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Sunday, December 22, 2013
merry xmas and all the other greetings. have not been doing blog for a while as i got fed up with the governments of the world. also the cray people who keep killing others.after speaking until i was blue in the face.nobody listens. they would rather repeat the past mistakes of history rather than correct it. if one person can change the world it sure isn't me.muslims-jews-christians will just never see eye to eye,as if none have a god.. so this is it-go ahead and blow yourselves up. shame on all of you. howard of alabama.
Friday, October 18, 2013
The US government and many Americans took a beating caused by the Republican party because they are racists mostly older white men who hate Obama. Obama has done some good things in America which you can look up by typing in---what has Obama done that was good. In the mean time we avoided government shut down. Ted Cruz another tea party Republican looked like a fool reading green eggs and ham trying to shut down America. What a jerk! As for me, I will never vote for a republican ever again. Now to those of you who think global warming is a joke. This year the ice shelf is melting,sea's are raising,and allergy's all over the world are kicking up so bad that the coughing makes my body hurt. I am sure yours do to. anyway that's it. To all be well. Howard from Alabama.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
You have Assad who commits genocide on his own people.He and his brother steal billions of dollars instead of helping his country. Then there is Russia's Putin and his cronies. Besides selling weapons to Assad and any other group who has the money to buy them,he to has a few billion dollars stashed away that should have gone to helping the Russian people.By definition he has a hand in Syria's death toll of more the 100 thousand men,women and children all for the love of money! Just look what this K.G.B. jack hole does to the Russian people.He kills some who do not agree with him and jails billionaires to steal their money and companies.China sells weapons as well as creates the worst smog on the planet plus much more.North Korea,wow there is a crazy leader with a bad hair cut,who sends plans to nuclear stuff to Iran.Plus it wants to destroy Israel by helping Ha mas and Hezbollah. How about Cuba and South America?They to hate everyone.Lets not forget Somalia and the Congo regions for hijacking and murder and Ransom money.Did you know there are 17,300 nuclear bombs on earth and maybe more! If I where not a veteran who is disable and 68 years old i would put my name on a one way ticket to mars. I do not have enough money to build a bomb shelter and stock it with guns and food just in case of war which looks like it may happen in a few years.Right now there are some 250 wars going on around the world.Here in America the congress and senate are full of non productive people. they can not be fired or else they would be. They lack cooperation towards President Obama and we the people suffer because of them. Perhaps we need another revolution. The Republican party is the worst and i think they are rich old white men who are racist against Obama. so those are my thoughts for today.To all faiths and colors be well,happy and help those in need. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Hey President Obama !
By now you are 16-18 months to dam late to make a difference. Bombing at this point makes no sense. AND I will tell you why!! First of all you have no guts to commit all that needs to be done to actually help the rebels. Plus this is a war between different factions of Islam and America has no idea how to get both sides to the table, let alone how to end it if we strike Syria. I agree we needed to do something like arm the rebels but your way too late to do any good. What you will do is inflame the middle east and bring the blazing rain to all American interest's and embassy's. We would be wise to get all our troops out of the region except for our allies.This means Iraq-Afghanistan and any where else in the area.Close embassy's remove all American interests and bring American civilians and military home. By doing so you stop the cash flow from going to everyone and maybe,just maybe start to pay down our own debts. I am a veteran who is disabled. I know conflict and heart ache. So get the heck out before you sink America. Sometimes the wrong thing is really the right thing to do! To all my 4,700 readers no matter what color or faith,be well,be blessed and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
This is what I think!
