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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
among the country's here come's france
Saturday, December 24, 2011
my grandfather was a (white)russian
do not get excited. the white russian is an expression. it means where in russia he was born. and he did not drink :) well i have some questions to ask.the first is in world can a father let his daughter spend 88million dollars on a condo that is in new york? there are plenty of people in need in your country that need help!! for convience of being closer to her school. Ekatereina Rybolovleva did just that. ok, so you have billion's but your daughter is only 22 year old. what does this teach her? what is wrong with a 10 million dollar place to live in trump tower's? dmitry,this is a bit much. NOW about Putin. he has become a dictator and he take bread out of the mouth's out of an already broken russia. how about electing Alexi Navalny. to much to have an honest man running the country?? those are my questions for today. visit our other site at OR my email at rember i am a chef so if you have any food dish you need a recipes any country any dish mail me at either of above and i will answer you with how i perpare it. be well, be blessed and be happy to all religon's or none at all.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
"Nice Night Tonight!"
Well we had a nice quiet night tonight. We watched a couple of really good movies.The first was the last Harry Potter movie" Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II," It was an awesome movie, I loved the ending. I wish that there would be more , such as new adventures of the sons and daughters of Harry and his fellow student wizards. I really think it could be quite interesting . Could take all sorts of twists and turns. Food for thought! The second movie we watched was about the dolphin that lost her tail. This is a true story and it is well worth watching. If you are an animal lover as we are, you will enjoy this very much. Well now our weather has changed once again. It was warm for the last 2 days but tonight it is chilly. Mother nature just can't make up her mind this year, is it going to be winter or summer? I vote for summer, thats why I moved south, and of course Howard is here, that is another reason. I am going to make him another cake tomorrow, he really likes carrot cake so I will make him one with butter cream frosting. It won't be as fancy as the birthday cake we made for Tiberius's birthday , but he will like it for sure, this I am positive of(smile). I really like doing things special for him, he always gets this smileing twinkle in his eyes and that is cool. It is wonderful to have some one special in your life who makes you feel happy . So I am wishing that all my friends near and far can find someone who makes them feel happy and enjoy life, be happy and blessed.
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My Howard in the kitchen, where he loves to be. |
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
So Far,So Good!
Well I weighed myself today and I am down 13 pounds. Without the lap band surgery. My Honey is helping me with this, and to tell you the truth, he is good at motivating me, along with the food he is fixing for me. As I said before he is a chef, he fixes me the 4 to 6 ounces of food, per day , then the rest of the meals are liquid, protein, he knows the nutrition facts and goes by them, I am not weak or dehydrated ,no malnutrition. This is working, For snacks I have the small Crowley lite yogurts, or apples, fruit. is good. I am really happy with this. Thank you Howard, you are my inspiration.
My son and Howard have their Breezy lawn service up and running again. They do a lot of different things, lawn work, trim hedges clean up and odd jobs. I love how they make our lawn look almost like green carpet. I like to go out on the deck and admire it.:-)
I have some New Year's resolutions planned, (1) I will absolutely stick to this diet so I can get down to a size 5/6 in clothing.(2) I will start listening more and speaking less. (3) I will curse less, espeially around my Grandson, he is like a parrot, repeats everything he hears .
Tiberius is very miscieivous here is a picture of him trying to pinch his Grandpa Givens. See what I mean, he is a new "Dennis the Menace" I love my Grandbaby . He is so cute. He is a little happy child, always ready for adventure, so busey all the time exploreing his bright new world. Looking at this and that touching everything ,smelling everything, as I said exploring his world, if you watch him you can see he is thinking and figureing things out.To me it is so amazing , I was so busey being a Mom and a wife that I didn't have time to actually see this in my children.I guess thats why being a Grandparent is so special and rewarding. So when Tiberious has had such a busey day, a nap with Dad is in order. Be Happy and Blessed.
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Daddy (Chris) and Tiberius |
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Wow! Seven More Days!
Christmas is only 7 more days. All the little kids are excited about Santa coming. I can remember how that felt. My sister Judy and I would plot how we were going to stay awake and see him delivering presents, never worked! We always fell asleep. I never did get that pony that i kept asking for.:-) But much later in life I had several ponies and some horses, lol I had to grow up to get them, you can't have a pony in an apartment.. So getting back to the Christmas subject.. I have been looking at the decorations that the towns and families have put up for the Holiday season, and they are just aspretty as they are where you have snow on the ground. I will take a picture of the Christmas town that Robertsdale puts up in the park, and I wil edit it in this blog tomorrow night.It is cute, at least I think so.
My son Chris and his wife went and had the oil changd in the car and the wheels rotated . Tiberius had fun while they were waiting , I am encluding his pictures while they were there. I am surprised he didn't try to take the tires down and play with them. He did get a package of windsheild wipers to play with... Be happy and blessed Oh yes the bib is to catch the slobbers because he is a drooler since he is cutting teeth.:-)
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Tires, lets see! |
Monday, December 12, 2011
Bet You Wondered!
I bet you were wondering about my other half. after reading his blogs. So I decided to put his pictures on so you have an idea of who is writing about food , other countries, government issues and we women. He is very intelligent. He has done a lot of things in his 66 years on this earth. He just had a new experience yesterday. We baked a cake for our Grandson Tiberius's birthday, I baked the 4 round cakes and turned Howard loose on them. As you can see he did a great job. It is a carrot and white cake , the bottom layer is white, the next is carrot,then white and carrot last, white frosting on top with colorful sprinkles and chocolate frosting around the rest. The picture really doesn't do it justice. It was his first time decorating , I say he did a very nice job.
