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Sunday, July 22, 2012


With Russia and China's 3rd veto to stop Assad 100 countries including the USA will now "covertly" help the Syrian people.About dam time!! Sure we have to do it with out the UN but who Care's. The UN has and will be, a do nothing organization that can not agree on most things.Russia and China of course vetoed sanctions. Who do you think supplied the gun ships that kill so many Syrian citizens. Not only that, they both pocket big money from Syria's sale of oil to them. The funds for arms,helio-gun ships-ammo are all big sales that give both Russia and China lots of cash. Plus the heads of government get a share in there bank accounts......President Obama will help by sending food and medical help. But he will urge the Arab States to supply arms to the freedom fighters.Perhaps one day we will see Assad dead and Syria democratic. Oh,by the way,sanctions include Iran and others who help Assad. Give Obama another 4 years in the white house and see what he can really do. No one can do much in just 4 years. However, Obama has done more in the 4 years then most presidents do in 8 years. Know this, the people of the United States are sick and tired of our children being killed all over the world. But if you stick a gun in our face we will take you down. So much for the ranting of a US Veteran......... Here in Alabama it is again raining.At least my truck gets washed.The dogs do not like the thunder and lightning. Who can blame them? For the past few days i have not been feeling well. My German Shepard must sense this as she lays her head in my lap about 5 minutes before my blood sugar goes up or down and i start to get dizzy.Not only that, in the past i have had extremely bad back problems(2 operations later) that give me terrible pain. A few minutes before it starts she keeps going back and fourth to the bedroom.That is her way of saying get off your feet and take a pain pill. Sparky is truly a smart dog and senses everything.She is 7 going on 8 this Christmas.The thing is i know i will never find another one like her. Yes,i love my dog and even the Alaskan Spitz we have who is a spiteful little creep. For his size(18 pounds) he thinks he is a great Dane. But do not mess with him. he even bit me. Well, that's it for today. Be well,blessed and happy(all colors and religions) Howard from Alabama

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