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Friday, September 14, 2012


Yes I sit here reporting how I feel about things in the world.All those things are about people and governments. Now some A--HOLE makes a movie that he knew would start riots in the Muslim world. How stupid are those who did not figure this out? Is America to blame for everything on our planet which goes wrong? I think not!! President Obama has been doing his best to heal the country's around the world and you radical Muslims just drink blood and kill anyone who thinks different then you. You send children with bombs strapped to them.You send women to do your crazy bidding. What you need is a country of your own with a hundred foot fence around it. Kill each other you bunch of savages who exploit your Koran and pervert its passages to fit in to your thinking! Do you people even know how to love? OR is your gun an extension of your manhood? You radical sects are like a rotten apple that spreads to all the good ones and infects this world with hate and anger towards one another instead of peace you choose to fight an enemy who is not even there. So what do you do? You make one up and believe your own lies. All these attacks are coordinated. you have help from a terrorist state of Iran. Not the people of Iran but the jerks that run the country,who,insight death and destruction..............NOW TO PRESIDENT OBAMA, you are right to wait and see before you fire one shot. Romney speaks as a fool before thinking. Where he president and had he spoke in this manner we would be at war with many country's on many fronts. He has ZERO experience in foreign affairs. As for helping this country he has a "what's in it for me" attitude. He puts his money in banks around the world which shows "his" economic plan. Now back to you Mr.President,take our taxes and the money we give other countrys, pay down the debt. The hell with country's who try kill us,hate us, burn our embassy's.Take our troops and bring them back to the USA. Put them on border patrol to stop drugs from killing our kids. Take 50 smart people from around the United States and put them in a round table discussion on what's wrong with us and what do they think-  to fix it. You have executive power so screw the Republican party blocking all the good you want to do for the middle class. Use that power,do not be a wimp.Take a T.S. attitude.I know you have a tough job but,you asked for it. As you are the advocate of the 310million of us minus the 2% off the top. Do your dam job and to hell with those greedy 2% and huge corporations who have foreign interests.... Develop the rich over flowing natural gas we have as well as an abundance of coal and oil. All this can be done and still preserve the ecosystem. Show the tree hugger's your plan, and, if it is a good one then tell them to bugger off. Sure I rant and rage but I have a lot to say.It is my belief I am correct in most things on my blogs,however,if wrong I will compromise. ON a different in south Alabama 89 degrees and sunny. I don't sleep to well between all the bad news in the world and fooling myself that 1 person can do good for so many. Trying to hit Florida power ball so i can use most of the money for that good i want so much to do. To all the people in the world,be well,be blessed,help someone who is in need no matter what color or religion. Howard from Alabama

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