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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
What is going on in North Korea and other places?
The missile tests and what other country's are calling"menacing rhetoric". I call it crazy Kim Jong -Un trying to prove he is as rough and tumble as his father. Washington's expectations that baby Kim is trying to scare up his fathers ghost. I guess every short,fat,small (you know where) with a fat head needs to prove something! But to who? He spends billions of dollars on nuclear ambitions while his people starve to death.He refuses out side help and again the people of North Korea as really starving so much so that they are killing and eating there own children. If you do not believe me research it for your self!. There was a grandfather who dug up his recent dead granddaughter just so he would not starve. In the markets,you see fe
et and legs and body parts for sale...Yet-Kim Jong - UN threatens the very country's that would help his people... Egypt according to Generals of the army say it is heading for collapse.In Port Said they are burying the dead from conflict in the wave of political violence.Angry crowds against the Islamist President and Muslim Brother hood. General El - Sissi tried get both sides to talk but failed to get any compromise. As for President Morsi he has been unable to contain the unrest then he used a heavy hand and killed 60-80 more people. There are riots all over Egypt...... Israel and Syria, when i first wrote this draft Israel threatened to attack the Syrian area where the chemical and advanced weapons are stored. but as i was writing this draft last nigh it happened and Israel did attack near the border of Syria. The problem is,Israel is right. No one wants Hezbollah's and guerrilla Islamist's to get chemical weapons. In the mean time they are trying to steal the weapons. So yesterday's maybe became today's fact. Russia is keeping quiet because they supplied both help to North Korea and actual missiles to Syria. Now while we are on Russia what you do not hear from Puttee Put Putin is in Dagestan southern Russia they are dealing with corruption and Islamist unrest. Hey corruption,something not new to Putin's government. There is so much more going on that my heart is sad for the worlds people. Here is some: China Beijing smog so thick it is like smoking 3 packs a day. They closed the airport as well. Iran launches a monkey in to space- to bad the President of Iran wasn't riding on the top..beep-beep :) . French army seals of Timbuktu and the sorry part is that the stupid Islamist burned there own holy scrolls that where ancient. a suicide bomber blow up Somali President's villa. ON A FINAL NOTE: there seems to be so much death and destruction in this world we live in and it gets you nowhere and needs to stop!! No, i don't know how to fix it but with all the great minds on earth someone should. This last note to my readers is this. Be blessed,be well,help someone in need. It matter not what color you are or race try to get along without blood shed. Howard from Alabama.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Here we go again!!!
What is it with country's that beg for the United States to bomb them back to the stone age? And or just blow off the face of the earth?? North Korea has a lot of moxie for such a small set of balls :) How many sanctions does it take, along with international isolation? Country's like Iran and North Korea,China,Russia who can not feed the people because it would rather spend it on nuclear ambitions.President Obama has a lot to deal with here in the USA(republicans) and the crazes in other country's. Iran,Syria,Russia,China, Oh about Syria,Assad now has a death toll of over 60,000 people. I said this before-genocide!! And still, no one has a bullet with Assad's name on it....... IN Ramallah,west bank the Palestine President asked some of Israeli politicians for a sit down to discuss the peace. ME,I still think a 2 state solution would be best for both of them. It beats killing each other....IN the USA,Republicans are busting Clinton's butt about the attack in---- Libya. Enough already,move on and fix the problems so they do not happen again. How much talking can the loud mouth Republicans do and still get nothing done? Sure they want our guns because they see another revolution coming. I have know idea if these blogs shed some light or not but,there must be leaders of country's who can get things done with out blood shed? To all colors and races,be blessed,be well, help another in need. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, January 21, 2013
I have been very tired these past 3 weeks.
It seems I pulled something in my back,which,is effecting my leg and thigh to my knee.The pain has been bad and I don't feel like writing my blog. In any event the news is all bout President Obama and his re-election. The swearing in and the dances and party's this week. He did mention a few things but all and all the same stuff. Lance Armstrong got caught up in all the lies he has told about doping, so,another American shamed. I learned a long time ago if you tell the truth you will not have to remember what you said last year or ten years ago because it will be the same answer! Maybe next week I will get back to insulting all the leaders of the world and the bad things they do. But for now there is some great movies,DVDs and TV to watch. It is good to escape the world once in a while. To all colors and races, be well,blessed and try to help someone in need. What goes around will come around. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, January 14, 2013
America-money-guns-the middle east plus more.
America, with some of it's money problems forces Obama to say "we are not a dead beat nation". He was speaking AT the republicans lack of American Spirit for their lack of helping the middle class and poor. This time President Obama has the power to kick some butt. It is called executive and he could use it for an amount he thinks he will need towards the debt and the budget. Republicans have held this country hostage long enough.How can you reach a budget with out additional borrowing? Not possible! But republicans always fall back to cutting social security and now not paying our troops over seas and other things that are legal to pay and must be met. How about cutting the average salary of a congressman or senator from the $270 thousand they make a year and there medical is 20 times better then medicare. Cut some of that instead. NEXT gun control. take away citizen's guns then the country is ripe for invasion. OK,we do not need assault weapons and plastics or TNT. But hand guns-shot guns-bows-knives you can't have them at least not from me. OK lets leave the USA news. Heading over to the middle east,King of Jordan has said failure to get the peace talks going between Israel and Palestinians may lead to more blood shed. It doesn't take a Csar to figure that one out. He is correct. But Isreali government is being butt heads and lying about Gaza and wanting peace. If they wanted it then it would happen. Syria,this fool,psyco needs shock treatment or a hole in his head.He keeps bombing Damascus and the suburbs. Then he fires mortars in to Turkey. He tells the Russians to go to hell on any talks. Some body please shoot this genoside devil. Then you have Palestinian Prime Minister warning that the government will fail id the Arabs do not keep there promise to help with aid. You know how to tel when an Arab is lying? His lips are moving!..Now Israel. What can i say about this dishonest government who says it wants peace but does everything to promote war and bloodshed The courts said to leave alone the palestinians in there tent city of E 1 area of Jerusalem did they listen NO they evacuated the area against the court order. Maybe they forgot what happened in WW 2 to them. Afghanistan and the US are talking about staying after 2014 and about legal immunity. I say get the hell out and let them handle there own problems and take our 16 billion a year with us. Russian scientists just had to drill almost 12.000 feet under the ice to what was a pristine lake 14 million years old. Not any more after the contaminants from there drilling put oil and other bacteria in that lake. Humans seem to screw everything good up. Now the USA and other country's are about to do the same. Stop already!! So, that's it for today. Be well,be blessed no matter what color or race you are. Help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Jan 13th,still have not found a laptop!!
