Two brave soldiers resting. |
After repeat and repeat of rockets and mortar fire upon Israel they then attacked Hamas and Palestine militants. Let me start at one of the beginning's. On December 27th,2008 there was a 3 week armed conflict with Israel-Hamas and Palestine militants radical Muslims.That was winter 2008-2009. The Israeli goal was to stop the rocket fire and the smuggling of Iranian weapons in to the Gaza Strip. Hamas and the militants just kept firing,so,Israel attacked police station and military targets. What they found were large amounts of rockets and other weapons supplied by guess who? Yup Iran.They also uncovered military rocket strike teams trained by,you got it Iran and Al-Quada Here the problem gets murky as the cowards of Hamas and the Palestinians and factions of Al Quada hide behind civilians and in a large populations.This time Israel went in to Gaza,Khan, Yunis and Rafa. That was January 3rd,2009 when Israeli infantry coordinated with other Israeli forces battled.The targets it hit where damaged from Pryor raids. Then Hamas and the Palestinian groups fired on civilians in the southern areas like,Beersheba and Ashrod. Here's the thing Israeli leaders do not want to hurt civilians so they did not go deeper in to Gaza and other area's BUT Hamas and it's Ally's kill anyone.Israel did the right thing by calling a cease fire followed by Hamas doing the same.By the end of January 3-4 thousand people where killed on both sides. It just makes no sense to kill each other when a sit down can work. Anyway after above the rocket fire slowed down when it should have stopped on both sides.Here we are 2012 Hamas fired a few hundred rockets and mortars in to Israel...did they think they were not going to get some back? The excuse to start again was Israel killed Ahmed Jabari the head of Hamas military. All above being factual here is what i think should be done. Israel should send a message to the 1.6 million Palestinians that it time for a real cease fire that works both ways. Next:find a way to do a sit down and work a plan both sides can live with. As long as no attacks on both sides then find a way to peace. have a 2 state solution that helps both sides. Both Jews and Muslims come from the same blood of Abraham whether you want to hear it or not that's a fact. Maybe start from there. to all colors and people of our world. Be blessed,be well,help each other, Howard from Alabama.
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