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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Will there ever be good news?
First,the last few days there is rain in the morning and burrrr cold. In the afternoon it warms up a little 59 degrees. for Alabama this is wacky weather. We just missed the big storm Sandy as it went up the east coast of America then,turned toward the mid west. Oh in case you have not heard, the power ball lottery is 550 million dollars. A 1 in 175 million shot, still no ticket can not win. What most countries do not hear about is in America there are many poor who go hungry. There are places to get help but many can not get there or those who want to help do not always know where to go. Shame on the richest country in the world. the Republicans and Democrat's seem to have fallen in to the same old bind. we shall see? ..........In world news you will find the same crazy things happening.Palestinians and Israelis await a symbolic UN resolution(Thursday). Egypt's President Mursi has a lot of people pissed off at him. He is looking for a decree that could give him dictatorial powers should he choose to use them....Europeans support a 2 state solution in the middle east as i do to.... Iran is making a bomb larger than an atom bomb.The plans where copied and leaked so not there is actual proof..... Rebels and Assad's troops still at it. Rebels bombed a pro Assad suburb in Damascus.... Bangladesh factory fire due to poor safety rules and inspections..One big problem with humans everywhere is to get them to give a crap about there fellow humans. To all be blessed,be well. Howard from Alabama.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Eyes taken off Syria during Gaza conflict
With the news mentality "if it bleeds it leads" Syria and Assad took advantage of being out of the spot light. Now the death toll is 40.000-45.000 people dead. 50% or more innocent civilians trying to live there lives. the other 50% is divided between Assad's troops and the freedom fighting rebels. Then you have 15.000 arrested by Assad who just may be in a mass grave somewhere? Assad or Mr.genocide as i call him flew Syrian jets in to already bombed towns just to finish them off. We all know where they got the arm's --Russia and China and a great sum of weapons from loud mouth bully's like Iran's old bearded farts and it's President who is not right in the head.Now that being said: President Obama has not been all that help full in the world. You have in America the most power full leader of the free world. When Gaza might have been averted by a visit and talks to both sides by Obama where was he? leading from behind. When the freedom fighters need heavy fire power from America and its Ally's,where was Obama? Leading from behind.When Russia and China where making back door deals for oil from Syria and Iran where was Obama? leading from behind once again. Being a veteran i sure do not want any more of our boots on the ground but giving them weapons to defend themselves is another story! Since you can not be re-elected for a 3rd term maybe now is the time to get some huge big brass balls and start to make a difference in the world. You also need to stop allowing China and other country's bid on fixing our bridges and roads,railways as well. Remember JOBS FOR AMERICANS? Oh yes,there is more. Let us talk about the Latin votes you received. How about picking up a phone and giving Cuba a call? there are Cuban Americans who have not seen family in 30 years or so. About time you opened talks not only with Cuba but the South American country's as well. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Open the pipe line from Canada to the Gulf coast so more oil will bring down prices and dependant's on other oil producing country's. Next, cancel the oil leases on the companies who are not using them. re-issue to other who will use them. For today that is what my big mouth has to say. To all people,be blessed and well work for peace on earth. Howard from Alabama. PS. Just a reminder,if you are not the lead dog then your smelling someone else's butt- so take the lead!!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Egyptian President Mori and Sectary of State Hillary Clinton must have worked their butts off to get this cease fire. Now get Israel and Hamas and all involved to sit down and fix all of these problems. as for a "durable outcome" this is easy. Just stop killing each other-open trade-help both economy's to work with each other. How about a 2 state solution? Stop the smuggling of weapons (Iran) and arms to terrorist! Tell Iran to back off and stay out of it. As for Hillary Clinton-if she runs for president in 2016 my vote is hers. That is it for today.
To all people,be well,be blessed and be happy.
From Howard in Alabama.
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Our Troops lining up for Thanksgiving dinner. |
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The Blessing. |
From Howard in Alabama.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Israel and Hamas killing each other over what?