President Obama is a day late and a dollar short. He should have brought this Syrian problem before congress and the senate 16 months ago.Now it is way to late. He has moved the red line so far back that he now is in front of it. I would have sent the weapons when the free rebels where just that. no ham as,no jihads-no Hezbollah no Al-Quida. 16 months ago it would have made a difference but not now. The time to bomb Assad is over. Obama lost his credibility and it doesn't make a difference now. By extention he has made the USA look weak. I should not have voted for him. had I only known he has no balls or guts to do what was right. Consider this: there are 2 million or more refugees of which 1 million are children. You think we have a problem with terrorist now? Wait 12 years from now when these kids realize America did not help and because of that there friends and family are dead. The lack of indecision has no excuse. Shame on you President Obama. NOW it is to late to bomb and it will do nothing! You can not bring back the dead. This is not all on you.Russia and Iran have a big part in causing the death toll. So does the UN for not voting to help. You might as well pull all the troops out of the region now, as they have become target practice for those who hate us. Israel is doing more to help the wounded and feeding the refugees than we are.Country;s around the world all agree how bad this is and that Assad with his brother murdered over 100 thousand of his own people. So where the heck are they? They need to stand up and be counted as allies not quiet little mice. If you look at my blogs going way back you will find i said and predicted all of this as well as what to do!! To all colors and faiths,be well,be smart,be blessed.Howard from Alabama.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Here we go again!!
Big mouth Russian government(Putin) warns the USA and its allies that it would be a gross violation of international law to help Syrian rebels against Assad. What Russia does not say is Putin and his cronies are making billions selling arms to Assad. I ask how can you let Assad murder and gas his people then over look it? This is genocide!! We know President Obama has no balls as that red line keeps moving backwards. Had he helped 16 months ago there would be no Al Quadi or Hamass helping the rebels. Now we have solid Proof of the gas and still nothing but talk,talk,talk.The UN is a nothing but a toothless tiger with no great power. We should have supplied the rebels with arms a long time ago before it got this messy. I would not send troops but bomb the crap out of Syrian air Fields,oil Fields communications and barracks. Over 40 thousand refugees went to Jordan and turkey.The branch of the UN is helping with tents,food and medicine. Russia,China and Iran helped Assad do this damage and now Russia wants to send war ships to help Assad. The human race is a savage one or at least the governments are. Iran say it will leave Israel in fire and ash. Things just do not change. to my 5,000 readers be well no matter what faith or color. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, August 19, 2013
The same over and over again!
Nasa big mouth Snowden should not have leaked the information he did.But on the other hand the USA does do a lot of sneaky things.As does Russia-China-GB and most countries. they should share the threats and other information so things like this would not matter. Saudi Arabia should be worried about the USA producing oil and natural gas.The Saudis have been squeezing us since the 20's and 30's when they found oil. I can remember oil at $16.00 a barrel and gas at the pumps 59 cent a gallon. Here is a new one, Al Queda now has liquid explosives that currently are not detectable.The US needs to get off there butts and figure it out. they used to dip coca in clothing and let it dry. then ship it.not hard to do!! Obama closed over 2 dozen embassies which was a smart thing to do.NOW pull all our troops out of the middle east so they can kill each other and not our troops.So some of the bombers put explosives in their underwear. Here's my question. If you blow up your balls what good are 72 virgins? provided you can find that many!The main reason i cut down on my blogs -is no one listens!!!The problem is all over the world.since Cain killed Able there is a war going on somewhere on Earth. I think since caveman used a club for a weapon that history keeps repeating. ONE DAY HUMAN KIND WILL BE NO MORE AND IT WILL BE OUR OWN FAULT. We already are killing the planet. Obama needs to step up as a real leader to solve some of the worlds woes! What ever color or faith you are,be blessed. Howard from Alabama.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Hi everyone
The same old news out there. Syria still killing there own people,America is slow to deliver weapons to help the rebels. China and Japan arguing about borders.China with extreme air problems. The U.S.A. senate and congress will not work with President Obama .Hezzabolla causing trouble with everyone around it.Iran so far has not stopped it's bomb production.Israel did however send doctors to help Syrian refugees which is a good thing.Russia's girl spy asked America's spy to marry her! anything for attention i guess? Putin trying to go backwards to his KGB days.Shale oil is not as detramental as first though.America has more oil and gas than the rest of the world combined but the tree hugers are alway's doing there best to stop progress. Here in Alabama it has rained for 5 days straight.Much of it with thunder and lightining. My pool water turned green from all the algea that the rain left behind. My hip replacement hurts like heck and it is hard to walk.Must be the humid weather. So that is what is going on since I last did the blog.To all colors and faiths,be well.Treat your fellow man/women as you wish to be treated. Howard from Alabama
Friday, June 28, 2013
Not much changes as leaders heed not the past.