Now he is a Chef and a baker, plus a Minister. Then he is my other half. Thank you Howard. You make life interesting, and entertaining.:-)
The pictures are of the cake, Howard in the kitchen , and at the beach in Gulf Shores. So now you see who keeps me sane and happy.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
what if ??
What if women ruled the world? what if women where---presidents---prime ministers-- and other world leader's that have power ??? what if there was a call to war and no one showed up? in the Arab country's if women leader's ran--- it is the men who would wear burka's and not be allowed to drive among many other rule' you really think that in all the country's, women can not budget money. have you seen a women at a sale lol? Russian a women leader as all other women would stop war everywhere on earth.why? because no mother wants to bury a America we have a nickle with a Buffalo on it. a women president would squeeze it so hard it would cry--thus our $15 trillion debt would be gone and china could be looking at our butt, instead of owning parts of America which is caused by Congress and the senate mostly the Republicans.if women like Monique-Van-Devotes , from the Dutch country's. (look her up)amazing how GOD works. you would think i where Jodie but i am her guy. i am a chef but before that,a veteran who is disabled as well as a messianic minister. a final thought. the people in the world get along! it is the government's who lie steal and cheat it's people of it's money. it is leader's of today including there ruler's like Vlad the people's not the president who has stolen an election. stolen a billionaires oil company and put him in go get him Russia's good and honest population.president Obama still needs to forget about re-election and who you offend,fight for those in our country,override both congress and the senate as if there not their OH-THEY ARE NOT THERE!!! there is more but i an only one person with freedom of speach !!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Ghosts? I Believe!
Ok , I have hesitated writing this blog because it is a touchy subject for a lot of people. I believe in Ghosts, because I have lived in 4 places that were haunted. In fact the Mobile home we live in at the moment is by a woman, and possibly her husband. We have seen her or should I say what looked like a just noticeable almost clear vapor subtance , which disapears almost as fast as it apears. You almost miss it , I catch it out of the corner of my eye and then its gone. I have heard the voices talking , there is 2 voices speaking but the words are not clear enough to make them out. It is funny because I can be in my kitchen on the computer and hear them in the dining room having a conversation, if I go through the room to the hallway to the bathroom they stop speaking and it ends for the night. I have checked every possible thing, radios, tv, neighbors, ets and there is no logical explanation. But as I said , no one is hurt so it is ok.
One of the houses I lived in was an Old Farm house in Redwood N.Y. It was haunted by several spirits, we would hear one walk across the hall , come down the stairs , go through the livingroom and through the dining room and end there. It was a thing that happened off and on daily and at night . It was actual foot steps, exactly like when we walked the same route. Also things would get moved or fly off the shelves, when it was perfectly quiet with no explanation. Hearing a rocking chair creaking in the same room where you are sitting. Or hearing pans falling and there is nothing there.
So anyhow I am a believer. But I have never had a bad experience with any of this, which is probably why I am not afraid of it. There is so very much between heaven and earth that we mortals will never really understand. But we can try.
Be happy and blessed.
One of the houses I lived in was an Old Farm house in Redwood N.Y. It was haunted by several spirits, we would hear one walk across the hall , come down the stairs , go through the livingroom and through the dining room and end there. It was a thing that happened off and on daily and at night . It was actual foot steps, exactly like when we walked the same route. Also things would get moved or fly off the shelves, when it was perfectly quiet with no explanation. Hearing a rocking chair creaking in the same room where you are sitting. Or hearing pans falling and there is nothing there.
So anyhow I am a believer. But I have never had a bad experience with any of this, which is probably why I am not afraid of it. There is so very much between heaven and earth that we mortals will never really understand. But we can try.
Be happy and blessed.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Well it is that day again, when we are thankfull for everything, (smile) especially that Turkey in the oven. I am praying that there are plenty of shelters with plenty of food for the homeless and needy this year.
My son Christopher and Tina got married yesterday, Howard married them. He is an ordained Minister, so he tird their knot, and There is a new Mrs. Brown in town! Congrats kids, love you
Well Howard and I did Thanksgiving dinner this past Sunday,because I started the 10 days of liquid diet on Monday. I wasn't going to miss my last big meal. It was great. So my crazy man figured out a way I could still partake in the left overs, he put them in the blender and liquified it. Hey it actually tasted like Turkey soup,was very tasty,I didn't even miss the chewing(smile).
I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends everywhere,have a wonderfull day,be happy and blessed.
My son Christopher and Tina got married yesterday, Howard married them. He is an ordained Minister, so he tird their knot, and There is a new Mrs. Brown in town! Congrats kids, love you
Well Howard and I did Thanksgiving dinner this past Sunday,because I started the 10 days of liquid diet on Monday. I wasn't going to miss my last big meal. It was great. So my crazy man figured out a way I could still partake in the left overs, he put them in the blender and liquified it. Hey it actually tasted like Turkey soup,was very tasty,I didn't even miss the chewing(smile).
I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends everywhere,have a wonderfull day,be happy and blessed.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
"Computer is up and running!"