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Two brave soldiers resting. |
Thursday, November 15, 2012
All this death and destruction
My thoughts on this matter are very clear.Iran and the old men leaders cause most if not all the problems in the middle east. What did Hezbollah think was going to happen Or the Palestinian leaders for that matter.When you fire rockets in to Israel and kill people just a little north of the Gaza strip. Should Israel say we will do nothing? I think not. If you are looking for a war you will get one.Hamas and the Islamist groups keep shelling Israel. This is not very smart. Also how can Egyptian President Mursi denounce Israel when rockets and bombs keep killing there people? In addition, the Palestinian Islamist groups are using Iran's weapons to do this.How the heck can you call it Israeli aggression when they fire back at you? Israel warned Jaabari to stop. He did not. Now he is dead. Hamas and the Palestinians fired 156 rockets in to Israel. Are you stupid enough to think they would not return fire. To add fuel to the fire,Iran supplies Lybia,Syria,and Lebanon with rockets and arms. Maybe we should just blow up Iran's government and a whole lot more? As for nuclear talks with Iran,it is all bull---- on there part. The USA needs to stop talking and use action. Are there any stronger sanctions we can do? As I have said before,most of the problems are because of Iran. Here in the USA President Obama has a lot to deal with. The Republicans in both house are still fighting against what most Americans want. A more fair share,better health care,jobs and agreements across the aisles in both party's. It is to early to see if that will happen. Next is the screw up of a general and how he did not keep his little head in his pants. While it does not effect the job he is doing and has done the respect for him is shot to hell. Believe me there are plenty of mistakes we Americans make.Hope they can be fixed somehow. This world needs a lot of help and every country is part of the problems on earth. to all the peoples of the world,be blessed, heal, be happy and help someone in need.Howard from Alabama
Friday, November 9, 2012
The election is over,Obama has 4 more years to help the middle class as he promised. In the rest of the world,every country is watching what America will do.Can the most power full leader in the world get things moving in the best way, or, will he fail to realize just how much power he has? The Republicans got a big slap in the face for being just plain stupid at not wiling to compromise. John Boehner walked away from a deal that was on the table from Obama.He did not even try to lay out or fix the one President Obama sent to him or make one up with his political party.This was on everything sent to them in the last 4 years. Come 2016 and Republicans fail again,then we will have another Democrat as President as well as senate and congress. Lets move to the super storm Sandy. So far the President is handling it pretty well. working with New Jersey and New York as well as the rest of the eastern states. It is going to cost around 50 billion with 33-35 billion in the two states alone. there is a whole lot more but we have to wait and see. Iran,they just do not know when enough is enough. Last week they fired on a US Drone. Yes,they missed by a mile. The drone was unarmed and in international space. Your pilots can not fly to well or so it seems.Be very care full as our pilots do not miss. The more you dummy's do crap like this the closer we are to blowing your country to smithereens. The more Iran says they are not building a bomb the more i think they are. President of Iran armadinnerjacket said stocking up on nuclear war heads is retarded but he fails to look in the mirror.Iran is the main cause of conflict in the middle east. SYRIA- thousands flee to turkey,including Assad's own soldiers. Assad also said he will live and die in Syria. I would sure like to help him die like the dog he is. In the ones running from crazy Assad are 2 generals 11 high ranking soldiers and there families. There is a great humanitarian need which Obama must help with by sending tents, food,asst medication and even doctors. Let us pray he does this fast.AS for Israel saying it will defend the Golan Heights with force was a given but not need to be said as to inflame what is a bad situation. Britain called on Obama to do more for the rebels. America at this point needs to take the lead in many places.Again,Obama needs to show he is strong and can lead the world as well as here in America. Obama has,since the election ordered stiffer sanctions against Iran, it's government leaders,banks. He did so because Iran refused to let it's people have freedom on the Internet and blocking satellite broadcasts. BY THE WAY- President Obama,before you visit any country Israel should be first on your list. That tells the world we stand fast with them! There are a lots of things Obama must do right now.Most of all he needs to show he can be the leader America and the world needs. We should not lead from behind but in front on all things.He should put the whole world on notice that America will do what it has to to protect it's own anywhere we are. There is still the Questions on Libya as well. To all people,all colors no matter who your god may be..Be well-blessed-happy and help each other. Howard from Alabama.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Why are governments so darn stupid???
