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Friday, March 23, 2012

Thank you all who read my blog!!

So far there are 15-20 country's who read my blog. I started off with foods of the world and how to make any dish from any where. Naturally because as you know or don't know I am a chef., one of many things I have mastered in my 66 years. I also am, full of opinions such as staff Sgt-Robert Bales who murdered 17 Afgans. He should be given over to an Afgan court and let their laws apply. If you want trust them, show trust! In this case, both sides saw what had happend. NOW SYRIA: Assad's wife spends more on shoes that can feed at least 3 family's. This is a women that is looking forward to serious out cry's from her country and around the world.Perhaps you have heard of Karma? What goes around comes around! The rebels will win in the end. The world needs to get of the toilet and help. If you do not,the people of that country will remember! President Obama,I know you are busy with many things however,this one is a no brainer. Get off your butt and help. It really is as simple as that. Over 8000 people dead. This is genocide no matter how you look at it. What are you concerned about? Russia and China? they are as guilty as Assad. The other pain in the butt is Iran.So,everyone now agrees Iran is not ready with a nuke-a nuke war head or a missle to put it on. That means at least for the next 2 years you can relaxe. But, keep the sanctions up!! I am pretty sure you will win the election.Take some of the millions in your election chest and buy food for the poor in this country. Hey, how about asking the 469 billioniers for one million each and give that money to the 300-320 million of us who are U.S.A citizens. the economy will pick up,jobs will pick up,mtgs will be paid off,credit cards will be paid off and you will have at least 80% of the country's votes. OK FOLKS, that's it for now. Be well-blessed and happy. Howard from Alabama.

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