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Sunday, July 29, 2012


I am not sure what direction today's blog will be going. There is a lot to say of many things going on. Lets start with Saudi  Arabia Turkey,Qatar. In turkey there is a meeting place where the freedom fighters of Syria can get some help with arms and advice.I think the United States should be in on helping with large fire power for the rebels.But that's just me. Assad is importing a massive amount of weapons to murder his own people.The very least the USA should do is give the free Syrian army matching weapons. Of course you know who gives Assad those arms, yup Russia's Putin and the high ranking people of China. Now here is one for the books.Ayatollah Khomeini want husbands and wives to have more sex!! Yes in Deedee folks, the Ayatollah wants the population to grow. He can not afford to feed the people of Iran,the sanctions are getting to him,the young people are not getting married and putting finding a job first. Which Iran has very few jobs these days and the average salary at $200-250 a MONTH you would be nuts to listen to the already crazy government of Iran. the thinking goes something like this: all the little Ayatollahs and the bigger crazy one feel if the population rises the we will think the sanctions are not working(they are) The population now is half of the people in Iran are under 35 years old. Who are the green movement that protested Ahmadinejad's election. It is just a matter of time before Iran is the Syria of tomorrow.(freedom to the people).  So go ahead and have babies who grow up to be in the army and get killed. Not a good thing!!  What else you say.  Humm! who was Abraham? did he have 2 sons? Why yes i believe so.  A jew the father of Islam and of the Jewish people. Same blood lines- same genes. So it makes perfect sence to kill each other. I think NOT. Wake the heck up get to the tables and work things out. So that my blog and I'm sticking to it. To all religons and colors,be well,be blessed and be happy. Howard from Alabama

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