Here's the thing about Global warming.It does not matter who is to blame but factory after factory belching smoke is not a good thing.Cars with poor exhaust systems volcanoes and the like are killing the air and in turn human kind.Now is the time to clean up planet earth. If not water temperature rises in our oceans,fish die off(food supply) weather changes,ice sheets melting,floods and hurricanes .Do nothing and die!As for me i turn 68 on July 3rd.While i would like to stick around for many more years but change comes hard for our idiot leaders.China,Europe can not agree on a piece of gum let alone money to clean up earth. What a shame your children will have to suffer to breath.....Now arms control. President Obama had some ideas on how not to stock pile but Russia's Putin say many obstacles are in the way. He is one of those. Even if every country rid themselves of nuclear war heads bu one half it is still enough to kill everything on earth.....Syrian troops back by Lebanese Hezbollah clashed with rebels forces south of Damascus and near holy temples. YET Russia still sells Assad over a billion dollars in assorted weapons..The rebels are mostly Sunni as they are joined by thousands of other Sunnis from surrounding countries. MY advice to choke off Assad is to control both ports at Latakia and Tatrus. Obama got off his butt and sent the rebels arms after it was proven Assad used deadly gas on his own people.How about this note: Assad sent troops to kill refugees crossing in to Jordan for safety. Of course the weapons used where Russian.I wonder how much money Putin put in his bank accounts? Here in America we have some big problems. We can not seem to get the Republican party to vote on anything. I am beginning to think that these rich old white folks are against Obama because he is black. Obamas plans make sense to move the country forward. We need to vote out the Republicans so we can get moving!. Well that's it for now. No matter your faith or color,be blessed. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, June 10, 2013
With all you people reading my blogs maybe i will only take a week or so off.
Thanks USA-Russia- Ukraine- Canada-France- and Israel- Turkey and all the others who read my blog. Well here in Alabama still raining. The pool is over flowing and the temperature of the pool went down but not the air temperature which is staying between 82 and 90 degrees. I am already a dark tan thanks to my natural olive skin. Last year through the winter it did not fade that much so i got a jump start. wait until the end of the summer i will post a picture. So i guess soon will write some more of the world disgusting leaders and how stupid they are to repeat history. If Obama had the balls to do what is right and not what "he" thinks is right we may be able to avoid what is coming between now 2013 and 2060. It is bad enough that nature screws with us such as polar ice caps melting,hot molten lave beneath the earth heading upwards.hurricanes and magnetic shifts,solar winds,famine and disease. plus religion's spieling hate and so much more.So do we really need to kill one another? I think not. So when I come back on I will give my opinion about maybe how to handle different countries like Iran,Syria,Russia,North Korea and China and it's leaders. As far as leaders in the United States they mostly all suck and have no idea what we Americans want. So to all faiths and colors,be well,be blessed and at least make believe you are trying to help each other.Howard from Alabama. Hope you all listen before I have to become a doomsday prep per?
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Yup it is summer time
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
What in the world?
