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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

This is what I think!

President Obama is a day late and a dollar short. He should have brought this Syrian problem before congress and the senate 16 months ago.Now it is way to late. He has moved the red line so far back that he now is in front of it. I would have sent the weapons when the free rebels where just that. no ham as,no jihads-no Hezbollah no Al-Quida. 16 months ago it would have made a difference but not now. The time to bomb Assad is over. Obama lost his credibility and it doesn't make a difference now. By extention he has made the USA look weak. I should not have voted for him. had I only known he has no balls or guts to do what was right. Consider this: there are 2 million or more refugees of which 1 million are children. You think we have a problem with terrorist now? Wait 12 years from now when these kids  realize America did not help and because of that there friends and family are dead. The lack of indecision has no excuse. Shame on you President Obama.  NOW it is to late to bomb and it will do nothing! You can not bring back the dead. This is not all on you.Russia and Iran have a big part in causing the death toll. So does the UN for not voting to help. You might as well pull all the troops out of the region now, as they have become target practice for those who hate us.  Israel is doing more to help the wounded and feeding the refugees than we are.Country;s around the world all agree how bad this is and that Assad with his brother murdered over 100 thousand of his own people. So where the heck are they? They need to stand up and be counted as allies not quiet little mice. If you look at my blogs going way back you will find i said and predicted all of this as well as what to do!! To all colors and faiths,be well,be smart,be blessed.Howard from Alabama.

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