Thanks to my wonderful brainiac man, I can do this blog again. I don't know what was wrong but he fixed it. Yay Howard!...p.s he said he did not know what the heck he did but hey,he will smart so he says.
So we decided to have our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow because, On Monday I have to begin the 10 days of liquid diet , getting ready for the Lapband surgery on Dec.1st.(and no dancer's pole required) So I would miss the big dinner, not this girl, Its going to be my last big meal for the rest of my life.. Seriously, this is true, after about a couple of months i will be maybe eating solids butit will be in very small amounts, like 4 ounces, or less. So we talked about this and have decided when we go out to eat we will order one meal for both of us lol. But if we go to the buffet dinners then thats easy, just a bite of this and a bite of that, on the plate. Or get a handbag lined with plastic and fill it up,hahaha! Now that will work. All kidding aside I am truley looking forward to having this done . There is a big chance that my diabetes will be gone and the copd will be helped . That will be fantastic! Since coming south I no longer am on O2 except at night,so if this works as my doctor says I will have a new life,a better one. Sounds good to us..
On Dec 1st I a counting on Howard to write this blog for me, maybe for a couple of days. Like he says if there is something you would like to ask or comment about just ask we will be glad to answer it for you.He is pretty well educated , knows a lot, there hasn't been anything that I have asked him about where he didn't have an answer. And I do ask a lot of questions.
Well it rained today, and the temperature went back up to 72, so it warmed back up. The past couple of nights we had a fire in the fire place, it felt pretty darned good. The night before it dropped down to 36 degrees , but last night it was 48 which was a little bit warmer. The fireplace reminds me of the winters up north where I lived before I moved south. Redwood NY. way up almost on the Canadian border.Now those winters are cold.........Hopefully in March we will swimming in the pool again..If the weather should warm up early in the spring it would be great. My sister Judy is planning to come visit in the spring. Hope it is warm enough then.If not there are a million things for her to see and do while she is here here in the alabama gulf area. that's it for today. be well,blessed and happy
So we decided to have our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow because, On Monday I have to begin the 10 days of liquid diet , getting ready for the Lapband surgery on Dec.1st.(and no dancer's pole required) So I would miss the big dinner, not this girl, Its going to be my last big meal for the rest of my life.. Seriously, this is true, after about a couple of months i will be maybe eating solids butit will be in very small amounts, like 4 ounces, or less. So we talked about this and have decided when we go out to eat we will order one meal for both of us lol. But if we go to the buffet dinners then thats easy, just a bite of this and a bite of that, on the plate. Or get a handbag lined with plastic and fill it up,hahaha! Now that will work. All kidding aside I am truley looking forward to having this done . There is a big chance that my diabetes will be gone and the copd will be helped . That will be fantastic! Since coming south I no longer am on O2 except at night,so if this works as my doctor says I will have a new life,a better one. Sounds good to us..
On Dec 1st I a counting on Howard to write this blog for me, maybe for a couple of days. Like he says if there is something you would like to ask or comment about just ask we will be glad to answer it for you.He is pretty well educated , knows a lot, there hasn't been anything that I have asked him about where he didn't have an answer. And I do ask a lot of questions.
Well it rained today, and the temperature went back up to 72, so it warmed back up. The past couple of nights we had a fire in the fire place, it felt pretty darned good. The night before it dropped down to 36 degrees , but last night it was 48 which was a little bit warmer. The fireplace reminds me of the winters up north where I lived before I moved south. Redwood NY. way up almost on the Canadian border.Now those winters are cold.........Hopefully in March we will swimming in the pool again..If the weather should warm up early in the spring it would be great. My sister Judy is planning to come visit in the spring. Hope it is warm enough then.If not there are a million things for her to see and do while she is here here in the alabama gulf area. that's it for today. be well,blessed and happy
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
"Thanksgiving,Black Friday,and Christmas!"
Oh my goodness, I just cannot believe how commercial out Holiday season has become. Yes I know all about the giving and receiving thing, thats all well and good but in our economy, at this point I'm thinking there are a lot of people who will be happy to get a good hot meal. We need to change it and make it a time to help each other and not to try to out do our neighbors by getting the most expensive toys , electronics , etc for our families, and find someone who is really needing help and make their Christmas special, then do your family shopping. It just seems like the right thing to do.
Another thing that gets me,Seems that our government, and also our celenrities, are always anxious to help foreign countries , which I agree with, but they seem to forget all our poor sick people who are homeless , and orphanned , needing to be adopted , or helped to get a job.
Must be my night to complain. Here is another thing I thing about, We have so many homeless people , and there are so many forclosed homes standing idle, because there is no one buying a lot of homes right now/ My idea is this, have the banks rent out some of these idle homes, they are just standing there ,while the banks have to hire people to keep them up , so maybe someone will buy them either in an auction for half what they are worth . Why not rent the to the homeless ones if they could have places to live for decent rental prices I'm pretty sure they would take any job offered to them. We have a lot of people that are having it rough,and they deserve to be helped as much as our foreign friends, but our own people seem to be forgotten...WHY???
I am not a Grinch lol . I just need to complain when I see injustice being done to poor innocent people in my own country. Then hearing celebrities adopting children from other countries when we have many orphans right here just praying for a home. I guess I just don't get it, maybe it is for the publicity,I don't know. Well be blessed and Happy.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
"Saving Money!"
