Here I am,sitting at the computer thinking of what the world is going through and the crazy leaders in all the country's on this earth.Russia gets pissed off at the USA and stops adoption of children in terrible run down conditions of the orphanage's in Russia. Putin is punishing who? there are babies everywhere who needs Russia? not the USA! Mr. K>G>B> has on thumb in his behind and one in his mouth. Somebody yell switch at this jerk.The government really stinks. If only the people ran the country! I have got news for you,it is the same story here in America. the government officials suck big time and do not work for a better America but for money in there pockets. Our President Obama tries and tries to help the 98% of Americans who are poor and middle class. However those we stupidly elected in Congress and the senate do nothing but sit on there collective butts,collecting around a $270.000 salary and do nothing for it. By the way they just got a raise!! About there medical it is 50 times better then the one medicare has which we pay an average of $140 a month in to. My point is while the freedoms and rules of America are the best in the world,we still have people starving and dyeing for no reason.There are things i would do to change thinking. I would call Castro in Cuba and work out a plan for those Cuban Americans and others to visit the country and family left behind.After all Cuba is only 26 mile off the Florida shore. Then give Hugo Chavez a call to see if we can work together on helping each other. After all,peace is worth some compromise. Maybe even turn it to some kind of friendship.The Arab Nations need to be told what we do not like and of course do like.Time to be straight forward and transparent in the world. Walk softly and carry a big stick fit here. All nations of the world need to sit down and figure out a 75-100 year plan.We have 7 billion plus people and growing. This mean more food-housing-transportation and so much more.We need to work together and find a planet other than earth we can go to. that means working on solar wind and nuclear power for lasers blasting the solar sails. Cryogenics's on stopping crystalization in the human blood so it work.Terra forming in case we need more 02 on another planet. BY the way stop cutting down the rain Forrest. why? well the 02 is one reason but the are medical cures yet to be found there.kill the ground cover and trees is like killing yourself, Instead of feeding the people of earth try teaching them to plant crops and how to use farm machinery. Animal husbandry and yes for the future cloning of them. Israel made farm land from desert why not ask then for help in a barren country? find fuels that burn clean like solar,wind and natural gas. Most of all,stop the killing of people and the earth. That's it until Jan 2013. to all people,be well,blessed happy,HELP someone who needs it. Howard from Alabama. Please send this to everyone you may know. Thank you.
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Saturday, December 29, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
I wasn't going to do a blog until after new year,BUT
The world does not stop because of me and there is always something to say. Beirut news said.In Iran,a simple easy going man named Satta Beheshti who was a working class man.He lived with and helped his mother in the area south of Tehran called Robat Karim. Not long ago he decided to write a blog (as I do)about his life and his country.he wrote about struggles of the middle class in Iran and about political problems of the country and it's leaders,the restrictions mixed with stuff about friends and family. One of his blogs was sharper and criticized (the old fart) Khomeini and said of him, he lies about much. Including how Iran supports Hezbollah and the plight of human rights. He then was threatened that his mother would soon be wearing black.Then Iran's cyber bully police arrested him,tortured him and beat him bloody. a week later he was given back to his family DEAD. 41 Prisoners sent a letter to his mother saying they heard and saw him being beaten. In my eyes Khomeini is a thug as is the President of Iran. Both are murder mongers!! Because of the Internet in Iran those who have it heard of this. The 35 and younger crowed hates it's leader ship and I am sure in the next 5 years or so you will see a lot of dead leaders in Iran. there is a big change on its way. In Syria many generals and thousands of soldiers have defected to the rebels cause calling it the peoples revolution .Assad is not long for this earth! Mean time in the USA the Republican party still will not do what 98% of the people who elected them want done.At least in America we can vote them out of office. So Christmas in Alabama sucked. No money to do anything. But we did have a turkey and the food was good. why? because I am a chef and can make something from nothing and taste good as well. Actually I have nothing to complain about.even we poor have it better then most 3rd world country's.Here in America we have about 310 million people. We also have about 400 million guns. So the crap Assad or Khomeini pulls would be greeted with a bullet to the head. SO here in Alabama it has been a chilly day after Christmas even though the sun was out. the sun set over the trees is a bright orange against a light blue back round. To look at it you would think the world is right and peace full,but we know better. To all peoples and colors be well,blessed and happy. Try to help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
First,Turkey lifts N.A.T.O veto on Israel following a raid on a Turkish ship with aid and food to Gaza. Then Assad orders fighters to target a bakery that left many people dead in Hama province. 61 people arrested in Kenya over tribal violence leaving 42 dead.Korea says-North Korea's rockets could reach the USA. A peace envoy is in Syria to discuss talks. As if that will help stop the genocide of Assad and his soldier's. Exporters of second hand clothes are using the same type of bins that charities use. Greed never stops! In America the N.R.A wants to put armed guards in schools. (more guns) In India, police shoot journalist because he protest the gang rape of a 23 year old women.In Pakistan a bomber kills 9 people in Peshawar... AND so the news goes around the world. Here in America the Republican party keeps fighting with President Obama about taxing the rich and helping the poor and middle class.There are people all over the USA homeless,no food to eat and tired of our government never getting anything done! here in Alabama it is 53 degrees and overcast,rain later.The people of the world get along just fine but governments,arms dealers and rulers of country's want war so they make money..Be well,be blessed no matter who you are.Howard from Alabama.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Russia-Syria-Turkey-Israel and the USA.
Russia refuses to act as a go between with Syria's Assad by asking him to leave while most Arab States accuse Russia of shielding Assad. Russia's answer is they are not in the business of regime change. I say of course not because you sell them all kinds of weapons and ammo and planes.Then you buy oil from them while Assad caused so far 40,000 deaths. Of which Russian,China as well as Iran has a hand in it.Lets not forget North Korea as well. Iran as everyone knows supports Assad,who say they are battling a 21 month uprising.They to sell guns and ammo-planes to Assad.On the other side of the same coin they send humanitarian aid to Damascus for Palestinians that Assad bombs. I have said this before:Iran wants to rule the middle east. In turkey,the Prime Minister is allowing Patriot missiles in case of chemical weapons attack.....Israels Prime Minister has vowed to build in Jerusalem despite the U.N. criticism. Mean time in Egypt the Vice President quit(before someone killed him). I guess he can go back to being a judge. Here in the USA same crap with the Republican party. It seems they want to keep the poor and middle class where they are as to not improve. Republicans hate Obama for wanting to tax the rich,himself included. Enough hate in the world already!! To all,be blessed and well. Help get the world in to a peace mood. Howard from Alabama
Thursday, December 20, 2012
United States-Afghanistan-Syria-U.K. and ?
How nuts are the Republicans in America? MUCHO!!!They now want to cut the aid for the storm Sandy from the east coast. The damage was 80 billion dollars and Obama was ready to help with that amount.BUT no,Republicans will only help with 23-24 billion.Sure,screw the people again! Then,they want to raise medicare on social security. John Boehner and his rich,white old men who by the way can afford a tax hike say no.At this point I am thinking the Republicans are racist against Obama. HEY YOU REPUBLICANS-YOU SUCK!!!! Syrian fighter jets bomb a Palestinian camp in Damascus.Assad once again kills men-women and children.Can you say genocide!!..By the way Russia sold then the jets.. Kabul Afghanistan,Karzi says's he welcomes 1/2 of Britain's troops leaving and that his country and its forces can take care of its defense. OK, pull all American troops out with our tanks,weapons and our 16 billion in aid to them. A British Antarctic survey team wants to drill 2 miles down in to a lake. Just to see if there is life. I can answer that!!! YES,anywhere you go on earth,the coldest-hottest-wettest-driest deepest places you have some type of life.It is called adaptation. I have a question. What does the What good is a peace keeping mission if they have no guns to back them up?Is Israel looking to get back in to a conflict? Does Iran really think we will let them go nuclear and blow them up? Hey President Obama stop think so much and do stuff.Open trade with Cuba,call Hugo Chavez start some conversation. Get on Air Force one and visit Israel, Russia,U.K. and other country's. A good will tour couldn't hurt. Enough of above. here in Alabama it rained most of the night and is still raining on and off.the sun is trying to come out and there is heavy gust of wind every now and again.My big German Shepherd hates to get wet unless she smells someone who is not known to us. Our little white dog(Spitz) has a cough. We tried everything such as musinx d.m. and the p- cillians but no use. I think he has allergy's. so my readers time to relax. be well,be blessed and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, December 17, 2012
USA needs to bring troops and it's money home
Today in Iraq north a bomber kills 25 people.Sunni's die and now it is Shiite's turn to die. Brother against brother,same blood flows in there veins yet they kill each other.Iran,same old farts and a stupid President. Seems like nothing changes. The closer they get to a nuclear bomb the closer they become a target of the USA and Israel and member nations.Then we have the V.P. of Syria Shara saying nobody wins. But when you and Assad are dead the rebels can form some kind of democratic government.Libya is about to shut the southern border.Turkey trying to help Syrians who crossed to there border,with food and shelter. The USA is sending food and medicine.Egyptian women still hoping for better rights since the Arab spring. Yemen while Sal eh resigned Al Qaeda is moving in and blowing things As for Russia,now they are on the side of no one.They did this so who ever wins that conflict they can have a relationship with.In the mean time Russia-China and Iran sell guns and ammo to them. This is life in a lot of country's.Conflict and strife. I would much prefer a peace full world. Those who choose to forget the past are doomed to repeat it.Some one needs to open a happy news only TV station. Last but not least,America has a lot of problems just like the rest of the world.Only no one talks about it. One day I will sit down and do that list of who,where and why a great deal of Americans are hurting for food - money-and a place to live. How our government doesn't give a crap about us veterans or those in need. we have 239 billionaires with over 2 billion dollars who are so dam greedy they will not help the poor and middle class add to that the 600 more billionaires with 1 billion or more plus- the 5000 millionaires in America. To all the world,have a happy holiday,be blessed no matter who you are. Howard from Alabama
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Hi world what's going on?
