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Thursday, August 30, 2012


Putins life style cost the people of Russia between 1 & 2 billion dollar$ a year. Jets-cars-booze-hookers even though he is still married and has a 24 year old gymnast as a girl friend.So old fart take off your shirt so we can see the Russian mob tattoos and not so tight lumpy skin left over from K.G.B. days.Still paying people off to stay in power? This greedy old man makes a few billion selling arm to Syria and Iran and pocket oil profits from the Russian people.If the kids from the pussy riot where not in jail--I would picture Putin naked on a horse except for a cowboy hat, rope in hand ,trying to round up hairy tacos. OR how about Putin,the ayatollahs-Assad oil wrestling in a reserve flat tank like the bitches they are.How can the Russian government give heavy arms(China to) to Assad. He already murdered over 20.000 of his own people.Iran's nuclear site doubled in the last year. Why the heck does Israel not bomb the crap out of them and mossed take out the leaders of Iran and Syria as well? .....IN AMERICA all is not well either! Some of the disgruntled seal team members said"Obama did not kill Bin ladin." You jerks,think about it. You swear an oath to the USA,as I did.This means you work for Obama. Where it not for him sending you guys there and giving the order to capture or kill Osama he would be planning more stuff like 911. SO, by proxy (you) he did kill him and gave you seals the credit! Time you shut up.Obama in the 3 1/2 years passed 85 or so things he said he would. Around 6-7 of them help us veterans and we who are over 65 as well. I hope in his second term he grows bigger balls and a hard line attitude against Syria,Russia,China and Iran--plus others who try to harm us. as for the debt to China--I would file bankruptcy.See how they like that. well enough of me and my big mouth. To all colors and religions,be well,blessed and help the world. Howard from Alabama.

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