I was looking around, surfing the web, if you will. I have found that there are many sites with free coupons for groceries, resturants that have free coupons with %'s off of their meals, even hotels and motels with %off coupons. Seems that all you need to do, is go to their sites and download their coupons. A really good place for a variety is the "i am that lady." She surfs , gets the deals, and puts them up on her site, she is very good.
I have also found that you can get free samples by surfing for free stuff, or give away, this one, the give away is great on the Craigslist. People get rid of some really great things, a friend got a beautifull hot tub free, just had to pick it up. Someone else got a 52 inch tv the same way.
Well tonight Howard asked me if we had any cookies and i didn't, so he went to watch tv. I had a Jiffy chocolate cake mix , so I looked on the side of the box , and sure enough ,a recipe for chocolate cookies, well I didn't have any chocolate chips so... I put coconut, raisens, and oatmeal in and they turned out really good and he liked the surprise. That smile and those twinkleing brown eyes are worth it. I am happy. Wish all of you were as happy as I am.
Holidays are coming up quick, how about some of you email me some recipes that you use and I will put them on here with your name or not if you do not want your name on. email to
Sunday, November 13, 2011
"On the Lighter Side!"
I think we should do this blog a little less serious, maybe about happy memories instead of the serious stuff .but as i said if you need more information just ask. here it is Sunday Nov 13th. time flies by very fast. in America we have thanksgiving coming up.well in 1863 as we Americans fought each other the civil war old Abe Lincoln thought it should be a day for national thanks.right in the middle of a bloody civil war, that put brother against brother.look it up on the net for further information. so Christmas comes on Dec 25th of this year old Saint nick rides his sled over the children of earth and drops presents. wouldn't it be nice if he could stop all the conflict on earth. well i am ranting again so back to happy thoughts and better time in the future, As you may have noticed, Howard helped me with this blog. He is a little more serious than I am, that's what makes us so good together, we compliment each other.
I have been thinking back to the Thanksgivings during my childhood. I remember there being snow on the ground during most of the ones before my teenage yrs. I lived in the town of Brownville, NY. It is in northern New York state.They get the lake effect snow from Lake Ontario. My sister Judy and I would be outside playing in the snow, while my Mom and Grandma were cooking dinner. The whole house smelled like Turkey,dressing and a multitude of other succulent morsels. I remember one year in particular, I was 10 yrs old, My Mom asked her best friend and her son to dinner, She was a widow with no family living in the area, so it was going to be great,and it was except for one little detail, Moms friend didn't know how to bake a pumpkin pie. It looked great, but she didn't know she was supposed to put sugar in the pumpkin filling. It was awfull, I was the first person to taste it, I looked at my Mom and she knew right away something was wrong. I went to the kitchen ,she followed right behind me.Asked me what was wrong. I said it tastes terrible, so she said don't say anything and try to eat it or part of it then just say you are full . I did and I told her it was good. But in the middle of the night I woke up vomiting , for the rest of the night I was sick. So that was one of the childhood memories. But other than the pie the rest of that dinner was awsome , which was the usual at my house , my Mom cooked everything with love. I have a lot of stories but for now this is it. Be happy and Blessed
I have been thinking back to the Thanksgivings during my childhood. I remember there being snow on the ground during most of the ones before my teenage yrs. I lived in the town of Brownville, NY. It is in northern New York state.They get the lake effect snow from Lake Ontario. My sister Judy and I would be outside playing in the snow, while my Mom and Grandma were cooking dinner. The whole house smelled like Turkey,dressing and a multitude of other succulent morsels. I remember one year in particular, I was 10 yrs old, My Mom asked her best friend and her son to dinner, She was a widow with no family living in the area, so it was going to be great,and it was except for one little detail, Moms friend didn't know how to bake a pumpkin pie. It looked great, but she didn't know she was supposed to put sugar in the pumpkin filling. It was awfull, I was the first person to taste it, I looked at my Mom and she knew right away something was wrong. I went to the kitchen ,she followed right behind me.Asked me what was wrong. I said it tastes terrible, so she said don't say anything and try to eat it or part of it then just say you are full . I did and I told her it was good. But in the middle of the night I woke up vomiting , for the rest of the night I was sick. So that was one of the childhood memories. But other than the pie the rest of that dinner was awsome , which was the usual at my house , my Mom cooked everything with love. I have a lot of stories but for now this is it. Be happy and Blessed
Saturday, November 12, 2011
" More About Alzheimers!"
I was telling about some of my experiences with my husband , and his alzeimers. There was a lot of strange moments durring this segmant of our life together. As I said before ,at first, I was unaware that he had anything wrong with him. He had always had his crazy moments and his bad temper. So he could be hallarious, or violent. But as the disease progressed , he began doing strange things , like forgetting what kind of car we had. He was sure it was supposed to be an old model T that his father had. He couldn't understand what the car was sitting in the driveway, It was a" Geo Metro", He kept insisting that when his Dad got home, he was going to be in trouble because the car was missing,and wanted me to call the Police. First of all his Dad died before I ever met him, so I never met him. Well just to appease him I pretended to call the Police to report it missing. After about an hour he totally forgot about it, thank God ,because i was getting tired of telling him that they would be coming over shortly to ask him about the car. That was just 1 of many episodes.