Well i have started another blog at ...It will be a mellow one compared to those on this site.which,by the way i will be still doing. In Alabama today we woke up to sunny skies and 68 degree weather. Now it is raining.The news here in America is mostly about the school shootings.I had to go to BBC UK to find out what is happing in the rest of the world.I do feel bad for the parents of the 20 children and 8 adults,my prays go out to all involved. How ever in other parts of the world things are crazy as well. What i will do out of respect is to pick up tomorrow about the world and it's other problem's. Be blessed and well to all. Howard from Alabama.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
What is going on in Iran and other country's?
I do not think Iran has any idea of what would happen to there country should they keep going on with the nuclear enrichment program. Israel and the United States are not the only ones who will bomb the crap out of them. On another note they launched a sort of Internet whit government slanted news and information such as,a video of strict adherence to Islamic interpretation (militant style) of Islam you tube style!! Teheran's air has become so toxic the even the government is telling people to move away from the city. Despite the US saying no smaller drones where downed Iran say count them again :) I guess they think it's funny? What is truly going on in Iran is this: the under 35 group which makes up 70% of the people are fed up starving,out of work and fed up with the government. Mean time the President of Iran and the band of bearded old farts of out of step old men are spending crazy amounts of money they do not really have. Instead of feeding it's people it buys rocket and nuclear plans from North Korea,china and Russia. Their real goal in the mid east is to control the whole area as it did in the 12th century. So I will end today's rant with and Iranian fairy tale...... One day Armadinajard (spelled wrong :0) or as I call him(i'madinnerjacket) was lost in the desert. From far off he spots a shinny object.As he moves towards it and picks it up he discovers a lamp. So he rubs the sand off of it and what do you know a genie comes out of the lamp and says,you have 3 wishes. He is tired and hungry and wishes for a palace of food,drink and 72 women. Poof there it is. next he wishes for billions in coins and stocks. Poof there it is.He looks around at the 72 women,smile and wishes for his manhood to touch the floor--so the genie cut off his legs. He then ask why? the answer is never mess with a Jewish genie. To all the folks who read my blog forward it to your friends. No matter who you are or what color you are enjoy your holiday. Be blessed,be happy and help some one in need. Howard from Alabama
Sunday, December 9, 2012
So here I am in the greatest country on earth. Sure I have many freedoms and while I am poor in the money area,America does help some what. We "re very low on food this week as our other bills are very high. The church helped with a couple of bags of food.As for gas for the car I had to put it on a charge card which I hate to do.MY wife and I are both disabled and need medication. I am a veteran so I can get reduced cost medicine at the veterans clinic.however many Americans sleep in there cars if lucky enough to have a car. Others sleep in missions or just on the street.Yes some entitlement programs help but not the 1000"s who need it. this afternoon our son and daughter-in-law took us shopping with their food stamps,we are very lucky to have kids that help once in a while.hey if you want to help my paypal is if not that's OK. The sun is almost gone from the horizon,wind is picking up,going to rain.Tempeture is 71 and about to rain.Still not bad for December. Happy holidays and no matter who you are,be well,be blessed and happy. Howard from Alabama.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thanks to my 3000 readers for understanding.
A few things going on that are note worthy In America,the Republican party does not know how to compromise! When they come up for election next most will be voted out of office.Even the public polls taken show Americans are really fed up and angry at them. Republicans are mostly comprised of rich,white, old and out of step with the poor as well as the middle class in the USA. President Obama is governing all Americans while Republicans just the wealthy. Mean while Russia and the USA set up a surprise meeting about Syria with the United Nations envoy with hope of stopping the genocide in that country. Before Assad and his troops use poison gas. I am fairly sure that if he does the U.S will air strike him......Next is that un-great full piece of crap Karzi who blames NATO for corruption in Afghanistan when it is he who needs to stop it!I say corruption has made him very rich and he turned on his ally who tried to help him.President Obama should stop the money he gives to them and bring the troops home NOW!!!! Then we have Ramallah,west bank. The King of Jordan made a visit to support the Palestinians.He will not speak much as he is an ally of both the USA and Israel. MY opinion on this(being messianic Jew for Jesus) is a very simple one. Israel needs to keep to its word ,stop building in Gaza west bank and allow a 2 state solution. Enough blood has been shed on both sides. This world will fall to hate and greed. Both sides need to live in peace and help each other become better. Here in Alabama the sun is mostly out and the temperature for this time of year is pretty good. average morning high 40's and low 70's by afternoon. the wind is flowing over the trees(mostly pine) and it does not seem like winter .Global warming?? to all of you reading this,be well,be blessed no matter to who you are. Howard from Alabama.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Sorry folks-been sick and in bed for a few days
I am still not well but later today or tomorrow i will pick up where i left off. Thanks for your understanding.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Will there ever be good news?
First,the last few days there is rain in the morning and burrrr cold. In the afternoon it warms up a little 59 degrees. for Alabama this is wacky weather. We just missed the big storm Sandy as it went up the east coast of America then,turned toward the mid west. Oh in case you have not heard, the power ball lottery is 550 million dollars. A 1 in 175 million shot, still no ticket can not win. What most countries do not hear about is in America there are many poor who go hungry. There are places to get help but many can not get there or those who want to help do not always know where to go. Shame on the richest country in the world. the Republicans and Democrat's seem to have fallen in to the same old bind. we shall see? ..........In world news you will find the same crazy things happening.Palestinians and Israelis await a symbolic UN resolution(Thursday). Egypt's President Mursi has a lot of people pissed off at him. He is looking for a decree that could give him dictatorial powers should he choose to use them....Europeans support a 2 state solution in the middle east as i do to.... Iran is making a bomb larger than an atom bomb.The plans where copied and leaked so not there is actual proof..... Rebels and Assad's troops still at it. Rebels bombed a pro Assad suburb in Damascus.... Bangladesh factory fire due to poor safety rules and inspections..One big problem with humans everywhere is to get them to give a crap about there fellow humans. To all be blessed,be well. Howard from Alabama.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Eyes taken off Syria during Gaza conflict
With the news mentality "if it bleeds it leads" Syria and Assad took advantage of being out of the spot light. Now the death toll is 40.000-45.000 people dead. 50% or more innocent civilians trying to live there lives. the other 50% is divided between Assad's troops and the freedom fighting rebels. Then you have 15.000 arrested by Assad who just may be in a mass grave somewhere? Assad or Mr.genocide as i call him flew Syrian jets in to already bombed towns just to finish them off. We all know where they got the arm's --Russia and China and a great sum of weapons from loud mouth bully's like Iran's old bearded farts and it's President who is not right in the head.Now that being said: President Obama has not been all that help full in the world. You have in America the most power full leader of the free world. When Gaza might have been averted by a visit and talks to both sides by Obama where was he? leading from behind. When the freedom fighters need heavy fire power from America and its Ally's,where was Obama? Leading from behind.When Russia and China where making back door deals for oil from Syria and Iran where was Obama? leading from behind once again. Being a veteran i sure do not want any more of our boots on the ground but giving them weapons to defend themselves is another story! Since you can not be re-elected for a 3rd term maybe now is the time to get some huge big brass balls and start to make a difference in the world. You also need to stop allowing China and other country's bid on fixing our bridges and roads,railways as well. Remember JOBS FOR AMERICANS? Oh yes,there is more. Let us talk about the Latin votes you received. How about picking up a phone and giving Cuba a call? there are Cuban Americans who have not seen family in 30 years or so. About time you opened talks not only with Cuba but the South American country's as well. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Open the pipe line from Canada to the Gulf coast so more oil will bring down prices and dependant's on other oil producing country's. Next, cancel the oil leases on the companies who are not using them. re-issue to other who will use them. For today that is what my big mouth has to say. To all people,be blessed and well work for peace on earth. Howard from Alabama. PS. Just a reminder,if you are not the lead dog then your smelling someone else's butt- so take the lead!!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Egyptian President Mori and Sectary of State Hillary Clinton must have worked their butts off to get this cease fire. Now get Israel and Hamas and all involved to sit down and fix all of these problems. as for a "durable outcome" this is easy. Just stop killing each other-open trade-help both economy's to work with each other. How about a 2 state solution? Stop the smuggling of weapons (Iran) and arms to terrorist! Tell Iran to back off and stay out of it. As for Hillary Clinton-if she runs for president in 2016 my vote is hers. That is it for today.
To all people,be well,be blessed and be happy.
From Howard in Alabama.
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Our Troops lining up for Thanksgiving dinner. |
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The Blessing. |
From Howard in Alabama.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Israel and Hamas killing each other over what?