The Turkish Prime Minister said it is up to the U.N Security Council to establish a no fly one in side Syria. He also said he backed involvement of Russia and China in the peace talks.Yes,i agree peace talks are a good thing but some times you need to blow the crap out of a hostile country that kills almost 100 thousand of it's own people. Assad has gas and he used it! Someone please send a sniper team and put a bullet in Assad's head. Prime Minister Erdogan says he is "frustrated"with Syria bombing along the Turkish boarder where 400 thousand refugees are living for now. He has allowed the rebels to organize on Turkish soil. As i see it,Turkey has American fighter planes and pilots let them do what needs to be done. 2 years of mass murdering is enough. President Putin loves money,women and drink.He gets the money from kick back selling Syria weapons and missiles.The latest is Yakhont surface to air missiles and a missile defence system the s 300.Of course no comment from the Russian government.Anyone want to take a bet that Obama who watches from the side lines will do. Maybe he thinks an act of GOD will strike all those cray leaders? My new name for President Obama is NO BALLS OBAMA. Just keep on moving that red line back until it is in your face. So far Putin has sold 1 billion dollars plus of weapons to Syria.His bank account gets bigger and bigger. Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon retched up tensions with Moscow over the sale of those s-300 missile defence weapons sold to Syria. A top Russian official said his government is committed to that deal. Since the balance of power will shift in the region i am fairly sure Israel will strike and destroy them once on Syrian soil. Why? Because Assad will give some to Hezbollah. In recent months Israel blew up weapons and chemical weapons in Syria despite the Western countries criticism. Hey ,i would blow them up so i agree with Israel on that one.Crazy Putin will sell to crazy Assad which will force Israel to bomb bomb Syria and take the out. In the mean time Nasrallah keeps stirring things up and saying Hezbollah is fighting with Assad's troops...SO MUCH FOR PEACE IN THE WORLD! Now in the USA. Senator John McCain who went to Syria this week says threats to Syria must have teeth. SO President Obama stop moving that red line back and put you teeth in your mouth. The republicans in the United States and John Boehner says he has not spoken to Obama in 5 months. This man Boehner, holds up everything Obama tries to do for the 95% of the American people. I think he is a rich white man who doesn't like the idea we have a black president who is smarter the he as well as most republicans. The republican party sucks big time and they just do not care about we Americans. I WILL NEVER PUT A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE! To my 4200 readers no mater color or faith,be blessed and help someone who needs it more then you. Howard from Alabama Please forward this to all your friends.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Just some easy conversation.
To my 4100 readers.I have been taking a break for the past 10 days. As can happen to people anywhere my aches and pains got to me.I just had hip surgery for a broken hip of which i have no idea how it happened? At 67 you learn to roll with the punches life gives you.This happened April 10th,now it is may 25th and rehab was over yesterday. But i will still need some therapy which my Veterans clinic does for me at no cost. The weather turned here in Alabama from the 40's and 50's to the mid 80's in a blink of an eye.Already been in the pool 3-4 times and it helps exercise my hip......I know i have been writing about world affairs in detail but i thought i would simply take a couple of week break. Yes,even i get depressed over the state of the world and the leaders who's bank accounts are more important then the people they rule. Here in America we have freedoms the rest of the world dreams of.If my president does or says something i do not like i can voice my disdain. If it is within the law you can do most anything you wish.Work had and there is a chance to become super-rich.(I'm still waiting).Should you have an idea or invention there is always someone who will back you including government grants or loans.To walk down the street or go shopping and not look over your shoulder is an other freedom in the USA.Playing music or writing a book will not get you tossed in jail.If you get a chance to come here legally you will find 95% of us welcome you.There is so much more that it would take days to tell how good we Americans have it and we wish the same for all the worlds people. I will get back to my world news blog on Monday. For now no matter your color or faith be well,be blessed and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
what is going on where?
US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Syria about backing out of talks or America will help the rebels. I am sure this is more B.S. just like Obama who keeps moving that red line he likes to refer to.I have no idea why we can not stick to what we say we are going to do? The conference which should be held now,not in June.By June how many more thousands of people will he kill? I guess we have to wait for Russia to get off of there butts. The United States is giving 510 million towards humanitarian aid. While i agree we should not put troops on the ground,but we should arm them. AND yes they might turn those guns on us or Israel but to not help the USA will be as bad as Russia or China and Iran. Kerry also said troops will draw down in Afghanistan how ever not how many! Kerry also said if Assad does not come to the meeting in June,that,the world will see how empty his rhetoric is... Hey,we already know this! As for me--i want all troops home now and our money stopped to this country's who hate us. Let them kill each other instead of us. Everyone knows Syria bombed turkey and killed 46 people and injured 200 or so more. Now Iran wants to chair a meeting(USA will not attend)but will not talk about nuclear problems they are causing and that they are an outlaw state shipping arms to Syria,Hezbollah and Hamas. Along with Russia and China Iran gives above plans on nuclear projects as well