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Thursday, September 20, 2012

ONLY THE TRUTH WRITTEN HERE!(everything researched)

Thank God I am an American living in this great country. I do not worry about what I say or who I call what. So what is going on with the Presidential election? The following is just one among many reasons Not to vote for Romney.At a fund raiser he says"he does not worry about the 47% of  non income tax paying Americans. This guy doesn't seem to care about anything or anyone except his bottom line.He pays less in taxes then almost all Americans,has his money in Swiss banks and other overseas banks not including the 200 million or so he has.How did he earn so much? By outsourcing to China,Russia,India,Pakistan,South America. I guess investing in America is just not for him and his rich whiter then White republicans that screw up both the Senate and Congress just to keep Obama from helping we Americans.He has no plans for helping the middle class and low income people.As I see it,Romney is in the top 5% most wealthy and does not wish to pay his fair share to the less people that need a break. Obama started with nothing and worked his way up.Yes,he is NOW rich but he remembers when he was poor.You can not understand that empathy unless you lived it. Me, I will vote for Obama.  There is plenty more if you search the Internet. --   NOW in the world. The anti-Muslim film is an excuse to become a savage with guns,blood,murder,attacks on a country that is trying to help people become free.Why do you Sunny and Shiites kill each other? Do you not have the same blood running through your veins?  Think! Is it possible that   Al-Quida and other factions got together and paid someone to make this outrageous movie which we all know as not true.  Radical Muslim factions want everyone to believe this as an excuse to cover their tracts. Why must so few make all Muslims out to be like them. As for Iran,you are surely asking to be bombed. You give money and arms to those whole who throw the world in to kayos and you continue to build a nuclear bomb. So when Israel and others come against you, you can say you read it here on my blog.  Believe me when i say there is more bad news to report from every country. I get upset because 90% of the earths people want to live in peace. Even in China,Russia,Libya etc- etc.   How can you take a 10 year old boy-strap a vest on him to kill and maim others. at that age he has trouble finding his own weenier let alone  one virgin. There is more but i an tired of all the crap... Be well-blessed and pray for a peaceful world. Howard from Alabama. 

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