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Two brave soldiers resting. |
Thursday, November 15, 2012
All this death and destruction
My thoughts on this matter are very clear.Iran and the old men leaders cause most if not all the problems in the middle east. What did Hezbollah think was going to happen Or the Palestinian leaders for that matter.When you fire rockets in to Israel and kill people just a little north of the Gaza strip. Should Israel say we will do nothing? I think not. If you are looking for a war you will get one.Hamas and the Islamist groups keep shelling Israel. This is not very smart. Also how can Egyptian President Mursi denounce Israel when rockets and bombs keep killing there people? In addition, the Palestinian Islamist groups are using Iran's weapons to do this.How the heck can you call it Israeli aggression when they fire back at you? Israel warned Jaabari to stop. He did not. Now he is dead. Hamas and the Palestinians fired 156 rockets in to Israel. Are you stupid enough to think they would not return fire. To add fuel to the fire,Iran supplies Lybia,Syria,and Lebanon with rockets and arms. Maybe we should just blow up Iran's government and a whole lot more? As for nuclear talks with Iran,it is all bull---- on there part. The USA needs to stop talking and use action. Are there any stronger sanctions we can do? As I have said before,most of the problems are because of Iran. Here in the USA President Obama has a lot to deal with. The Republicans in both house are still fighting against what most Americans want. A more fair share,better health care,jobs and agreements across the aisles in both party's. It is to early to see if that will happen. Next is the screw up of a general and how he did not keep his little head in his pants. While it does not effect the job he is doing and has done the respect for him is shot to hell. Believe me there are plenty of mistakes we Americans make.Hope they can be fixed somehow. This world needs a lot of help and every country is part of the problems on earth. to all the peoples of the world,be blessed, heal, be happy and help someone in need.Howard from Alabama
Friday, November 9, 2012
The election is over,Obama has 4 more years to help the middle class as he promised. In the rest of the world,every country is watching what America will do.Can the most power full leader in the world get things moving in the best way, or, will he fail to realize just how much power he has? The Republicans got a big slap in the face for being just plain stupid at not wiling to compromise. John Boehner walked away from a deal that was on the table from Obama.He did not even try to lay out or fix the one President Obama sent to him or make one up with his political party.This was on everything sent to them in the last 4 years. Come 2016 and Republicans fail again,then we will have another Democrat as President as well as senate and congress. Lets move to the super storm Sandy. So far the President is handling it pretty well. working with New Jersey and New York as well as the rest of the eastern states. It is going to cost around 50 billion with 33-35 billion in the two states alone. there is a whole lot more but we have to wait and see. Iran,they just do not know when enough is enough. Last week they fired on a US Drone. Yes,they missed by a mile. The drone was unarmed and in international space. Your pilots can not fly to well or so it seems.Be very care full as our pilots do not miss. The more you dummy's do crap like this the closer we are to blowing your country to smithereens. The more Iran says they are not building a bomb the more i think they are. President of Iran armadinnerjacket said stocking up on nuclear war heads is retarded but he fails to look in the mirror.Iran is the main cause of conflict in the middle east. SYRIA- thousands flee to turkey,including Assad's own soldiers. Assad also said he will live and die in Syria. I would sure like to help him die like the dog he is. In the ones running from crazy Assad are 2 generals 11 high ranking soldiers and there families. There is a great humanitarian need which Obama must help with by sending tents, food,asst medication and even doctors. Let us pray he does this fast.AS for Israel saying it will defend the Golan Heights with force was a given but not need to be said as to inflame what is a bad situation. Britain called on Obama to do more for the rebels. America at this point needs to take the lead in many places.Again,Obama needs to show he is strong and can lead the world as well as here in America. Obama has,since the election ordered stiffer sanctions against Iran, it's government leaders,banks. He did so because Iran refused to let it's people have freedom on the Internet and blocking satellite broadcasts. BY THE WAY- President Obama,before you visit any country Israel should be first on your list. That tells the world we stand fast with them! There are a lots of things Obama must do right now.Most of all he needs to show he can be the leader America and the world needs. We should not lead from behind but in front on all things.He should put the whole world on notice that America will do what it has to to protect it's own anywhere we are. There is still the Questions on Libya as well. To all people,all colors no matter who your god may be..Be well-blessed-happy and help each other. Howard from Alabama.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Why are governments so darn stupid???
Let's start with America. Why the heck should we stay in Afghanistan when Karzia keeps antagonizing the U.S.???Somehow this putz thinks it is funny that the fighting season is over because of the winter months and bad weather. He already said Afghanistan would back Pakistan if the U.S. went to war with them. Sure we have big problems on trust and lies they tell us but war? This guy talks out of his butt. He also said and blamed the UN.and EU of fraud in the Afghanistan electoral process. Hey schmuck,you got elected!! Now this jerk is unhappy about the International Crisis Group for not being unbiased(about what). Then he makes reference to the think tank has been politically motivated. (again,about what) In the mean time we stupid Americans(the government) give this man 4 billion dollars of our tax money per year at last count.(put it toward the US debt) Screw him,and Afghanistan,get the hell out now and let them swim up stream with out a life jacket. Maybe then he will be more respectful to this country.We should get our troops,tanks and money out of there now not 2014.He is the one making back room deals with tribal leaders,war lords by paying off fraudulent counts in elections.(using our tax money) We Americans are tired of war and troops blood shed for an ungrateful Afghan nation and a loud mouth Karzia. To bad Obama is going to wait until 2014. This crappy President Karzia says he is tired of America and 2014 can not come fast enough.All we did to help him and the afghan people. To bad he is not double jointed, he can kiss his own butt good bye. Then there is the Governments of Iran,Syria and perhaps even China. If you think sanctions and diplomacy are going to work to constrain Iran's nuclear program then you are dreaming. My opinion is strike Iran where it hurts most. Take out the infrastructure-air fields oil fields and reserve tanks of oil-planes and TV stations-Bridges and roads,the the heads of the snakes. Give Iran back to the people who want freedom. SYRIA is another problem for Obama. I do not think he can keep refusing to help the rebels.He needs to allow arms to flow to them as they do have a just cause. That is the only way to oust Assad. Even if it means Russia and China don"t agree. Obama also needs to take advantage of a growing China and India and all of Asia.Lets not forget South America. AND open relations with Cuba. The middle east is a drag on on the United States step back and see who is with us and who is not. Cut the not's off. Well folks another blog from big mouth me. Be blessed and well no matter who you are,help those who can not help themselves. Howard from Alabama. yes to the first and 2nd amendments.
Friday, November 2, 2012
China has a big inflation of their money.Prices on property is sky high and the economy is slowing at a rapid pace having a big impact on it's people. Still, China is under cutting American jobs,trade and under value of the yuan does not help any.Did you know that China purchased 1.5 Trillion dollars worth of U.S bonds?Obama has won a few rulings,such as,when China tried to flood the American market with tires and steel to! But Russia does buy these things from China. That's why they are so close and usually vote against U.S interests even when 30,000 people in Syria died. The main reason,Russia and China sells arms to both Syria and Iran. Now,China has it's first air craft carrier in service. Granted it is an old piece of crap refurbished but it still can do some harm if it wanted to. My 2300 readers,please research this as i did. Mean while Muslims party and are happy America had so much damage from super storm Sandy which cause death and destruction on the east coast. I should interject not all Muslims felt this way. Now there is a large scale nor'easter on the way in the same areas. A double whammy for sure!!! Well I did Asia and America NOW SYRIA.....America appears to be pushing for a unified leadership for the freedom fighters. I have a lot to say about this subject and a couple of others that string together.I think we should stay the heck out of this. We can help with advice if they ask,we will help with food and medicine,maybe arms but we should not and must not dictate (something you must do) on anything as it is not our business. We can advise but with NO conditions attached. If President Obama wants to push for a major shakeup he had better represent the freedom fighters. After all it is they who are risking there lives.SO far 36000 people plus have been murdered by Mr.genocide-Assad. It is also clear at least to me,the out come of this conflict will be decided by the rebels. What I did not like and the rebels where 100% wrong is this: some of the Assad army surrendered and the rebels berated them calling them Assad's dogs and they then shot the crap out of them with to many bullets in each body to count. I would expect this from Ayatollah Khomeini and big mouth Ahamadinejad but not from the rebels.So would Assad..Next- the U.S is pushing for the free rebel army which is the main fighting force as it should be. How ever the problem is the radical Islamist are fighting on the rebels side(that is ok) but the U.S.A. will not give heavy arms like hand held anti aircraft shoulder arms because they will be used to kill our troops by those same Islamist. On this note,why call it a failed cease fire when Assad never stopped killing? AS FOR Hillary Clinton and President Obama this so called advice may be seen as meddling. My advice is to stay out,let the rebels handle this by themselves. ALSO-Turkey based SNC need not apply unless you butts are in the line of fire with a gun to help the rebels who are getting killed YOU HAVE NO SAY!!!! Last but not least,America does not have an endgame that i can see..Where does this all lead?What happens when the rebels become unified?Who is going to fight the different armed groups? SO,i say bud out America.Let the rebels figure it out by themselves. If they need advice they will ask..That's it for now. My head hurts from all the bull crap we Americans get in to. To all people of different colors no matter what you believe. Be well-blessed and help someone who needs it. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, October 29, 2012
What's going on in the world!