as North Korea's fat, bad hair,big mouthed snot nose leader and his generals.Moscow and we mean Mr.KGB Putin is meeting with Israel at the same time it is supplying Syria a s-300 missile defense system. Putin can talk to Netanyahu all he wants,but if his lips are moving then he is lying. Putin like most leaders are only interested on how much money lines there pockets....With out a dought in my mind this earth is in deep trouble. from children dying because of no mosquito nets or North Koreans starving from lack of food while it's leader spends billions on nukes.Africa is in bad shape and needs water wells as does India. Even in the United States we have starving kids and lack of wells for water,improper housing,service veterans on the streets unable to get help from the country they served. no matter how much I or others write about these problems no one seems to give a crap. Be well no matter your color or faith. Howard from Alabama.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Syrians and chemical weapons plus other stuff
In Turkey the country not the sandwich doctors found evidence of a chemical attack. So now what Obama? Your red line was crossed and your still sitting on your butt. He is still waiting for conformation on above. So Russia might work with the US since most of Assad's weapons came from Putin's government and China as well. Yet the doctors say yes,chemical burns where on the wounded. This means Obama is full of crap with his red line speak. In my mind to solve the middle east problems all troops should come home now.Also we need to stop giving money to country's that hate us.....Mean time in Israel the orthodox sect is trying to stop liberal Jewish groups from praying at the wailing wall. to me this is just plain wrong. a Jew is a Jew no matter there cast low or high! In fighting is just not good for any religion. In Damascus a Palestinian militant group is training for fighting in the Golan Heights to retake Israeli occupied territory. They are getting help from Assad........Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda edging closer to full scale war.Check it out on The world of ours is in sorry shape because there is war going on all over. Nobody wants to sit down and talk. When a turn of a word can upset a nation. There should be a book called how to talk to world leaders for dummy's.As for North Korea who can respect a 30 year old,fat,bad hair cut, insane leader who lets his people starve to death and as a result the people of North Korea reside to being cannibals and eating there own dead. research this and you will see i am not lying about this....Well today is Saturday and it is raining in Alabama.The temperature is high 70's. My pool is clean and ready for rehabbing my broken hip since you are lighter in water.Already lost 23 pounds need to lose another 35-40. That's it for today.Be well,blessed,happy and if you can help someone.Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
yup, i am back after being sick.
Israel strikes Syria for the second time.The first a few days ago hit chemicals. Today's hit upgraded guided missiles from Iran going to Hezbollah militant groups that Iran sent through Syria. I have said this over and over again,90% of problems in the middle east are caused by Iran! President Obama =,who is slower then crap running down hill is still weighing his options after 2 years of genocide by Assad. You would think he could put his ass in gear and make a decision and help the rebels defeat Assad.You can read more on yahoo if your country has not blocked the Internet. Mean while North Korea on the arrest of an American who was sentenced to 2 years hard labor said,it will not use him as a bargaining chip. Talks with the United States has not even begun yet. Obama must realize that talking to the crazy bad hair cut fat boy will not help anything. Perhaps his Generals are pulling the strings or not he should realize you get more with honey then vinegar. Hey is an idea,lets nuke um!! Now a bit about Pakistan,the front runner for Prime Minister is Nawaz Sharif who says his country should reconsider support for the U.S. on the war against Islamist Militants. OH sure your just looking for more billions in money from the tax payers. Lest we forget that Bin Laden was in your back yard as well as all those training camps.Well,well,well,Afghan President Karzai asked the TALIBAN to fight Afghanistan's enemies. They still consider the USA as an enemy but this above statement was meant for Pakistan because of border fighting lately. As for me,Karzia is a lying,two faced,arrogant thief. He hates the United States except when it comes to the 16-20 billion dollars we give them and now we find out the CIA'S given them cash as well for the past ten years or so. When will Obama stop this giving of our money to people who hate us? SO, Karzia flaunts the CIA money in out face saying he spoke to the station chief stationed there and the money will just keep rolling in. You do know that this money supports corruption and empowers the warlords,under mining US with drawl from Afghanistan...Just a note on the next President of Iran. Unlike Ahmadinejad who pissed of the world by saying there was no Holocaust and Iran should wipe Israel of the map and many more stupid sayings.He also angered the 35 and under in Iran which is 70% of the people. However if the supreme leader told him to shut up ,I do not see it? I do believe the people of Iran want peace and trade as well as talks with America but not the government. Some things on my mind. Russia seems to be going backwards where the KGB is in charge all due to Putin and his cronies.Both Russia and China lie as they smile in our face.Both hep Syria with arms and troops as well as training for Assad,help Iran with nuclear plans and cause destabilisation in the world. If only we all could work together for a better earth and solve the problems of hunger,water,natural power for fuel and saving our rain Forrest's.How much better the people of earth would be. THOSE WHO DO NOT REMEMBER THE PAST ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT ALL THE MISTAKES OVER AGAIN!! So,to all my readers please pass these blogs to everyone you know. Be well,be blessed to all colors and faiths. Howard from Alabama.
