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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Afganastan's leader karzai wants  2 billion dollars from the USA per year. For what I ask ? He just last week said he wants NATO and the troops gone. Why wait until 2014-lets leave now and take everything we have there. About the 2 billion,kiss my butt.  Next we have Irans Ahmadinejad and the Ataollah's ranting and raging about the enemies will regret aggression against the Islamic Republic and blah,blah,blah.then a new player General A.Salehi says ships in the Gulf are sweet targets.  HEY go ahead with your "2000" pound bomb.We may lose a ship but Iran will be bombed in to the stone age. these idiots should eat an ex-lax cake because they are full of crapp anyway. By the way, Obama never ruled out Isreal bombing Iran! Again, while your flying that way drop a few on Assad.  By the way,Syria is still getting arms from Russia and China. It's all about the oil and the cash!  SO what about the USA? We still have poor people that need help.Many children die of starvation in a country with more the enough food..HERE is a thought.Many restaurants and fast food places throw out the food left over from the days cooking. How about we bag it up and diliver to families who are broke.This can be done on a local level. Ask any goodwill store or salvation army people where best to deliver it. Cathloic social service is some body to ask as well. NOW---IF I HAD MY WAY: ALL THE TROOPS WOULD BE COMING HOME. Whether Korea-Iraq  or any spot in the world.I have said this over and over.If you want us in your country then pay the troops,feed them,arm them so we the tax payers get a break for all the countries spending our money. Use to pay off China. I hate owing any one anything. So for now,be well,blessed and happy. Howard from Alabama

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