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Thursday, May 31, 2012


General Suleiman must think the worlds peoples are dumb and stupid. So Syrian leaders in the government think we will believe the freedom rebels killed the men,women and children in Houla. Perhaps they heard that from the Tooth Fairy,Santa Clause or just out of Assad's butt. Nobody has the balls to stop this genocide? Not America,not the Arab nations and not the toothless unneeded UN. What good are peace keeping troops to afraid of it's own shadow and carry no guns going to do. Maybe point there finger and go boom you dead? what good is a President or Prime Minister who is afraid to say "the hell with an election i am going to help" THIS IS WHY GOVERNMENTS SUCK. They can not do crap because they please to many and not listen to what needs to be done!!! OH, senior ARABS press China to help in Syria. That's like saying cut off all the money we and Russia are making from Assad. How about Kofi Annon telling the US President  as well as other countries--you need to kill Assad and all his top military staff. AS for Russia's Vlad the killer Putin he treats Obama like a child and Obama takes the crap when he should tell Putin shove it up your butt.   I am not naive,knowing full well government are at each others throats. How about asking everyday people what they think? Bottom line here is Russian government makes money from Iran and Syria,supplies both with arms and nuclear know how and makes trillions---so why stop know?----- Well that's it on above. Today in Alabama Gulf coast,95 degrees and mostly sunny. A little windy so when i got out of the pool it was a little chilly. working on a nice tan,trying to keep a good out look on life. Which is more easy to do living in a free country where even the poorest of us have it better then any where else. So people,be blessed, be well be happy if you can. Howard from Alabama.

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