Oh yes and keep track of everything , and I mean everything, Alzheimer patients , are very much like children most of the time, but they usually know in the back of their mind that they are adults. I had to keep all meds , even vitamins hidden, he would take any pills he could find, thinking they were the ones his doctor prescribed. He took heart ,bloodpressure,as well as other meds. More than once he would get very aggravated with me because i wouldn't let him take his meds by himself. I couldn't he would have killed himself.
Do not let them go anywhere by themself. They will get lost . He managed to get out one day and my neighbor saw him in his driveway. He called him and asked him if he needed something, Ralph answered yes , my wife Mildred, Well when Gerry saw me the next day he asked me who Mildred was. I just said his first wife. But Gerry knew that he was ill so he just sort of chuckled. So after that anytime he managed to escape my neighbors would just walk him back to the house. Didn't happen often. After that first time, I watched him carefully.
Oh yes and if you have any firearms in your home get rid of them... He loved hunting, one day when he thought I was his mother he picked up the broom and headed for the door looked at me, said "I'm going to go get us a rabbit for dinner."He thought he had his rifle and was going hunting. Well I realized that we had better keep all rifles at someone elses house. So I told Rob and Chris not to bring any home .At any rate I told him that I already had dinner cooking so he didn't need to go and i took the broom and put it away. There are a lot more things that i will tell you about in another blog. Thank you for reading my blogs . Be happy and Blessed.
Oh yes and keep track of everything , and I mean everything, Alzheimer patients , are very much like children most of the time, but they usually know in the back of their mind that they are adults. I had to keep all meds , even vitamins hidden, he would take any pills he could find, thinking they were the ones his doctor prescribed. He took heart ,bloodpressure,as well as other meds. More than once he would get very aggravated with me because i wouldn't let him take his meds by himself. I couldn't he would have killed himself.
Do not let them go anywhere by themself. They will get lost . He managed to get out one day and my neighbor saw him in his driveway. He called him and asked him if he needed something, Ralph answered yes , my wife Mildred, Well when Gerry saw me the next day he asked me who Mildred was. I just said his first wife. But Gerry knew that he was ill so he just sort of chuckled. So after that anytime he managed to escape my neighbors would just walk him back to the house. Didn't happen often. After that first time, I watched him carefully.
Oh yes and if you have any firearms in your home get rid of them... He loved hunting, one day when he thought I was his mother he picked up the broom and headed for the door looked at me, said "I'm going to go get us a rabbit for dinner."He thought he had his rifle and was going hunting. Well I realized that we had better keep all rifles at someone elses house. So I told Rob and Chris not to bring any home .At any rate I told him that I already had dinner cooking so he didn't need to go and i took the broom and put it away. There are a lot more things that i will tell you about in another blog. Thank you for reading my blogs . Be happy and Blessed.
Friday, November 11, 2011
what to eat in germany
You will find that German meals are influenced by there neighbors. France-Switzerland--Austria. a common day would consist of bread,jam or jelly, honey ,eggs, coffee-tea-water- because of Switzerland (mainly) ham or salami etc. but times are changing due to the worlds lack of money. so everyone in every country has to work longer just to put food on the table or pay the rent. so now, in Germany, evening meals ARE heavy because they work later hours. soooo-all types of fish and fowel. assorted meats which include in some parts of the countries above.did you know there are about 1,500 different types of sausage? for a long time seafood was not allowed because of health of the fish. salmon how ever is in most rivers in Germany so they eat alot of that. nearly all the fried foods were introduced by France. and of course beer at room temperature.what ever you do---do it with gusto!! be well,be blessed above all-be happy. LOTS MORE TO COME WITH EACH BLOG.........should you need advice on cooking-bake a cake-how to start a business-how to speak to your mate-or most any problem i would be happy to review and answer.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
" Alzheimers Experience!"
I have been watching and listening to the television and reading my computer,about Alzheimers disease. It is a terrible disease . My husband died from this almost 8 years ago. I remember when it began, I had no idea that there was anything wrong. We all forget things, mix-up our words , act like silly kids from time to time. So I just figured it was nothing to worry about. He was a few years older than me so I didn't think much about it.
Timme went on and he had to have a hiatal hernia repaired. That is a serious operation, they had to open him from his sternum to his navel. When he recovered from the surgery,He was groggy so I wasn't sure , until he was totally consious and he wasn't sure who we were, he kept looking at us and the surrondings like he wasn't sure what was going on. I knew right then that something was wrong. I asked for a meeting with the physicians , they set one up and we met, they laughed at me and said I was wrong and was looking for things wrong. Now who would know better than the wife who lives with him, if he is acting strange? Then they said not to worry about it it was just a little dementia, excuse me but isn't that what the was Alzheiners symptoms are? Well we went home and his Alzheimers progressed , after 7 yrs or more the doctors finally admitted that he had it and tried to use aricept , but it was to far along so it didn't work.
As the years went by he knew he had it and made me promise never to put him in a nursing home so I never did. Myself and 2 of my sons took care of him. The boys helped with anything heavy, and I did the other care. He would appologize sometimes for having to be helped. I just would say thats ok I,m your wife so don't worry about it. I am not going to tell you that it was easy because it wasn't . You are in a situation where you feel so helpless, because there is nothing you can do, and you are watching this person slowly die . It is horrible and I do not want to ever watch someone go through this disease again.
