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Thursday, November 10, 2011

" Alzheimers Experience!"

    I have been watching and listening to the television and reading my computer,about Alzheimers disease.  It is a terrible disease .  My husband died from this almost 8 years ago.  I remember when it began, I had no idea that there was anything wrong. We all forget things, mix-up our words , act like silly kids from time to time.  So I just figured it was nothing to worry about. He was a few years older than me so I didn't  think much about it.
   Timme went on and he had to have a hiatal hernia repaired.  That is a serious operation, they had to open him from his sternum   to his navel.  When he recovered from the surgery,He was groggy so I wasn't sure , until he was totally consious  and he wasn't sure who we were, he kept looking at us and the surrondings like he wasn't sure what was going on. I knew right then that something was wrong.  I asked for a meeting with the physicians , they set one up and we met, they laughed at me and said I was  wrong and was looking for things wrong. Now who would know better than the wife who lives with him, if he is acting strange? Then they said not to worry about it it was just a little dementia, excuse me but isn't that what the was Alzheiners symptoms are?  Well we went home and his Alzheimers progressed , after 7 yrs or more the doctors finally admitted that he had it and tried to use aricept , but it was to far along so it didn't work.
    As the years went by he knew he had it and made me promise never to put him in a nursing home so I never did.  Myself and 2 of my sons took care of him.  The boys helped with anything heavy, and I did the other care.  He would appologize sometimes for having to be helped.  I just would say thats ok I,m your wife so don't worry about it.  I am not going to tell you that it was easy because it wasn't .  You are in a situation where you feel so helpless, because there is nothing you can do, and you are watching this person slowly die . It is horrible and I do not want to ever watch someone go through this disease again.
   Here is a tip:  This is what happened He woke up from a nap, did not recognize me , and because I was trying to get him to take his meds, he thought I was a nurse. He started yelling and screaming at me. So I had an idea, I went and changed my clothes and combed my hair different. I came out and he knew me.He said" Oh Good, you are here, that fat  nurse was trying to poison me , I told her when my wife gets home she will kick the crap out of you."  So If they do not know you change clothes and comb your hair differently.Oh yes and i never wore those clothes infront of him again.   I have a few more things but I will write about it another time.  If you have questions about this  eail me at
 Thats about it for today.  Have a wonderfull day.

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