I will keep it simple until i buy a laptop with some speed to it. Hey anyone out there have an extra laptop they are willing to part with??Leave me your email in comments and I will contact you. So quickly, Russia's Putin is an a number one jerk. He punishes the children in the orphanages just to spite Obama..In France the Islimists get bombed by the French army in north Mali. Well that is what you get when you let murders in your country. Gotta go will try to get new computer in the next few days. all colors and races-be well-be blessed.Howard from Alabama.
Friday, January 11, 2013
This will be a short blog!
My computer is running as slow as pushing your mother-in-law up hill in San Fran Cisco. So it will be a short one until i go to Walmart and buy a new one. they have laptops with a lot to offer for around $400.00 mine is now 8 years old. In Afghanistan President Obama finally listens to the Americans and will be leaving sooner then 2014. GOOD! Karzi is a real piece of work. Blaming the US for everything he could have stopped. Lets hope Obama brings out tanks,drones,weapons and most of all the tax payers money. I would not give this loud mouth .16 cents let alone 16 billion dollars. He has said, he has the country under control. Let's leave and do not return his calls. The same for Iraq. Why the hell should we train them to kill us? Next Russia. They have the billions to build a 16 Intercontinental ballistic missile sub and 2 more ordered. How about feeding your people? OR fixing your infrastructure. I still can not figure out why America would give China billions to fix OUR roads and other infrastructure needs? Are you nuts Obama and congress? Are you telling me and other Americans you can not find an American company to do these jobs? There is so much more to say and not enough people speaking up. the congress and the senate really suck. they can not find ways to work together and we Americans suffer. I wish we could fire them all and start over.Israel who is supposed to be our friend keeps finding ways to screw there neighbors. (and I am messianic) Any way no matter who you are or what color--be blessed,well and happy.Try to help another in need. Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Writing bad news upsets me as it does my readers!!
But,here we go again. Kuwaiti court sentenced a man to two years for telling the truth about it's leader.so Arabs are full of crap about wanting freedom for it's people if they can do above. Even the lawyer of the man is afraid to say his name. But, Sal eh-Al Anzi the man in jail will rot in prison or maybe the guards will beat him to death as they do so many others. Of course the U.S.A. will keep quite about this and it does not make the news here in America because we buy oil from them. Did you know,here in America we have more oil and natural gas then all the world combined! We have a problem not getting the oil but,the dam tree hugers holding us up. Maybe President Obama should tell them to get bent. In Syria two faced Assad calls for peace then asks Syrians to fight his war. Is not 60,000 people dead enough genocide caused by Assad enough for this insane leader? Even the E.U. says he must step down. On Syria's border<Israel wants to build a fence because of radical Muslims and Islamist's forces have taken over the area near the border by Ramallah west bank. Palestinian self rule government is nearly completely incapacitated because the lying Arabs that promised them 100's of millions of dollars in aid did nothing so far. It seems to me getting anyone to keep there word today are all lies they tell each other. In Egypt, Morsi expands his cabinet with Muslim brother hood adding to what he calls his ministers.The reshuffle is to help with different problems.. Good luck with that! We already know how it will turn out.(not well) In Pakistan by the border there is fighting with India.Bullets going both ways. Also in Pakistan, US drones killed 9 militants near Dera Ismail Khan. If the Pakistan government was not so corrupted,stopped hiding then and did not lie to us then drones would not be used. The Taliban is in bed with the leaders of Pakistan and commander Maul vi Nazir. This goes for Al Qaeda as well. militant Muslims allowed to set up training camps to teach how to murder men,women and children. So yes bomb them with all we have. won't they be surprised when they go to hell and there are 72 7 foot men to greet them. OUCH! In Yemen drones killed Mukbel Ab bad and several others near Rada'a province of Baydah. To bad we missed Kaid AL Dhahab and his brother. Next time we won't miss. Al Qaeda and Muslim militants are,as i call them,roaches of the middle east. There are many of them and they keep popping up! Yes once in a while we screw up and people die but if we had the help of the people we would not Miss often. Here is one for the books, President of Yemen Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi said---he personally approves of drone strike in his country. To bad other leaders do not feel the same way. There are Many Americans who think Obama should pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq now and take our troops,weapons and tax payer money with us.I say do not stop there. South Korea, Saudi Arabia and about 500 base's around the world. Lets keep our money and blood in America and the heck with everyone else. If they want our help let them pay our troops salaries.our planes and maintenance on them,feed our troops or pay for the food. Should one of our troops die they pay the family 300.000 and all cost involved. If you will not do that then help yourself . OK folks getting tired on this Sunday evening in Alabama. to all races and colors be well,blessed and help someone who needs it. Howard from Alabama
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