Friday, May 3, 2013
He is Healing
It is 3 weeks since his hip surgery. He is doing very well. I am sure he will feel like writing soon. He just needs to be able to sit in one place for longer than 30 minutes. He sent his well wishes to all of his readers, blessings and happiness to all. from Howard and Jodie in Alabama.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Howard is home from the hospital. He is very sore and tired but he is doing well. Give him a day or 2 to get a little more strength and he should be back writing his blog. I am so very happy to have him home,it is a happy day indeed!
Be blessed and happy from Howard and Jodie in Alabama.
Be blessed and happy from Howard and Jodie in Alabama.
Monday, April 22, 2013
The doctors are telling Howard that he might come home from the hospital Thursday. He is very happy about this, and so am I. I truly do miss him. He will have a lot to write about. So from him to all you readers, be blessed and do something nice for someone else. from Howard in Alabama.
Friday, April 19, 2013
UPDATE: Howard is doing better . He is up walking doing his therapy. So I am hoping that he will be increasing his healing and strength right along. He says hey to his readers and wishes all well, blessings and happiness.from HOWARD in ALABAMA
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Well here is the latest update on Howard's condition.He has been moved to The West Florida Hospital for Physical therapy. His moral is high, he is feeling much better. They will be working with him as he heals. It should be a couple of weeks and he will be home. At least I hope so I miss him . So to all his readers he will be back soon.Be blessed and help each other. Howard from Alabama.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Howard is in the hospital at this time,he has had his right hip replaced. If you are a steady reader you already know about him having a great deal of intense pain for the past 21/2half months.He finally got in to have x rays on the 10th . They found he had been trying to walk on a fractured hip. They operated on him right a way and he is starting therapy. I just wanted to let y'all know he is watching all the world events and will have a lot to write about very soon.Be blessed and safe, from Howard in Alabama.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Life happens when you have other plans!
It has been a rough 2 months.Monday brought my wife in for surgery and nearly lost her. she was on a respirator for 2 days with collapsed lungs. She is OK now but will have to stay in hospital about a week more.As for me i have disk problems and can hardly walk even with a walker. Today i go see the pain doctor at Eglin air force base in Florida. Maybe i can get the pain under control with shots in my back instead an operation. SO that's why my blogs slowed down. Thanks for your understanding. Be blessed and i mean all faiths.Howard from Alabama.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Just a quick blog mostly about North Korea
Once again the little fat mouse with a bad hair cut roars at the lion. I would have said barked but all the dogs and cats where eaten by the starving people of North Korea while it's leaders get fat. Kim Jung UN likes to beat his chest while speaking of war,bombs and lakes of fire. Obama sent 2 b2 nuclear bombers and several warships to the conflict area. Obama never said a word he just showed we will not take North Koreans crap. However the USA would rather take a different approach then war.. Here is a note many do not know. North Korea took the Russian and Chinese plans given to them and sold them to Syria and Iran. Wow what a world we live in. We might just destroy ourselves before an Asteroid gets us. I have been around the world and this is what i found. The people of each country are good, it is the governments that do not get along. I was also thinking if more women where in high government stations where they would have to bury sons and daughters war would be for the most part gone. Anyway still not well but had to do some writing. To all colors and faiths,be blessed and well. Howard from Alabama.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
My Friends and All Fellow Readers!
