I wanted to know if I should vote for OBAMA again.To do this required a massive amount of research on what he has done for America and elsewhere. He saved the American auto industry from collapse. Then shifted to Iraq-Afghanistan reducing terrorism. Relaxed anti-American tension througt the world. Signed order to close prisoner torture in Guantanamo bay.Then made the enviroment a priority while putting people to work.So far not to shabby! Then he and his wife made education a national concern while putting money behind helping ideas like charter schools. OH, he did win the Noble peace prize.(what a bang that made). While i was not sure about this one,he put together a 789 million dollar economic stimulus. How about this--appointed the first Latin women to the supreme court. Then tax write offs for people who bought hybrid cars. (my Dodge 1500 quad truck missed by a mile :) lol. We veterans liked that he opened construction on veterans healh care centers.he then started reform and restructuring all the mitilary with high teck stuff and cyber protection units. Then better armor for our troops. So what next? Cash for clunkers, to up grade to better fule and less polluting.. He changed a truly failing problem in the militay command structure in Afghanistan. Closed of tax havens for the very wealty and there of shore accounts. Deployed more troops to Afghanstan, then ended a no bidding on defence contracts. stopped drug company's using FDA by circumventing the rules. Ended the practice of forbidding medicare from getting lower prices. He also ended the white house aids screwing up rules.regulations,scientific and enviromental rules and regulations. The previous policy allowed co2 not to lable but he damanded it to be labled. NO more tax benifits to corprations using outside U.S.A outsource jobs.Ended policy of tortue and follows Geneva convention rules. stopped companies on credit card predatory practices.Ended the "stop-loss" in the military. Started a national performance watch dog for saving federal government money.Opened a CYBER security office. Expanded SCHIP program to cover health for 4 more million kids. Expanded vaccination programs. Making sure families of fallen sodilers have expenses. Federal support for stem cell research,funds so schools have broad band internet. HOW about the immediate response for floods and other disasters. Improved housing for military personal,better conditions at Walter Reed and other military hospitals.AND improved veterans benefits.Increases in milatary pay and benefit pay-student loans and opportunities in Americorps. Lets see about salaries:cut $$$ from senior aids,limits on lobbist. Limit of allowable aids to be hired by lobbiests...More money for small business,more press confrence time and town hall media. Negoiated with Swiss bamks to access there records.lower drug cost for seniors,,,federal funding for science and research. Ordered ALL agencies to find and cut spending.new funds for schools-PHASING out expensiveolder war plane and out dated weapons and weapons systems-Talking about globel warming and going over treaties to protect artic-REMOVED RESTRICTIONS ON STEMCELL RESEARCH! Renewed loans to Isreal.Restarted talks on nukes-HE returned the money given to his family to refurbish the Whitehouse!! He sent envoys to all parts of the world to start up talks for peacefull plans for all the world--Expanded national youth programs-told the states to handle federal fuel and standards- AND the list goes on and on and on. I HEARD THIS SOMEWHERE AND I LIKE IT--HE WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT--NOT JESUS. HE HAS AND STILL IS THE BEST PRESIDENT IN A LONG TIME. REMEBER BUSH GOT US IN TO WAR AND OBAMA GOT US OUT.And he is doing great. If the republicans do not stop him he will do great things in his 8 years. Be well-blessed and happy..Howard from alabama.
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