WAKE up world.!!Gulf Arabs told Russia "it's failure to vote on the issue of Syria" is as mudering, those who choose freedom.As for me, China is as guilty as the Russian governent. Most Arabs it seems are against Assard,but instead of arming the freedom fighters,all they can say is "the worlds patience is running out"!! As for me,one human in the world, say help now. Bomb the goverment,Assad and all on his side back to the stone age. In the mean time Syrian people as well as whole families die.Moscow is still supplying Assad with weapons. Qatar and Saudi-Arabia call for arming the rebels to make it a fair fight. But what do we hear: Obama call Putin to congratulate him on winning a rigged election insted speaking to him about Syria. Then you have Jordan calling Isreal barbaric for defending itself. IT is not ok to send missiles into Isreal. THEN Iran calls what happened in Gaza "war crimes". Look at in the mirror . Someone needs to get a size 22 shoe and beat the crap out of you!!Irainian leaders are about to MAJIS your butt on to impeachment for statments like "we are not scared of U>S> bombs. You will be if you stop build a nuke. More of what is on my mind in the next day or two..No matter what religon you are,be blessed,be happy be well. Howard from Alabama.

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