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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why are governments so darn stupid???

Let's start with America. Why the heck should we stay in Afghanistan when Karzia keeps antagonizing the U.S.???Somehow this putz thinks it is funny that the fighting season is over because of the winter months and bad weather. He already said Afghanistan would back Pakistan if the U.S. went to war with them. Sure we have big problems on trust and lies they tell us but war? This guy talks out of his butt. He also said and blamed the UN.and EU of fraud in the Afghanistan electoral process. Hey schmuck,you got elected!! Now this jerk is unhappy about the International Crisis Group for not being unbiased(about what). Then he makes reference to the think tank has been politically motivated. (again,about what) In the mean time we stupid Americans(the government) give this man 4 billion dollars of our tax money per year at last count.(put it toward the US debt) Screw him,and Afghanistan,get the hell out now and let them swim up stream with out a life jacket. Maybe then he will be more respectful to this country.We should get our troops,tanks and money out of there now not 2014.He is the one making back room deals with tribal leaders,war lords by paying off fraudulent counts in elections.(using our tax money) We Americans are tired of war and troops blood shed for an ungrateful Afghan nation and a loud mouth Karzia. To bad Obama is going to wait until 2014. This crappy President Karzia says he is tired of America and  2014 can not come fast enough.All we did to help him and the afghan people. To bad he is not double jointed, he can kiss his own butt good bye. Then there is the Governments of Iran,Syria and perhaps even China. If you think sanctions and diplomacy are going to work to constrain Iran's nuclear program then you are dreaming. My opinion  is strike Iran where it hurts most. Take out the infrastructure-air fields oil fields and reserve tanks of oil-planes and TV stations-Bridges and roads,the the heads of the snakes. Give Iran back to the people who want freedom.  SYRIA is another problem for Obama. I do not think he can keep refusing to help the rebels.He needs to allow arms to flow to them as they do have a just cause. That is the only way to oust Assad. Even if it means Russia and China don"t agree. Obama also needs  to take advantage of a growing China and India and all of Asia.Lets not forget South America. AND  open relations with Cuba. The middle east is a drag on on the United States step back and see who is with us and who is not. Cut the not's off. Well folks another blog from big mouth me. Be blessed and well no matter who you are,help those who can not help themselves. Howard from Alabama. yes to the first and 2nd amendments.

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