Here in the USA we have Romney and Obama running for president. I hope Obama gets in as Romney is a through and through republican. That mean the poor and middle class will be at a loss for health care and taxes will go up but not for the rich and corporations. There is a super storm on the east side of America from Florida all the way up to Canada and going inwards towards Ohio. Ships where sunk,lines are down,nuclear plants on watch,wind and rain closed down NYC. That and more here in America....Germany is having a time with its new government. Social Democrats-Christian Democrats, Commies and Green parties as well. Former President died Budweiser doing October feast,V W is bringing back the bus, and there is the problem with the EURO.. Russia, tell me President Putin, How does one lose 7 tons of gold 9 crewmen and a ship??Did you sell it and pocket the money? OR Did you tie the feet of your Flamingos to the ship and it flew away:) .Iran says that the drone which only went 30 miles in to Israel took pictures of Israeli bases. I doubt it The sanctions are also hurting Hezbollah-less aid-less guns-still they do have more then the 2006 war. Israel is concerned about the chemical weapons from Syria falling in to the wrong hands. as if those should be in any hands. Turkey-Syria hit a health center with rockets and bombs in Turkey. Turkey sent more troops to the border and fired back. Assad shelled the crap out of Damascus killing more people. This will never stop until someone takes this Assad out. To my mind he is committing genocide. I would like to wake up one morning and read only good news from around the world. Now,here in Alabama it has been chilly. 40's in the morning and 60's in the afternoon.At least the sun is out but the wind is blowing harder then usual.My dogs like the colder weather,they seem more frisky.Of course the pool is shut down which means these old bones hurt more.Maybe if i hit the big lottery we will move to the Equator nations or Arizona? For now we need to stay put as retirement checks are small and we just get by if that some months.There are many TV programs to watch and I have netflix so movies are no problem. It's close to 6 pm and the sun is almost gone. need to get in to bed and turn on the electric blanket. To all colors and religions,be well,be blessed and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
US Presidential debate and world news
The debate was won by Obama who has done a lot for this country. Look it up at go to achievements and on the right hit all. that will show you a list of what Obama has done in the last 4 years. No thanks to the Republican party who blocked hi at every step. On the question of Iran he said he will stop them by any means from getting a nuclear bomb. He would rather use sanctions but also will ease back if they sit down and cut back on the nuclear ambitions.there are other good things Obama wants to do which you can find on the Internet if you are interested. As far as killing our ambassador to Libya and the other Americans an Islamic group did that dirty deed. They will be punished no matter how long it takes, and along the way many other terrorist will be captured or killed. Do not mess with America!!! Sudan says Israel struck a munitions plant and caused it to blow. Good!! Less weapons sounds good to me. On another note. I hope people are smart enough to realize that just because something is posted on face book does not make it true. As for Syria,a cease fire will not help anything.Assad is a killer of his own people and the generals that stay with him are as well. He needs to go one way or another....... There is so much strife in our world between the deaths that need not be,the bombs that make areas barren. You would think with mother nature causing hurricanes,land slides earth quakes and more that wars are not needed or wanted. As for Iran,the leaders of that country are living way in the past. Why doesn't the youth get arms,form a democratic party before the rise up so the transition would go smooth, have the trusted friends bring in guns and ammo so they can build an arsenal and they act when ready. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. That's it for now. to every color and religion be well be blessed. Howard for Alabama.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Iran plotting an oil spill in the Strait of Hormuz!!!
I wasn't going to write a blog for a few days. thought all 2,111 of my readers could catch up by reading the older blogs. Then this happened. The government of Iran and Khomeini's monkey mullahs as well as President Ahamadinejad,heads of the revolutionary guard and the Iranian navy has made plans to use a super tanker. Yes,super tanker that hold hundreds of thousands gallons of oil.There plan which they nay still do is drive that ship on to jagged rocks and let the oil spill out.Never mind it closing the Strait, but think of the environmental disaster for the fish and ocean. All this because sanctions are working and the heads of government are acting like scared little children that wants to hurt the whole world. They can not even think for themselves saying we are waiting for Khomeini to say yes or no. So this 12th century thinking old fart thinks he has the upper hand. My answer to this threat is ,bomb the crap out of the government buildings,the oil fields and reserves,there navy and royal guard. Hit the TV stations and air strips,hangers and planes. Then the enrichment plants roads and phones...Enough of this crap! send in the seal teams-ranger teams and black ops people to take out those crazy people in government. President Obama,you want something to talk about on Monday? Well here it is. Grow a bigger set and call Israel and the UK and all the member Nation and get it done. Rally the 35 and younger crowd for a new government and back them however is needed.they want freedom!! In case you can not tell i am angry over a piss ant country threatening the whole world!!Even the Muslim world hates Iran's leaders. Howard from Alabama.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
The US debate and world news
As I have been saying all along,the Republican party blocks everything, President Obama tries to get through the senate and congress.That is why the middle class and the poor in this country are unable to get ahead. Romney screwed himself, he said , Obama did not call the murders in Libya terror threats and action for 2 weeks. However the truth is, the very next day he called it an act of terror. Consider this: Romney has well over 200 million dollars,he earned 20 million last year. he paid about 15% on that money where as a worker making 50.000 pays 35%. that is just not fair.How can a man that rich relate to 98% of Americans just getting by. On health care he wants to cancel Obama care.that leaves 50% of use with no insurance. It makes no sense. When he worked at bane capital the jobs he had where sent to China and other countries.How is that being hard line on China. Obama stopped a tire company from flooding the American market,which in turn, saved American jobs.Obama on immigration wants to help people become US citizens which in turn will bring tax money to help in paying down debt we owe to China. Romney wants to send or deport them back. Yes criminals and those with a record send them back. there is a lot more and you can watch it yourself on u tube, Hulu and others. Now for Turkey(the country)after Syria shelled the near by border town of Hatay Turkey fired back. Nobody was killed this time but Syria and Assad are causing surrounding country's trouble. Here we go again with the crazy leaders of Iran. It seems Ben Affleck's movie Argo which I might add is based on truth. They think the movie is confronting the Islamic 1979 revolution(yup it is and so what). These leaders are just plain nuts. For example they say the I.A.E.A is infiltrated by terrorist and saboteurs. Of what I ask? Of who I ask? For what reason? And by who? Iran just likes to talk crap and deflect everything you ask of them. Hey!!! Maybe Argo stands for AR GO SCREW YOURSELF which is how most of us feel about the government of Iran. As I have mentioned,Iran's population is mostly 35 years and younger. One day they will rise up with guns,tanks and missiles against these old farts who still live in the 12th century. Does Iran know how many ran from there country and live in the United States where freedom and a way to make something of your self is alive and well. In America we can say almost anything we want to and if true we can call people exactly what they are. Unlike you thieves and murderer's and suppliers of guns to the Taliban and Assad and Hezbollah. Well I have said my rant for today. To all colors,regions gay or straight or in between, be well,be happy,help someone in need. Howard from Alabama
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
The USA presidental debate is tonight!
There will be a lot to talk(write) about in the next few days. I will be researching the world news and the USA news for what the truth is so it takes a little time. I do want to thank my 2065 and adding more each day ,readers. It makes me want to keep it up. Here in Alabama it is 83 degrees and sunny.still not feeling that good .The pain in my back never goes away and it knocks the heck out of me. so in a few I'll go lay down and rest. some good TV on tonight. Here is another joke for you: Jesus drove a Honda but does not talk about. I know this from John 12-49..."for I did not speak of my own Accord" :) be well,blessed and happy. try to help someone in need because what goes around comes around. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Libya-Syria and Iran
The USA is sending and envoy to Libya. Larry Pope came out of retirement to help as he speaks Arabic and French which is a plus.Everyone knows that Libya needs it's forces trained in order to become a democratic government. I sure hope we sent 50 Marines to guard this guy or else he will be killed in a matter of weeks. Lets hope it works out for him. Syria, how the heck can we get anything done there. Hezbollah is being armed by Iran and they send arms to Jihadists in Syria...not a good thing. So you have Russian and China supplying arms,Iran helping Assad, which causes tension in Turkey and Lebanon. As far as Pakistan goes it's a sponsor to the Taliban yet we give them billions of dollars. Here's one for you...a Pakistani a Hezbollah leader and a Jew make a deal that who ever dies first the other 2 will put $5,000 in the coffin for there afterlife. the Pakistani dies in a fire fight and they go to his funeral. The leader from Hezbollah put 5 grand in the coffin and asked the Jew did he do the same. the Jew says yes,,,i wrote him a check!! to all colors and well,blessed and keep your check book handy. Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Iran denies cyber attack!
If you believe that I have the tower of London for sale cheap.Iran,no matter what the problem is blames Israel and America. Nothing is ever their fault and everything they say is true.If the under 35 crowd in Iran had sufficient fire power then the Mullahs-Ahamadinejad and Khomeini would be 6 feet under by now... Turkey bans Syrian planes in there air space. They need to do the same to Iran And Russia. Hezbollah sent an Iranian drone in to Israel and it was shot down.Yup,once again they are asking for a war. The world is in turmoil,no one wants to talk to resolve problems.everyone blame the USA. How about this--The USA stops sending you all aid,meds,doctors,farm equipment,teachers, advisers and especially our money. You want help and you hate us. That makes no sense to me. I think President Obama should put the world on notice..We don't need you but you sure need us so act like it.If you keep it up Dec,21 2012 will come true!!Today in Alabama the sun was out for most of the day and boom rain came down in buckets for about 2 hours. now sunny but humid at 84 degrees not bad for Oct heading in to Nov. To all religions and colors have a blessed day,be well, use your brain for peace. Howard from Alabama.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Pakistan and more
The Taliban Mullahs sent a squad to kill a 14 year old girl because she has an opinion they did not like.Are we back in the 12th century? It is time to use napalm or hell fire missiles on Syria and Iran leaders. In Iran Khomeini said the divisions in his government made the money value plunge. Obama was correct once again with sanctions. That depreciation is 35-40% and could be more if other sanctions are in forced. Senior clerics do not like Amadinejad because he lacks economic management skills. You should read up on that. Everyone in Iran's government are blaming each other. So,the sanctions are working. The EU now has to do the same. As for Russia,a plane full or Russian arms was forced to land in Turkey as it was going to Syria. Had Russia and China come aboard with the sanctions on Iran and stopped shipping arms to Syria about 20.000 lives would have been saved. They to are killers by proxy. Iran also started a cyber-war with virus and worms in to the oil company's of the middle east. The USA warned them and I hope they try something so we could wipe there whole system out. Did you know that Al Qaida fought along side the Syrian rebels just to capture a missile base. You can guess why. As for the USA presidential election you can use the internet to see what is going on. As for me,i will vote Obama as he and Biden have the know how in all the right places it needs to be. OK,sunny and 83 degrees in Alabama today. If you want a great vacation spot try Orange beach. White sand and great food. Be well,blessed and happy.Help someone in need.Howard from Alabama.