Here is a tip: This is what happened He woke up from a nap, did not recognize me , and because I was trying to get him to take his meds, he thought I was a nurse. He started yelling and screaming at me. So I had an idea, I went and changed my clothes and combed my hair different. I came out and he knew me.He said" Oh Good, you are here, that fat nurse was trying to poison me , I told her when my wife gets home she will kick the crap out of you." So If they do not know you change clothes and comb your hair differently.Oh yes and i never wore those clothes infront of him again. I have a few more things but I will write about it another time. If you have questions about this eail me at
Thats about it for today. Have a wonderfull day.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
"I am Totally Surprised"!
I had no Idea when I started this blog, that there were people from other countries that would be interested in it. I wish to say thank you for checking my blog out , and hope I can continue to keep your interest.Being entertaining and informative is my goal. Since I have been disabled, I cannot work out in the public , and I really enjoyed my job. Retail sales, is a fun job. You get to talk to all sorts of people, and that was a entertaining for me. So this blog is a way for me to connect with the public.
If you read my blog yesterday, you read about the cake i baked. Oh my goodness ! It was fantastic, that crazy man of mine simply went nuts over it. He said it was the best he had eatten. From him that is the highest compliment, he is very truthfull, and will say, if there is any thing wrong with it. I thought it was very good, and I usually am not that impressed with my cooking or in this case , baking. If you didn't read it yesterday , scroll down this page and check it out. Something else I like is Angel hair spaghetti with Garlic alfredo sauce and tiny meatballs, of course a slice of hot Italian bread with lots of butter, or if you like Garlic spread, your choice..
Well the weather has warmed back up a little . Was 81 yesterday and right now it is 78 here and it is 2:00P.M. in the afternoon. But it is getting ready to rain, better than ice and snow. I don't think I mentioned that we live about 18 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, on the little tip of Alabama. We are about 10 miles from the Florida border, we do a lot of shopping in Florida , it is cheaper for groceries , they charge no sales tax on food items. That really helps, with the economy. If our great state of Alabama would let us have a lottery, they would bring in well needed money, which could be used for schools and taxes, like Florida does. Our children could have new computers and all sorts of upgrades for their schools , and they could stop the tax on food which would help everyone, they wouldn't go to Florida to shop, they would buy locally. This isn't just my opinion I have heard a lot of people say this also..
I told you that I write about everything . I guess if you have read this, it is evident.LOL I will end this blog for today, hopeing all of you are blessed, healthy and happy.
If you read my blog yesterday, you read about the cake i baked. Oh my goodness ! It was fantastic, that crazy man of mine simply went nuts over it. He said it was the best he had eatten. From him that is the highest compliment, he is very truthfull, and will say, if there is any thing wrong with it. I thought it was very good, and I usually am not that impressed with my cooking or in this case , baking. If you didn't read it yesterday , scroll down this page and check it out. Something else I like is Angel hair spaghetti with Garlic alfredo sauce and tiny meatballs, of course a slice of hot Italian bread with lots of butter, or if you like Garlic spread, your choice..
Well the weather has warmed back up a little . Was 81 yesterday and right now it is 78 here and it is 2:00P.M. in the afternoon. But it is getting ready to rain, better than ice and snow. I don't think I mentioned that we live about 18 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, on the little tip of Alabama. We are about 10 miles from the Florida border, we do a lot of shopping in Florida , it is cheaper for groceries , they charge no sales tax on food items. That really helps, with the economy. If our great state of Alabama would let us have a lottery, they would bring in well needed money, which could be used for schools and taxes, like Florida does. Our children could have new computers and all sorts of upgrades for their schools , and they could stop the tax on food which would help everyone, they wouldn't go to Florida to shop, they would buy locally. This isn't just my opinion I have heard a lot of people say this also..
I told you that I write about everything . I guess if you have read this, it is evident.LOL I will end this blog for today, hopeing all of you are blessed, healthy and happy.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
"Chocolate Cake and Memories"
Decided to make a chocolate cake for Howard. it is going to be my version of the German Chocolate Cake. As I said my version, I use Jiffy devils food cake mix, 2 boxes, they are cheaper than the more expensive brands and i can't tell the difference, taste the same. mix them up as directed use 2 round 8" pans, cool , then mix 2 tablespoons of chocolate frosting with 1 tablespoon apricate jam, spread on top of first layer , then put next layer on top,ice with coconut pecan frosting. It may sound strange but it will tickle your taste buds with delight. They will come back for
Howard and I went to Freds store this morning , and on the way i was looking at the horses, there are horses everywhere down here in Alabama. It is like heaven for me,Horses and dog are my passion. As I was looking at a couple of ponies playing , I thought about the time my best friend Mitzi and I went for a long ride . We went 4 miles to the State park called Grass Point. Everything was nice and peacefull, our horses were road safe, We used the park as the point where we would turn back, all was well, until we went past a small field , which was empty when we came down. All of a sudden this little black shetland pony appeared running full speed , chasing us along his fence line, He was a little stud pony, he was chasing my mare.She knew it and took off running , with Mitzi following us. We were laughing like crazy women, then we had the biggest laugh, as that black pony ran through the swamp with the cat tails bursting and their fuz covering him, he was no longer black but a dirty white fuzzy pony. Oh yes he still chased us all the way to the end of the fence. We were laughing so hard we were almost falling out of our saddles.
