada.They know it is not excitable for Iran to have nukes. Here is the "thing" Israeli people do not want to strike Iran with out the USA and others helping.You need to remember Israel has been through this before and will not allow it to happen with out sending 4 or 5 nuclear bombs in to Iran. Again,the problem is Iran's people are between a crazy Ayatollah and a Ahmadinejad who has a hand up his back moving his mouth.As an American veteran i can tell you war sucks bug time. At 67 no more war for me unless you bring it to my door,then watch out.90% of the people in the USA are armed,at least i am. Do not start something if you can not finish it!! So on the light side of life.Here we are in Alabama,88 degrees,sun shining fairly happy except for the state of the world.A president to be elected in 2 months or so,economy bouncing back slow but moving forward,jobs getting better,housing market moving up and there is President Obama who really gets the people of the United States of America.Then you have Mitt the twit Romney. 200 million dollars in banks,but not so much in the USA banks.Fed with a gold spoon,does not know what it is to go with out food or have to spend money on high food price and gas prices because he has the mooola.He can afford any doctor in the world should he get sick. We have Obama care which is not great but is better then nothing and much need by we middle class and poor-which i am not to far from.Does Mitt pay his fair share of taxes? May what is just legal on the money he keeps in America and the money overseas to avoid his fair share? Oh well, this is not a person i want for my President.   To all you in the world,no matter what color or religion,be well,be blessed and help someone just because you can. Howard from Alabama

Friday, September 7, 2012


Canada is closing the embassy in Iran, because Iran is making nuclear materials for a bomb as well as providing arms to Assad. I am sure there is more ,such as Hezzball and Palestinians being help as well. Canada is an ally of Israel. Canada also said, Iran leadership is the biggest threat to global peace as it engages in anti-semitic and genocide speaking of killing everyone in Israel. In addition,after the UK bombings linked to Iran the British government thru out Iranian diplomats and pulled back there's. Remember in 2003 a  freelance photographer was murdered by Iran in cold blood.  AS FOR RUSSIA. They sold plans on the "how to" build a nuclear weapon to Iran. Putin had Russian scientists train hundreds if Iranians one's on converting nuclear waste in to fissionable material. The Russian government knows what Iran's plans are,yet,they block sanctions.How foolish is that? Israel will bomb Iran sometime in the near future. My best guess is in 2013. It is also my belief that Russia and China will be responsible for Iran and the nuclear bombs it it is building. Russia and China need to understand those missile's can hit there country's as well as Israel. That is it for now. I am tired of all this war and fighting in the world. be well,blessed and do something right. Howard from Alabama

Tuesday, September 4, 2012