Monday, October 8, 2012
What a past few days! I have not written because at 67 years old I got the mumps. Look like a chip monk :) but I sure do not worry about becoming sterile. Feel better today but I have not done any research on world affairs. Better to just say hi to the almost 2000 people who are reading my blog than to say something wrong or plagiarize someone else. Today in Alabama the morning had a chill.It was 56 degrees. Now it is near 73 degrees.the next few days sunny and in the 80"s. Low on food so my other half Jodie and I went shopping at Walmart. prices are good and they have a lot of stuff to select from.As i gaze out my window the trees are rustling in a 10 mile an hour wind and I am viewing my ram 1500 quad. It has some dents and scratches but runs great for a 2003. Lately I have been tired a lot.Guess I need a B 12 shot. also with the mumps slight fever so that could add to it. Did not hit the Florida power ball thus all those I want to help will just have to wait and pray I do.watched the Avengers movie.Man was that good.Also saw the Johnny Depp dark shadows,also good.Basically I am a science fiction nut but watch religious movies to. This was just a little note,about to lay down and try to rest. Will be back with my sarcastic self soon about current events in America and around the world. I would be grateful if you send my blogs to all your friends as well as make some comments on how you think i am doing. To all colors and religion's be well,be blessed and help some one in need. Howard from Alabama.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
I saw the 1st debate and i have to say you where poorly lacking. It doesn't matter now, why!! You will do better, but here is what i think should come next. Get some rest before the debate.Buy a $2500 fitted suit as the one you wore looked like shulmp and shulmp suits. You now have the money use it to look better. after all look who is on your arm. By the way, happy anniversary. Forget being Mr. Nice Guy. take the gloves off. Your record in the first 2 year when Democrats ruled was great. So tell it! there where about a hundred different and good bills,as well as much of what you promised.Lay that out. If you forgot i can send you all you did for seniors-veterans-college kids-teachers-fire and police-auto workers and lots more. Ask you staff to google (what has Obama got done up to now) It was sad to see Mitt the twit knock the heck out of you. You looked like a deer caught in the head lights.It is 1:15am here in Alabama and i can not sleep thinking of what you should have done. OK, tell Romney to get his pals at Bane Capital together and build 3 refineries in the Gulf Coast and you will bring the pipe line to them.That will mean we can get more oil to America and cut some prices.It will put thousands of people to work as well as there suppliers. Open up government land for drilling of oil and natural gas. More jobs!! Did you know in North Dakota that there will be over 2000 more millionaires this year and next? All because of oil. Fact-look it up i did.where do you keep your money and investments? Romney,Switzerland,Cam en Islands and more. He gave 4 million to Charity's but he did write it off.Well Mitt if i had your money it would be a lot more then that!! Romney wants to cut the 716 you used to help all Americans another talking point.You should have all your negative adds pulled and stick to the facts. There is plenty there.Let him play dirty and you stay Presidential.Make sure you explain things in simple speak do not get to heady. AND most of all President Obama come out swinging.You have him beat in foreign affairs and world problems,so use your smarts!!Tell the audience about how you stopped the China tire deal and kept jobs here.Speak about re-energizing manufacturing and bring back company's to America. Do not leave out Al Quida and the others we are fighting!! It is important that we the people know what is going on and your plans which are not classified of course. Do not let Romney win as i know you will be better for America. Also talk about how many items would have passed where it no for the republicans unable to work with you. If you get elected that to will change or both houses will be Democrats. may all colors and religion's be blessed. Howard from Alabama- p.s scroll down and read more
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I forgot one thing
Watch the dvd documentray The Daniel Project. Netflix has it in there watch now section or rent it. It sums a lot up about Jews-Muslims and Christians!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
President Obama,where is your backbone?
Here we are another day of murder and mayhem in Afghanistan and Obama does what? Some Taliban jerk on a motorcycle or was he a policeman kills 14 more people. 3-4 NATO troops. listen Mr. President if you do not have the balls to get out of Afghanistan right now and bring our troops,arms,supplies,tanks and taxpayers money home. I just might change my mind and not vote for you. What the hell is more important our troops or your election? You gave the people of the middle east there freedom and they choose to murder Americans and Brits as well as other NATO troops. Is it time to stop giving them billions of dollars and weapons? Dam straight! How do you feel every time you write a letter to a parent saying how sorry you are and it was for a good cause. BULL CRAP!! America does not need anyone to be the greatest nation in the world so cut the evil countries out and stop being the slang for a cat. It is bad enough that Romney doesn't know what he is doing so do not help him get elected! I was in the service from 1960-1965. In that time I was in Italy when they destroyed poster of JFK and peace posters,Iwas in Cuba for the blockade when ww3 was really close, and much more. Now i am to old and disabled to do much except voice my thoughts. Stop spending our blood and money.If you have to put a wall around America. Here in Alabama we have millions of guns should you need the help. This is about the only state that can put a wall around it and live very well with out the rest of the world. Alabama has everything we need.Food,oil,gas,electric,farms to grow what ever,mills to make clothing,fishing and cattle for more food. Maybe ,as President,you should think more about the USA and who we do not need!! That's my angry rant for the day and I will bet there are plenty Americans who think as I do. To all colors and religions be well,blessed and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama
Sunday, September 30, 2012
FYI from Jodies Stuff!: Murder in Afghanistan- again!!
FYI from Jodies Stuff!: Murder in Afghanistan- again!!: Since we are getting killed by the very Afghanistan soldiers and police we train,it makes sense not to train them and get out of that county...
Murder in Afghanistan- again!!
Since we are getting killed by the very Afghanistan soldiers and police we train,it makes sense not to train them and get out of that county. While we are at it, take our weapons,copters, troops and cash. Let them kill each other instead. We helped that country and others as well. now,get the heck out! All that money which we spend on wars can go to pay down the 16 or so trillion we owe. Makes perfect sense to me.This is not the blog i wanted to do.However,someone needs to speak out and it might as well be me. As for Syria. Here is an old world country with a lot of history but as President Assad keeps bombing Aleppo as well as murdering the people, he brings historical sites to ashes. Someone please shoot this evil demon in the head. In Iraq 32 plus people killed in car bombing. AND still we keep our troops there.The people of the USA are sick of war as well as all the billions spent for what? Here is my plan. Get all,each and every one of our troops out of every country in the world. close all the bases and bring all the weapons,tanks,planes ammo and what ever else we have back to America.. If a country wants the protection of the USA then they have to pay the troops salary. Provide the housing and food as well.Pay to the us treasury a premium which will help with the debt we have. Also pay for the hospitals and the care of our wounded troops and insurance to the families of those killed while helping you. NOW Israel. In Iran you have Khomeini and Ahmadinejad, both old world out of touch leaders. There are about 70 million people in Iran most under 35 years old who want peace not conflict. The two above want Israel to bring them back to the stone age. The nuclear program has enough fuel enriched to where it can be used for power plants. But they continue to enrich toward nuclear use in bombs. To me and the rest of the world it says go ahead and bomb us we are asking you to do so. In less then 6 months from today i believe Israel will bomb the crap out of Iran. Lets hope when they do they hit the infrastructure and the oil fields as well as Iran's reserve oil. While that is being done maybe the people of Iran will rise up and free themselves? There is always more to write but it is mostly bad news and after a while get a headache from that. To all colors and religions be well,happy help your down trodden. Howard from Alabama
Friday, September 28, 2012
To the 1840 followers of my blog
Yesterday I wrote a long blog. To my surprise the computer shut down on me. Yes of course I tried to press save ,but, nothing. Talk about frustrating. I have lots to do today and I will get back to writing it over later or tomorrow. In the mean time how about everyone try to figure out how to help with peace in the world. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Iran ! very little to say
Please know this is about the government of Iran and not the people who want freedom. So here is what i have to say: the government's Khomeini and Ahmadinejad's comments about war with Israel and America is so far down that it is pimple on the ass of the world. In less then 24 hours either country can bomb you back to the stone age. I think Iran has a death wish. It is a good thing i am not President as i would grant your wish in a heartbeat. You have insane people running your country. Why doesn't the population raise up against the government. No freedom of speech,burkas everywhere,no driving for you women,no music and dance and a lot more. Not allowed to use your minds for good instead of evil.Most of the people are 35 and under,how do you let these idiots rule? Now nuclear bombs very close. My guess is 6 months. Are the worlds country's ready to deal with a nuclear Iran? To the people of Iran,this is your country. If you do not like what is going on then change it! Be it know that this is not against Islam or Muslims, it is against down right stupid. To all colors and religions,be blessed and watch your 6. Howard from Alabama
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I know there is a lot on your plate and everything is hitting you at one time. But, China is buying up everything.In Canada China buying an oil plus natural gas company. In south America it is buying a gold mine. In America they are buying historical sites and buildings as well as over paying for homes across our great country.Do you not think with most of the 16 trillion debt China is foreclosing on America? I have no idea how to handle this problem but you need to think of something.Are you sure Mitt the Twit Romney is not behind this? After all he sold us out before with his out sourcing and investing in other banks and country's. Even as i write this Europe is begging China for money to save them. HOW ABOUT ADDRESSING THIS AT THE U.N. SPEECH? Instead of waiting for the Republicans to vote no again, just use the power you have and pass all the bills which will help middle class and lend a hand to the poor.USE the dam executive power you have and dam the Republicans who hold you back. What the hell good is being President if you do not use the power given to you by the voters of America. Come next election i will vote democratic all the way down the ticket and so should all Americans if you want to be heard!! In conclusion i say this: Get off your ass and do something now. Show us you have a set of brass balls or loose your creditability. To all religions and colors, be well-be blessed-voice your views in peace. Howard from Alabama
Thursday, September 20, 2012
ONLY THE TRUTH WRITTEN HERE!(everything researched)