That was only one of the maney adventures Mitzi and I had together....
Friday, November 4, 2011
" Weather, Visit, and Dogs."
What is going on? It feels like January down here on the Gulf coast! Soup,Chili, and stew weather. Don't forget the hot cocoa. This time last year I was sitting in the sun tanning. Ha, not right now,though they are saying it will climb up to the high 70's by next Thursday. But then it is supposed to rain. We do need the rain.
So tomorrow I will going to see Chris,and get to spend the day with my grandson Ty as well. It will be a nice day. I am looking forward to it, I always dreaded being a grandma, now that I am one, I can"t figure out what I was so worried about, I'm having a ball . It is much easier , lol , than being a Mom. when I have had enough its take him, Im going home, or take him home, he is getting crankey. Though It hasn't happened yet , but I am sure it will one day.
So tomorrow I will going to see Chris,and get to spend the day with my grandson Ty as well. It will be a nice day. I am looking forward to it, I always dreaded being a grandma, now that I am one, I can"t figure out what I was so worried about, I'm having a ball . It is much easier , lol , than being a Mom. when I have had enough its take him, Im going home, or take him home, he is getting crankey. Though It hasn't happened yet , but I am sure it will one day.
Justice Sparkey
Well I have just realized that my dog Justice the Eskie, is afraid of bugs, He isn't afraid of trucks and buses , he wants to chase them,hence, he doesn't get to be alone loose in the yard. He is terrified of bugs, being in the south, we have big ugly bugs and there was one on the floor . He saw it and as I went after it he jumped up on the bed and laid his ears back and shook. I was totally surprised. Maybe he has been bitten sometime, I can't think of anyother reason for that reaction.. He is a little strange, but I love him and Sparkey , they are our babies.. Sparkey is only afraid of Thunder storms, other than that she is fearless and a real love, doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
So It's Barney!!
I never would have thought my grandson would have been a Barney fan, but he truly is.. Everything he has seen on TV , and he always wants Barney.That big purple dino has won his heart , I expected it to be Big bird, because he loves the color yellow. Nope its a purple It's all good though, Barney is a good Dino lol. I need to see who still carries the plush sock slippers , like the ones we carried when I worked at Hills department store in 1995. I remember putting out case after case of those slippers, seemed like it was daily, at Christmas time. I even had nightmares about them, I dreamed that i put my hand in the case and they came to life and were attacking me, then I woke up and had to go back to work putting out more of them. Was relieved when I reached in the box and nothing happened. LOL!! So much for Barney...
Well it is 73 degrees out today, they say it is supposed to hit 80. I hope so, we might get rain tomorrow, actually need it the peanuts look a little like they could use a nice shower. The cotton doesn't look too bad.
You know how I never listen and always get into little messes? Well I did it again, I told you we closed the pool down for the season, Right? Well my sweetheart Howard told me I should use gallon jugs and hook them to the sides of the pool cover ,plus put the inner tubes in to hold up the cover . I didn't do it and the cover is mostly on the bottom of the pool , except for 2 parts that are still hanging on to the railing... Oops, I did it again, one of these days I will listen, and save myself some time and work..LOL
I made breakfast hoagies this morning, fried egg with chunks of ham, like you were making an omlet, fold it like that, take the wheat hoagie rolls, split them, butter them, put cheese on them , slide them in the oven until the cheese is melted . Put the egg on it, fold it , grab your drink and enjoy. Howard was doing his yummmmmmmmm. He was happy. So was I. Thats about it for today. Hope everyone has a nice day..
Well it is 73 degrees out today, they say it is supposed to hit 80. I hope so, we might get rain tomorrow, actually need it the peanuts look a little like they could use a nice shower. The cotton doesn't look too bad.
You know how I never listen and always get into little messes? Well I did it again, I told you we closed the pool down for the season, Right? Well my sweetheart Howard told me I should use gallon jugs and hook them to the sides of the pool cover ,plus put the inner tubes in to hold up the cover . I didn't do it and the cover is mostly on the bottom of the pool , except for 2 parts that are still hanging on to the railing... Oops, I did it again, one of these days I will listen, and save myself some time and work..LOL
I made breakfast hoagies this morning, fried egg with chunks of ham, like you were making an omlet, fold it like that, take the wheat hoagie rolls, split them, butter them, put cheese on them , slide them in the oven until the cheese is melted . Put the egg on it, fold it , grab your drink and enjoy. Howard was doing his yummmmmmmmm. He was happy. So was I. Thats about it for today. Hope everyone has a nice day..
Monday, October 24, 2011
I found my childrens favorite cookie recipe.
When my oldest son was 4 yrs old We found a special at the Grocery store, Sesame street encyclopedia, each week if you spent so much money , you'd get a book.Well in The c book it had cookie monsters favorite cookie recipe . Rob and I made them together. They were quite good . We added different flavors and chocolate chips , rasins, walnuts, even added some nestles quick flavoring. They were very good. When my next child came along Jay , we did the same thing infact we made quite a lot of varities, Then it was a tradition . When Christopher came along we were still doing the Cookie Monster cookies, I will be doing it with Ty , my grandson when he is about 3 also.Here is the recipe:
Cookie Monster Cookies: 3/4 cup margerine,or butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1teasp vanilla
2 1/2cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt Yield about 2 dozen normal size cookies.
put butter and sugar in mixing bowl,mix until well blended. Add eggs,vanilla and blend again Add flour slowly mixing well,add baking powder,salt mox well, chill in refrigerator foran hour. Then roll to cut out shapes or just circles, add other ingrediants to make different kinds of flavors ,chocolate chips , oatmeal, raisins, walnuts, cocoa, etc.bake at 350 about 10 minutes or until golden on edges.