Let's start with America. Why the heck should we stay in Afghanistan when Karzia keeps antagonizing the U.S.???Somehow this putz thinks it is funny that the fighting season is over because of the winter months and bad weather. He already said Afghanistan would back Pakistan if the U.S. went to war with them. Sure we have big problems on trust and lies they tell us but war? This guy talks out of his butt. He also said and blamed the UN.and EU of fraud in the Afghanistan electoral process. Hey schmuck,you got elected!! Now this jerk is unhappy about the International Crisis Group for not being unbiased(about what). Then he makes reference to the think tank has been politically motivated. (again,about what) In the mean time we stupid Americans(the government) give this man 4 billion dollars of our tax money per year at last count.(put it toward the US debt) Screw him,and Afghanistan,get the hell out now and let them swim up stream with out a life jacket. Maybe then he will be more respectful to this country.We should get our troops,tanks and money out of there now not 2014.He is the one making back room deals with tribal leaders,war lords by paying off fraudulent counts in elections.(using our tax money) We Americans are tired of war and troops blood shed for an ungrateful Afghan nation and a loud mouth Karzia. To bad Obama is going to wait until 2014. This crappy President Karzia says he is tired of America and 2014 can not come fast enough.All we did to help him and the afghan people. To bad he is not double jointed, he can kiss his own butt good bye. Then there is the Governments of Iran,Syria and perhaps even China. If you think sanctions and diplomacy are going to work to constrain Iran's nuclear program then you are dreaming. My opinion is strike Iran where it hurts most. Take out the infrastructure-air fields oil fields and reserve tanks of oil-planes and TV stations-Bridges and roads,the the heads of the snakes. Give Iran back to the people who want freedom. SYRIA is another problem for Obama. I do not think he can keep refusing to help the rebels.He needs to allow arms to flow to them as they do have a just cause. That is the only way to oust Assad. Even if it means Russia and China don"t agree. Obama also needs to take advantage of a growing China and India and all of Asia.Lets not forget South America. AND open relations with Cuba. The middle east is a drag on on the United States step back and see who is with us and who is not. Cut the not's off. Well folks another blog from big mouth me. Be blessed and well no matter who you are,help those who can not help themselves. Howard from Alabama. yes to the first and 2nd amendments.
Friday, November 2, 2012
China has a big inflation of their money.Prices on property is sky high and the economy is slowing at a rapid pace having a big impact on it's people. Still, China is under cutting American jobs,trade and under value of the yuan does not help any.Did you know that China purchased 1.5 Trillion dollars worth of U.S bonds?Obama has won a few rulings,such as,when China tried to flood the American market with tires and steel to! But Russia does buy these things from China. That's why they are so close and usually vote against U.S interests even when 30,000 people in Syria died. The main reason,Russia and China sells arms to both Syria and Iran. Now,China has it's first air craft carrier in service. Granted it is an old piece of crap refurbished but it still can do some harm if it wanted to. My 2300 readers,please research this as i did. Mean while Muslims party and are happy America had so much damage from super storm Sandy which cause death and destruction on the east coast. I should interject not all Muslims felt this way. Now there is a large scale nor'easter on the way in the same areas. A double whammy for sure!!! Well I did Asia and America NOW SYRIA.....America appears to be pushing for a unified leadership for the freedom fighters. I have a lot to say about this subject and a couple of others that string together.I think we should stay the heck out of this. We can help with advice if they ask,we will help with food and medicine,maybe arms but we should not and must not dictate (something you must do) on anything as it is not our business. We can advise but with NO conditions attached. If President Obama wants to push for a major shakeup he had better represent the freedom fighters. After all it is they who are risking there lives.SO far 36000 people plus have been murdered by Mr.genocide-Assad. It is also clear at least to me,the out come of this conflict will be decided by the rebels. What I did not like and the rebels where 100% wrong is this: some of the Assad army surrendered and the rebels berated them calling them Assad's dogs and they then shot the crap out of them with to many bullets in each body to count. I would expect this from Ayatollah Khomeini and big mouth Ahamadinejad but not from the rebels.So would Assad..Next- the U.S is pushing for the free rebel army which is the main fighting force as it should be. How ever the problem is the radical Islamist are fighting on the rebels side(that is ok) but the U.S.A. will not give heavy arms like hand held anti aircraft shoulder arms because they will be used to kill our troops by those same Islamist. On this note,why call it a failed cease fire when Assad never stopped killing? AS FOR Hillary Clinton and President Obama this so called advice may be seen as meddling. My advice is to stay out,let the rebels handle this by themselves. ALSO-Turkey based SNC need not apply unless you butts are in the line of fire with a gun to help the rebels who are getting killed YOU HAVE NO SAY!!!! Last but not least,America does not have an endgame that i can see..Where does this all lead?What happens when the rebels become unified?Who is going to fight the different armed groups? SO,i say bud out America.Let the rebels figure it out by themselves. If they need advice they will ask..That's it for now. My head hurts from all the bull crap we Americans get in to. To all people of different colors no matter what you believe. Be well-blessed and help someone who needs it. Howard from Alabama.
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