Thank God I am an American living in this great country. I do not worry about what I say or who I call what. So what is going on with the Presidential election? The following is just one among many reasons Not to vote for Romney.At a fund raiser he says"he does not worry about the 47% of non income tax paying Americans. This guy doesn't seem to care about anything or anyone except his bottom line.He pays less in taxes then almost all Americans,has his money in Swiss banks and other overseas banks not including the 200 million or so he has.How did he earn so much? By outsourcing to China,Russia,India,Pakistan,South America. I guess investing in America is just not for him and his rich whiter then White republicans that screw up both the Senate and Congress just to keep Obama from helping we Americans.He has no plans for helping the middle class and low income people.As I see it,Romney is in the top 5% most wealthy and does not wish to pay his fair share to the less people that need a break. Obama started with nothing and worked his way up.Yes,he is NOW rich but he remembers when he was poor.You can not understand that empathy unless you lived it. Me, I will vote for Obama. There is plenty more if you search the Internet. -- NOW in the world. The anti-Muslim film is an excuse to become a savage with guns,blood,murder,attacks on a country that is trying to help people become free.Why do you Sunny and Shiites kill each other? Do you not have the same blood running through your veins? Think! Is it possible that Al-Quida and other factions got together and paid someone to make this outrageous movie which we all know as not true. Radical Muslim factions want everyone to believe this as an excuse to cover their tracts. Why must so few make all Muslims out to be like them. As for Iran,you are surely asking to be bombed. You give money and arms to those whole who throw the world in to kayos and you continue to build a nuclear bomb. So when Israel and others come against you, you can say you read it here on my blog. Believe me when i say there is more bad news to report from every country. I get upset because 90% of the earths people want to live in peace. Even in China,Russia,Libya etc- etc. How can you take a 10 year old boy-strap a vest on him to kill and maim others. at that age he has trouble finding his own weenier let alone one virgin. There is more but i an tired of all the crap... Be well-blessed and pray for a peaceful world. Howard from Alabama.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Yes I sit here reporting how I feel about things in the world.All those things are about people and governments. Now some A--HOLE makes a movie that he knew would start riots in the Muslim world. How stupid are those who did not figure this out? Is America to blame for everything on our planet which goes wrong? I think not!! President Obama has been doing his best to heal the country's around the world and you radical Muslims just drink blood and kill anyone who thinks different then you. You send children with bombs strapped to them.You send women to do your crazy bidding. What you need is a country of your own with a hundred foot fence around it. Kill each other you bunch of savages who exploit your Koran and pervert its passages to fit in to your thinking! Do you people even know how to love? OR is your gun an extension of your manhood? You radical sects are like a rotten apple that spreads to all the good ones and infects this world with hate and anger towards one another instead of peace you choose to fight an enemy who is not even there. So what do you do? You make one up and believe your own lies. All these attacks are coordinated. you have help from a terrorist state of Iran. Not the people of Iran but the jerks that run the country,who,insight death and destruction..............NOW TO PRESIDENT OBAMA, you are right to wait and see before you fire one shot. Romney speaks as a fool before thinking. Where he president and had he spoke in this manner we would be at war with many country's on many fronts. He has ZERO experience in foreign affairs. As for helping this country he has a "what's in it for me" attitude. He puts his money in banks around the world which shows "his" economic plan. Now back to you Mr.President,take our taxes and the money we give other countrys, pay down the debt. The hell with country's who try kill us,hate us, burn our embassy's.Take our troops and bring them back to the USA. Put them on border patrol to stop drugs from killing our kids. Take 50 smart people from around the United States and put them in a round table discussion on what's wrong with us and what do they think- to fix it. You have executive power so screw the Republican party blocking all the good you want to do for the middle class. Use that power,do not be a wimp.Take a T.S. attitude.I know you have a tough job but,you asked for it. As you are the advocate of the 310million of us minus the 2% off the top. Do your dam job and to hell with those greedy 2% and huge corporations who have foreign interests.... Develop the rich over flowing natural gas we have as well as an abundance of coal and oil. All this can be done and still preserve the ecosystem. Show the tree hugger's your plan, and, if it is a good one then tell them to bugger off. Sure I rant and rage but I have a lot to say.It is my belief I am correct in most things on my blogs,however,if wrong I will compromise. ON a different in south Alabama 89 degrees and sunny. I don't sleep to well between all the bad news in the world and fooling myself that 1 person can do good for so many. Trying to hit Florida power ball so i can use most of the money for that good i want so much to do. To all the people in the world,be well,be blessed,help someone who is in need no matter what color or religion. Howard from Alabama
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Here we go again.Libya's American embassy is burning and has blood on the walls.Our ambassador and 2 others murdered by radical Muslims of Al Quida. To me things are very clear. Leave all Muslim country's and take with us all our money and troops. This way they can kill each other so less for us to do.. I have a plan Mr.President, round up all the Muslims who you can prove are terrorist or sending money to them.Next, take all the prisoners in GITMO,lob them in with above. Then take all the radical heads of the mosks add to above.Put 6-10 class rear drop plains on the run way.dress them all up with USA American flag tee shirts,men and women a like. Put them in parachutes,hook them up to the strap for automatic open. Fly them to Iran and push them out. While your at it print up pamphlets warning Iran's government about what is not acceptable,that these pamphlets could have been bombs, and next time they will be. Explain to the people of Iran that this is meant for the war mongers,not them. be blessed Howard from Alabama
Monday, September 10, 2012
Syria's assad tells Russia's putin he would step down if so voted out of office.Well folks,he fixed the last election,then when the people demenstrated he murdered them in cold blood.I do not trust the Russian government under Putin or the Syrian government with dictator Assad. They both are proven liar's and heartless killer's of there own people. BY the way,why do we not hear more from the Arab Spring these days? As for Iran and the Ayatollah come and get me and my little puppet Ahmadinejad big mouth but only when i let him off the leash.Pursia was once a great empire. How the mighty have fallen since the days of Saladine. I think my President Obama is going to be re-elected for a second term.I say this as Presidents seem to grow a set of brass balls in the way of being more tuff and also tend to roar louder.However this guy Obama means it when he say's he will side with Israel. A big problem is getting other countrys to man up. I hope you all know that the most dangerous country is Iran. Not because of the people but the crazy ass government.IF Israel is looking for a red line,the enriching to 90% would be it. Why? Because at 90% it would take about 8 weeks for the grade to become nuclear bomb ready. Cutting it very close. Canada pulled out of Terran's embassy and through out the Embassy diplomats in Canada.They know it is not excitable for Iran to have nukes. Here is the "thing" Israeli people do not want to strike Iran with out the USA and others helping.You need to remember Israel has been through this before and will not allow it to happen with out sending 4 or 5 nuclear bombs in to Iran. Again,the problem is Iran's people are between a crazy Ayatollah and a Ahmadinejad who has a hand up his back moving his mouth.As an American veteran i can tell you war sucks bug time. At 67 no more war for me unless you bring it to my door,then watch out.90% of the people in the USA are armed,at least i am. Do not start something if you can not finish it!! So on the light side of life.Here we are in Alabama,88 degrees,sun shining fairly happy except for the state of the world.A president to be elected in 2 months or so,economy bouncing back slow but moving forward,jobs getting better,housing market moving up and there is President Obama who really gets the people of the United States of America.Then you have Mitt the twit Romney. 200 million dollars in banks,but not so much in the USA banks.Fed with a gold spoon,does not know what it is to go with out food or have to spend money on high food price and gas prices because he has the mooola.He can afford any doctor in the world should he get sick. We have Obama care which is not great but is better then nothing and much need by we middle class and poor-which i am not to far from.Does Mitt pay his fair share of taxes? May what is just legal on the money he keeps in America and the money overseas to avoid his fair share? Oh well, this is not a person i want for my President. To all you in the world,no matter what color or religion,be well,be blessed and help someone just because you can. Howard from Alabama
Friday, September 7, 2012
Canada is closing the embassy in Iran, because Iran is making nuclear materials for a bomb as well as providing arms to Assad. I am sure there is more ,such as Hezzball and Palestinians being help as well. Canada is an ally of Israel. Canada also said, Iran leadership is the biggest threat to global peace as it engages in anti-semitic and genocide speaking of killing everyone in Israel. In addition,after the UK bombings linked to Iran the British government thru out Iranian diplomats and pulled back there's. Remember in 2003 a freelance photographer was murdered by Iran in cold blood. AS FOR RUSSIA. They sold plans on the "how to" build a nuclear weapon to Iran. Putin had Russian scientists train hundreds if Iranians one's on converting nuclear waste in to fissionable material. The Russian government knows what Iran's plans are,yet,they block sanctions.How foolish is that? Israel will bomb Iran sometime in the near future. My best guess is in 2013. It is also my belief that Russia and China will be responsible for Iran and the nuclear bombs it it is building. Russia and China need to understand those missile's can hit there country's as well as Israel. That is it for now. I am tired of all this war and fighting in the world. be well,blessed and do something right. Howard from Alabama
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Putins life style cost the people of Russia between 1 & 2 billion dollar$ a year. Jets-cars-booze-hookers even though he is still married and has a 24 year old gymnast as a girl friend.So old fart take off your shirt so we can see the Russian mob tattoos and not so tight lumpy skin left over from K.G.B. days.Still paying people off to stay in power? This greedy old man makes a few billion selling arm to Syria and Iran and pocket oil profits from the Russian people.If the kids from the pussy riot where not in jail--I would picture Putin naked on a horse except for a cowboy hat, rope in hand ,trying to round up hairy tacos. OR how about Putin,the ayatollahs-Assad oil wrestling in a reserve flat tank like the bitches they are.How can the Russian government give heavy arms(China to) to Assad. He already murdered over 20.000 of his own people.Iran's nuclear site doubled in the last year. Why the heck does Israel not bomb the crap out of them and mossed take out the leaders of Iran and Syria as well? .....IN AMERICA all is not well either! Some of the disgruntled seal team members said"Obama did not kill Bin ladin." You jerks,think about it. You swear an oath to the USA,as I did.This means you work for Obama. Where it not for him sending you guys there and giving the order to capture or kill Osama he would be planning more stuff like 911. SO, by proxy (you) he did kill him and gave you seals the credit! Time you shut up.Obama in the 3 1/2 years passed 85 or so things he said he would. Around 6-7 of them help us veterans and we who are over 65 as well. I hope in his second term he grows bigger balls and a hard line attitude against Syria,Russia,China and Iran--plus others who try to harm us. as for the debt to China--I would file bankruptcy.See how they like that. well enough of me and my big mouth. To all colors and religions,be well,blessed and help the world. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Well folks,it is 9:00am in south Alabama. Hurricane on the way. We can not afford to drive up to Arizona for a few days so here we sit. It will be all over by Wednesday except for the clean up.While the world goes on I am shutting down until around Friday. To all colors and religions,be well,happy,and try to get along. Howard from Alabama.