You can leave comments on here and post them Id love to hear about your favorite recipes. As I said before Howard is the chef in our family but I am the Oh yes you can join this site and just log in to check what is happening at our house. If you noticed I have added a search bar at the top it is to search the web so u can also use it plus scrole down and you will find u tube and google news also , we have a lot going now but would like to ad to it eventually.
Cookie Monster Cookies: 3/4 cup margerine,or butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1teasp vanilla
2 1/2cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt Yield about 2 dozen normal size cookies.
put butter and sugar in mixing bowl,mix until well blended. Add eggs,vanilla and blend again Add flour slowly mixing well,add baking powder,salt mox well, chill in refrigerator foran hour. Then roll to cut out shapes or just circles, add other ingrediants to make different kinds of flavors ,chocolate chips , oatmeal, raisins, walnuts, cocoa, etc.bake at 350 about 10 minutes or until golden on edges.
You can leave comments on here and post them Id love to hear about your favorite recipes. As I said before Howard is the chef in our family but I am the Oh yes you can join this site and just log in to check what is happening at our house. If you noticed I have added a search bar at the top it is to search the web so u can also use it plus scrole down and you will find u tube and google news also , we have a lot going now but would like to ad to it eventually.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
my guy is a chef.
So i asked him what to write about ,10 minute meals for working is the results...go to wal-mart or any super market. buy a fully cooked roasted chicken,then go to the produce department and buy a bag of mixed salad. the chicken cost$6-7. the salad $1.50 and you have a meal for three or four....microwave chicken 4 minutes and eat. you can also buy bbq nuggets,regular breaded nuggets,chicken strips,steak strips or any fully cooked foods. the average price per bag is $6.99. they serve 4-6 people. get some cole slaw about$2.49 a pound and your good to go. it is cheaper then ordering out and faster as well. there is 90 sec rice $1.39 average price. use your brain,look around and think,what you to can mix and match. since he does all the cooking(my very own chef) it is super for me. he also said if any one needs to make something what ever the dish.american ,indian either one,mexican,european just write me and he will get back to you on need for your e-mail. i will put it on this site for all to read. p.s that includes deserts or cakes etc. Being diabetic doesn't mean missing out on good food and great flavor. Believe me, we have learned how to use sugar substitutes and still taste great. I will tell you my chef is the best , I really lucked out I got the best tasting meals and also a great guy too. I think in the future i will take pictures of some of the dishes he makes , I will post them .
This is Saturday, my sister Judy called me to talk this morning, was a nice conversation,' love you sis!' Thats about it for today .
This is Saturday, my sister Judy called me to talk this morning, was a nice conversation,' love you sis!' Thats about it for today .
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Dogs do communicate with us .
It is strange, but I have found myself being awed by our 2 dogs. Howard has a 8 yr old Collie shepherd she is a female . She has been spayed . Though I do not think it has any bearing on her intelligence.
I have a 6yr old American Eskimo male. He is only 21 pounds and 16 inches tall at the shoulder. He is not neutered, He is sometimes very spitefull. But generally, we get along pretty well. Both of these dogs have found out how to communicate with me. I talk to them , and Howard tells me to let him know when they answer me. He is beginning to see that they do talk , with actions not words. Justice started it when he was almost a year old, I am diabetic and use to have problems with extreme ups and down blood sugar levels. Justice always seemed to know when my sugar wasn't right, he would bark at me until i fixed it, then he would leave me alone. I sleep with a bi-pap machine and once in a while we lose power Justice gets up by my head and paws me to wake me up. These are only a couple of ways he communicates with me, Now Sparkey , on the other hand , has this nose thing ,lol she comes over to me, takes her nose and nudges me with it , then walks away , turns around , comes back and does the whole thing all over again. So I follow her to where ever she shows me , then I figure out what she wants. They also take me to the dog bisquit bag when they want a treat. So yes people, our dogs do talk to us, we just have to pay attention.
I have a 6yr old American Eskimo male. He is only 21 pounds and 16 inches tall at the shoulder. He is not neutered, He is sometimes very spitefull. But generally, we get along pretty well. Both of these dogs have found out how to communicate with me. I talk to them , and Howard tells me to let him know when they answer me. He is beginning to see that they do talk , with actions not words. Justice started it when he was almost a year old, I am diabetic and use to have problems with extreme ups and down blood sugar levels. Justice always seemed to know when my sugar wasn't right, he would bark at me until i fixed it, then he would leave me alone. I sleep with a bi-pap machine and once in a while we lose power Justice gets up by my head and paws me to wake me up. These are only a couple of ways he communicates with me, Now Sparkey , on the other hand , has this nose thing ,lol she comes over to me, takes her nose and nudges me with it , then walks away , turns around , comes back and does the whole thing all over again. So I follow her to where ever she shows me , then I figure out what she wants. They also take me to the dog bisquit bag when they want a treat. So yes people, our dogs do talk to us, we just have to pay attention.
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