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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I usually ignor those running for president

OK let's get to it.Mitt Romney(big mouth) says " President Obama  has diminished US power. Not so Mitt the twit. You from the state of Utah do not receive Mormon of the month. WHY?? When working for Bane Capital you were the one that out sourced thousands of jobs to china,Russia,South America and more countries. You were the one to make manufacturer's leave the USA with deals for cheap labor. You were the one who in Utah lost over 5,000 jobs to oversees. Obama has spoken to state governors in Colorado-Arizona-and yes,UTAH which now has of 100 of those company's hiring again. Get off you 200,000,000 million dollar bank account and get down here in the dirt with most of us Americans. How the heck can YOU relate to the 90% of us trying to buy food and pay our bills? how can you say Obama care is no good when you can go anywhere on earth to find the best doctors and your money can save your life or your loved one but, we the people, can not have some piece of mind which Obama care helps. Wounder what else you and your rich buddies in the Republican party want to take away. On top of that, if you make more then 2million a year you should pay more tax then your assistant. YOU have no record to stand on but at least Obama got 85 items done and passed. He does what he says he is going to do,however,it will take 8 years instead of 4. Obama is on a roll doing his very best. As for you,well not so much!. be well,be blessed and be happy. Howard from Alabama

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