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Hurricane Isaac's Path Path |
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Me too! Syria's Assad has killed thousands of his own people.Can anyone who is sane tell the world why?Iran keeps pissing not only Israel off,but most of the world. In essence they say come kill me. I foresee that being done very,very soon.Russia is lead around by another joker (Putin) who loves the blood of others. So for money to line his pockets he sells gunships,tanks,planes and ammo to Syria. Lets not forget China who does the same thing along with killing Buddhist monks and picking on Japan.The Saudis and the Arab Spring try to help but do not know how. all the above has happened before in history of the world and no one seems to learn from that....Is it not bad enough that mother nature tries to kill us we have to kill each other! In America there is a lot going on.First the Navy Seals got threatend by Al Quida because we killed their murdering leader and we will keep killing those who threaten America..Then the Republican party is looking more like the birth er party.The dirty insults both party's are advertising not to mention the billion$ that could go to feed the hungry and hurting in America. What a waste of money!! They block President Obama at every turn when he try's to do right by the people.The republicans have assured Obama a second term.( by their bad actions) I say good, in a second term you know more,you can get hard line and use executive order. Since he can not run for a third term(to bad) he can grow a bigger set.Lets hope he uses them!then you have the (Euro-pennis) doping board doing a witch hunt on Lance Armstrong. Where I him, a big f-u is in order and i would not return anything won. We need to legalize Marijuana then our prisons would not be full and the cost so taxing on us.How about this question. If we deport parents of American born children, what about them? Well, here we are in Alabama,sun is out 92 degrees with a slight breeze.about to make supper and go for a swim. my Mediterranean blood tan's well. Be safe,well,happy help a friend in need. Howard from Alabama
Monday, August 20, 2012
3atkhncb n,o,not --- which is shut up you Russian Idiots. This is to the government like Mr. K.G.B Putin and his followers. Last year you sold over 1Billion dollars worth of guns and ammo to Assad. How much this year including Helios-gunships? China as well. So for you to even comment on the west helping the freedom fighters in Syria is a double standard.For deputy Foreign Minister Gatilov's saying the west and Arab states are prolonging the war there, is like, let Assad use our Russian weapons to kill thousands of people which will end that conflict on the terms Russia likes. Rather then Syrian people protecting themselves. That's is on this rainy day in Alabama. All colors and religions,be well,blessed and happy. Help someone who needs it..Howard from Alabama
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Things to say from all over the world today!
Once again Afghan police kill American troops.2 today and the day is not over as well as the 36 so far this year.This is Karzi at work with his Taliban and tribe leaders. AND YET, Obama and Congress gives them 16 billion dollars and keeps troops there until 2014. How about moving that date to 2012 remove all troops,arms,tanks,trucks,advisers and get our 16 billion back to pay down the 14 trillion debt!!! I hope President Obama has bigger balls in his second term. NOW Syria who denied Ass-ads P.M and many others including an intelligence officer never left and did not defect. Never left because you killed them in cold blood with RUSSIAN and CHINESE weapons. NEXT: how about South Africa!! 34 minors shot dead-78 wounded-259 jailed. Can you say Apartheid? What did the minor do,throw platinum at the police? Police say "self defence" sure guns against dirt! As for the company,they offered to pay to bury the dead and educate the children.That is how big money does it,they pay you off and business as usual. EGYPT--The President Mohammad Morsi going to Iran. Bend over President Amadinejad get ready for your ass kiss.Hey maybe the coward country's want to line up Ayatollah Ali Khomeini and hims 7 little Ayatollahs for a b.j.???? Saudi Arabia wants U.S. air strip and boots on the ground to protect them. How about paying the United States of America.... so American tax payers can put that money to pay down the debt too. OR at least pay us back in oil. IN AMERICA..Obama asked congress to help put teachers to work.Of course they won't because it is good for the average American child. That's the republicans for you-Romney and Ryan are republicans. Obama said"oil release" on the table. He will have to do it by executive order as republicans do not like that either...MITT the twit and RYAN I'm dying if I'm lying about Iran will think twice about attacking Israel. How about saying exactly what you would do to help Israel!! SO MY FRIENDS-OR NOT :) to all colors and religions,be well,happy and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Iran says"dismissing Isreali strike"
Such a strike would cause "very severe circumstances" and would be "stupid" says Iran. Pretty smart says Howard. If Israel hits the oil fields it takes down most of the money that Russia and China give them for oil. Then in the same strike get the heads of the big snake and all the little follower snakes ask well as the enrichment plants and then see who is stupid! with Iran testing long range missiles coupled with nuke enrichment should tell the world a story. Even Obama can not be blind to this! All Iran does is inflame to a point they are asking Israel to bomb the cramp out of it. I feel sorry for the people of Iran who are mostly under 35 years old and not working because of Iran's crap that comes out of the government. As i have said before the people are not the problem they are caught in the middle of crazy people who are begging to die. President Obama told Israel that with Iran all options are on the table. This means backing Israel against Iran. Speaking of which,Syria is getting help from Iran,Russia and china as well as Hammas and Hezbollah the latter 2 looking to wipe Israel out. While Israel is at it bomb Syrian oil fields and plane hangers on its way to Iran. NOW,as for Assad. His own generals and more important his Prime Minister defects to Jordan.That should tell you Assad is done for. I said this 2 months ago it is all over but the bullet to his head. He controls less the 30% of Syria.It is time the west and the Arab Spring get off its butt and help the freedom fighters with larger weapons. Done for today. No matter what color or religion you are, have a blessed day,be well and hug someone who needs it.Howard from Alabama
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Afgan police kill 3 more American Marines!!
Why the heck are we protecting Afghanistan? Let Karzi and his murderous troops fend for themselves. President Obama,are you so busy trying to get elected that you take your eyes off the problems that really need attention? Get off your Butt and bring all our troops home and screw Afghanistan and that government. We did what we went to do,now get the ---- out of there. Seven dead in one day NOT right!! Do not wait for 2014 get everyone out now and do not give them any money(billions) or arms. As for Syria,it is bad enough you will not send arms or a seal team to help the freedom fighters. At this point I am thinking what a wuss you are! But Romney is worse so you will win by default instead of guts. Lets face it,Assad needs to go by leaving or by death for what he has done. Can you spell genocide? As for Iran. How can you let those little piss ants make you back down. MORE SANCTIONS!! OR Turn Israel loose on them.Your smart and talk a good game but as for action on your part, you suck. Am I angry at the injustice in the world? Yes,but you can do something if you choose to.Again, stop thinking of the election and think of our troops and the American people.As for both house's the republicans are far worse but the Democrats are not to much better. OH off subject-we send our kids to the Olympics and then we tax them? Are you and the IRS out of your minds? This should not be.Ask or take a pole and you will see it is not right. well that's it for today. Everyone be well,blessed and do a good thing for someone,Howard from Alabama
Friday, August 10, 2012
THANKS to the 1415 readers all over the world
Today i have to go see the doctors at the veterans hospital. At 67 the body has all these new aches and pain. Added to the disability it is a pain in the butt,arms,neck and all over.Plus arthritis in all places my hard to type or write. It's 9:30 am in Alabama.The rain for the past 2 weeks is a ground soaking problem and little sun to dry it up. Which,in turn makes everything sticky-humid. Please keep checking .I am sure my big mouth will find things to write. To all colors and religions,be well,happy and find the time for family and friends. Howard from Alab
Oh by the way if anyone would like to comment on any of my bloggs feel free. There is a comment box under this blogg. Thank you!
