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Saturday, February 16, 2013


In Cuba the monument which honors 266 American sailors that where on the USS Maine when it sank in 1898. The Cuban government is fixing and cleaning it as well as restoring it sends a message to President Obama and America. I have said this a few times now that we should extend a hand to Cuba. After all 26 miles from Florida is not that far and the Cuban missile miss hap is a long time over.(I was there in the navy) While we are at it try to send Hugo Chavez a message of friendship talks as well considering we can drive thru Mexico to south America.---  In Tehran Iran,the supreme leader said his country is not seeking  nuclear weapons.(I do not believe him)but if they wanted to the U.S.A could  not stop Iran. Poor Ayatollah says he and Iran are being bullied.(boo-hoo) So i am guessing the sanctions are working but i feel for the people not the government. There seems to be some inbred fighting between Khomeini and President Ahmadinejad as well as there Parliament. Some more news, Hezbollah warns Israel not to attack Lebanon. mean time they killed 5 Israeli tourist in Bulgarian report. Syria pro-government gunmen kidnapped 300 people in the north western area of Syria. So far 70,000 know people killed by Assad and maybe closer to 90,000 some reports say. There are uprisings across the Arab world. If the earth is trying to down size humans it surely is working.Even Russia is having problems with Islamist in the north. Egypt with the people uprising brothers killing brothers. North Korea's  fat little leader with a bad hair cut eats steak and lobster while his people eat the dead relatives and feet and hands as well as other body parts are sold in markets. Yet this crazy boy not yet a man spends on nuclear bombs and missiles. We live in crazy times my friends and nobody does anything about it. Not even our President Obama who I thought would lead from the front. If your not going to help then bring all our troops home from everywhere. Close the 600 or so bases around the world and secure this country and it's borders. that's my advice for today. Here is some history- all humans come from the very first human women.we all have the same DNA of stardust in our body and blood. We are killing our on family every time there is a murder on earth. No matter what god you pray to,what color you are Be well,blessed and please help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.

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