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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Things to say from all over the world today!

Once again Afghan police kill American troops.2 today and the day is not over as well as the 36 so far this year.This is Karzi at work with his Taliban and tribe leaders. AND YET, Obama and Congress gives them 16 billion dollars and keeps troops there until 2014. How about moving that date to 2012 remove all troops,arms,tanks,trucks,advisers and get our 16 billion back to pay down the 14 trillion debt!!! I hope President Obama has bigger balls in his second term. NOW Syria who denied Ass-ads P.M and many others including an intelligence officer never left and did not defect. Never left because you killed them in cold blood with RUSSIAN and CHINESE weapons. NEXT: how about South Africa!! 34 minors shot dead-78 wounded-259 jailed. Can you say Apartheid? What did the minor do,throw platinum at the police? Police say "self defence" sure guns against dirt! As for the company,they offered to pay to bury the dead and educate the children.That is how big money does it,they pay you off and business as usual. EGYPT--The President Mohammad Morsi going to Iran. Bend over President Amadinejad get ready for your ass kiss.Hey maybe the coward country's want to line up Ayatollah Ali Khomeini and hims 7 little Ayatollahs for a  b.j.???? Saudi Arabia wants U.S. air strip and boots on the ground to protect them. How about paying the United States of America.... so American tax payers can put that money to pay down the debt too. OR at least pay us back in oil. IN AMERICA..Obama asked congress to help put teachers to work.Of course they won't because it is good for the average American child. That's the republicans for you-Romney and Ryan are republicans. Obama said"oil release" on the table. He will have to do it by executive order as republicans do not like that either...MITT the twit and RYAN I'm dying if I'm lying  about Iran will think twice about attacking Israel. How about saying exactly what you would do to help Israel!!   SO MY FRIENDS-OR NOT :)   to all colors and religions,be well,happy and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.

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