Oh by the way if anyone would like to comment on any of my bloggs feel free. There is a comment box under this blogg. Thank you!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Russia and Iran helping Syria's Assad
First Russia needs to stay out of the Syrian conflict. It is bad enough they sold copters and guns to Assad which he uses to murder his own people. All Assad has managed to do is bomb Syria back to the stone age. There is enough death and destruction at his hands for the west to get involved.Listen Obama if you can not help the freedom fighters with large weapons ,what the hell good are you as a leader.Unfortunately you are 10 times better then Mitt the twit. Iran,here is a crappy government run by death dealers. The religious leaders are nuts in that country.HELPING ASSAD IS THE SAME AS RUSSIA AND IRAN. MURDER BY PROXY IS STILL MURDER. My answer to this problem is simple. If you cut the heads off the snakes in Iran and Syria the snakes die and the country is better off. The west has the fire power,so use it!! Each day hundreds of humans die because the world really does not give a crap. Mark my words,the western alliance will surely pay dearly for there lack of assistance to the freedom fighters as well as not putting more sanctions on Iran. As for me, i am fed up with governments who will not help those who want freedom. I am outta here. going to get in the pool and cool off my hot head. To all colors and religions,be well,be happy,do something nice today. Howard from Alabama.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
It's 10:30 am in Alabama
The sun is out so heading for my pool. later have to go to doctors,perhaps I will write a blog later. For now, may you all be well,blessed and happy. Howard from Alabama
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Headline"China blame west for Syria problem"
Friday, August 3, 2012
Aug 8th-no real blog but
Kofi Annan as i said he would, got frustrated and quit talks with Syria. Rebels stole the Russian tank right from Assad. Again, I said Assad will fall-and he will if they can find the coward of Syria. What the freedom fighter need now is guidance on how to set up a government for the people and a transition of power. Do it, not while they are a young and strong power and before they become like the regime they hate. That's it for now. be well,blessed and happy, to all colors and religions. Howard from Alabama
Sunday, July 29, 2012
I am not sure what direction today's blog will be going. There is a lot to say of many things going on. Lets start with Saudi Arabia Turkey,Qatar. In turkey there is a meeting place where the freedom fighters of Syria can get some help with arms and advice.I think the United States should be in on helping with large fire power for the rebels.But that's just me. Assad is importing a massive amount of weapons to murder his own people.The very least the USA should do is give the free Syrian army matching weapons. Of course you know who gives Assad those arms, yup Russia's Putin and the high ranking people of China. Now here is one for the books.Ayatollah Khomeini want husbands and wives to have more sex!! Yes in Deedee folks, the Ayatollah wants the population to grow. He can not afford to feed the people of Iran,the sanctions are getting to him,the young people are not getting married and putting finding a job first. Which Iran has very few jobs these days and the average salary at $200-250 a MONTH you would be nuts to listen to the already crazy government of Iran. the thinking goes something like this: all the little Ayatollahs and the bigger crazy one feel if the population rises the we will think the sanctions are not working(they are) The population now is half of the people in Iran are under 35 years old. Who are the green movement that protested Ahmadinejad's election. It is just a matter of time before Iran is the Syria of tomorrow.(freedom to the people). So go ahead and have babies who grow up to be in the army and get killed. Not a good thing!! What else you say. Humm! who was Abraham? did he have 2 sons? Why yes i believe so. A jew the father of Islam and of the Jewish people. Same blood lines- same genes. So it makes perfect sence to kill each other. I think NOT. Wake the heck up get to the tables and work things out. So that my blog and I'm sticking to it. To all religons and colors,be well,be blessed and be happy. Howard from Alabama
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I usually ignor those running for president
OK let's get to it.Mitt Romney(big mouth) says " President Obama has diminished US power. Not so Mitt the twit. You from the state of Utah do not receive Mormon of the month. WHY?? When working for Bane Capital you were the one that out sourced thousands of jobs to china,Russia,South America and more countries. You were the one to make manufacturer's leave the USA with deals for cheap labor. You were the one who in Utah lost over 5,000 jobs to oversees. Obama has spoken to state governors in Colorado-Arizona-and yes,UTAH which now has of 100 of those company's hiring again. Get off you 200,000,000 million dollar bank account and get down here in the dirt with most of us Americans. How the heck can YOU relate to the 90% of us trying to buy food and pay our bills? how can you say Obama care is no good when you can go anywhere on earth to find the best doctors and your money can save your life or your loved one but, we the people, can not have some piece of mind which Obama care helps. Wounder what else you and your rich buddies in the Republican party want to take away. On top of that, if you make more then 2million a year you should pay more tax then your assistant. YOU have no record to stand on but at least Obama got 85 items done and passed. He does what he says he is going to do,however,it will take 8 years instead of 4. Obama is on a roll doing his very best. As for you,well not so much!. be well,be blessed and be happy. Howard from Alabama
Monday, July 23, 2012
Iraq-you asked for it!!
Iraq asked or rather told the us "we do not want or need you here" so we left! Then you wanted the U.S.A to help you with $16 billion dollars. sure,give us $16 billion in oil which seems fair to me. Now you have Al Quada murdering your people,police and American trained security force.NOT OUR PROBLEM. Fix it your dam self. We, the American people are fed up with the crap from Iraq-there buddy's in Iran and other terrorist nations so figure out on your own. No mater which type of Muslim you are you are both Muslims so either kill each other or get along jointly, up to you. As for the U.S.A. stay the hell out of other peoples fights. It is not like it was years ago when our help was wanted. I have seen war and it is good for nothing. Howard from Alabama
Sunday, July 22, 2012
With Russia and China's 3rd veto to stop Assad 100 countries including the USA will now "covertly" help the Syrian people.About dam time!! Sure we have to do it with out the UN but who Care's. The UN has and will be, a do nothing organization that can not agree on most things.Russia and China of course vetoed sanctions. Who do you think supplied the gun ships that kill so many Syrian citizens. Not only that, they both pocket big money from Syria's sale of oil to them. The funds for arms,helio-gun ships-ammo are all big sales that give both Russia and China lots of cash. Plus the heads of government get a share in there bank accounts......President Obama will help by sending food and medical help. But he will urge the Arab States to supply arms to the freedom fighters.Perhaps one day we will see Assad dead and Syria democratic. Oh,by the way,sanctions include Iran and others who help Assad. Give Obama another 4 years in the white house and see what he can really do. No one can do much in just 4 years. However, Obama has done more in the 4 years then most presidents do in 8 years. Know this, the people of the United States are sick and tired of our children being killed all over the world. But if you stick a gun in our face we will take you down. So much for the ranting of a US Veteran......... Here in Alabama it is again raining.At least my truck gets washed.The dogs do not like the thunder and lightning. Who can blame them? For the past few days i have not been feeling well. My German Shepard must sense this as she lays her head in my lap about 5 minutes before my blood sugar goes up or down and i start to get dizzy.Not only that, in the past i have had extremely bad back problems(2 operations later) that give me terrible pain. A few minutes before it starts she keeps going back and fourth to the bedroom.That is her way of saying get off your feet and take a pain pill. Sparky is truly a smart dog and senses everything.She is 7 going on 8 this Christmas.The thing is i know i will never find another one like her. Yes,i love my dog and even the Alaskan Spitz we have who is a spiteful little creep. For his size(18 pounds) he thinks he is a great Dane. But do not mess with him. he even bit me. Well, that's it for today. Be well,blessed and happy(all colors and religions) Howard from Alabama
Friday, July 20, 2012
What is going on in the USA and the world
First Alabama. This last week it has been raining extremely hard during the day. sun peaks out but not often. very humid 90-100% which makes it hard to breath.So I stay in the a/c house unless i need something that can not wait. My days are spent reading of world events, and here in the USA as well. So far, some guy goes in to a theater showing batman movie and shoots dead 12 people including a child and a baby. then wounds 50 other's. So you see we have crazies here to. There is more but you need to look it up on yahoo for yourself. Now Russia's Putin,again will veto U.N. observers. Sure it will, anything to make Putin a billionaire and stuff his KGB pockets. China as well.... North Korea threatens to boost there nuclear program yet the people starve.Nothing seems to change. The freedom fighters are getting closer to killing Assad and his top people. I say good, but death is to good for him. Feed him to the families of the dead he murdered and make his torture last for days. Oil slipped to $92.00 a barrel. I should have bought it at $16 bucks a barrel. As for Iran blocking oil shipment in the straights of Hormuz. If they want to start a war with the west, then by all means put your ships there to be blown up! While I have empathy for the people of Iran i do not for the government and those who run it. Did you know that the New York police linked 12 plots of terror to Iran? Yet we do nothing to them!! In BURGAS Bulgaria an Israeli bus of tourist was blown up by an Iranian link to Hezbollah. What we have here is a country pissing off power full other countries. Perhaps they want to get blown up? Once again,a strike team or even there own people should take out that regime. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it,however it seems to me the only way to peace is through war!! Stupid,stupid governments. So, for today, that is it. To all colors and religions be well,blessed hug a loved one. Howard from Alabama.
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