I am tremendously sorry that I have been slack in my writing as of late. I am still having a bad time with my back and hip. I have an appointment at Eglin AB, to find out exactly what is wrong,set up a time and plan to fix it. But , April 10th isn't until a week from tomorrow. I haven't been able to feel well enough to get my thoughts together to write. This is just a note to let you know that I haven't quit my blog, I will be back writing soon I hope. Thank you . Be well, blessed and happy . Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
A little of this a little of that
North Korea is the mouse that roared at the eagle. Take a 28 year old spoiled child,make him a leader of a starving country. You would think this chunky kid with bad hair would want to feed his people, but no. Just like those who came before him, he will spend billions on a nuclear bomb and starve his people.The fresh threat to the USA is that he would attack South Korea,Guam, and of course our base in Japan.Have you seen the latest pictures of his hacking squad? Sitting in "the great hall" with heavy coats and hoods. He can not afford heat or food but forces hackers to work against the west.He eats steak while his people eat human body parts of the recent dead. The worst thing about this is aid is available. Iran's Khomeini said that it will destroy Haifa and Tel-Aviv should Israel attack them. But it's OK to send weapons to Hamas and the militant Muslims!! While Israel will strike military targets,Iran will strike city's. I still think Israel will bomb the heck out of Iran in July-Aug-or September. Staying on Israel,Syrian weapons fired on the border town of Serot. The rockets where fired by a small faction of Al-Qada who do not like Islamist Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip. Near by Syrian President Assad said he will purge Syria of "extremist forces" but i dought he will be in power much longer.--- Update,Syria fired across the boarder at Golan Heights hitting an Israeli car. Israel then fired on a Syrian post and destroyed it. Israel was sitting on the side lines but if you fire on them expect a big return on your bullets. Mali fierce fighting in the Northern town of GAO. Islamist rebels and French forces are trying to drive the Islamist in to the desert and the mountains with help from African forces. Once again you can thank Russia and China as the weapons used are there's. Secretary of State John Kerry stopped in Iraq in an unannounced trip to let Prime Minister Nouri the US is not at all happy about Iranian planes carrying weapons and troops to Syria. As well as trucks through Iraq to Syria. He said that each -plane or truck needs to be stopped and inspected... HOW about not sending money of tax payers to these country's or at least have them pay us back in oil or cash.Moving right along Afghanistan's karzai is going to Qatar to speak to the Taliban. So this is a person America give 16 billion dollars a year. Hey Obama here is an idea- bring all our troops home from everywhere except Turkey,South Korea and Japan. Stop giving them money which they use to kill Americans. Let them kill each other!! To my readers,i have been ill with disk problems and can hardly walk so the blogs are spaced out for days i feel better. To all colors and faiths be well,be blessed and for goodness sake help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Short blog today.
Iran has started giving Assad more weapons. As if we did not know they did 2 years ago so why stop!Something Russia China and yes North Korea too.In addition Iran gives weapons to Hezbollah. SO far Assad has killed 70 to 90 thousand of it's own people and sent 1 million or more fleeing the country. Iran thinks no one knows it uses civilian planes to fly troops and weapons to Syria over Iraqi air space,Turkey as well.I have said this before Iran want to control the middle east. the USA should just leave the middle east and take everything with us. Let them kill each other. In case you did not know this---Iran in the past year produced more weapons grade uranium. North Korea's nukes and missiles do pose a threat to the USA. It has exported ballistic missiles to Iran and Syria as well as other materials to several countries. China is building a large fleet of drones to interfere with our manned planes. I truly would like to know if President Obama has the brass to protect us? At this point i trust Vice President Bidden more then Obama........In America Washington can not seem to work together. They need to reverse the sequester. It has effected our veterans by way of cutting education payments,effected the Pentagon and much much more. YET both houses of congress did not cut there pay and after 2 year they get a pension for life. The medical benefit's for them are 100 times better the medicare that they are trying to cut,and they are always looking to cut Social Security that we paid in to all those years. This is mostly the Republicans who are already rich old white men serving there money gods and large corporations. That is enough to make for another revolution. OK that's it for now.All colors and faiths be well,blessed and try to help someone who needs it.Howard from Alabama.
Monday, March 11, 2013
North Korea Important to read this!
In search type in.. show me proof of North Korean's starving. Then pick a few sites(flatrock) you will see all the proof you need about this crazy,, fat bad hair leader.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Afghanistan-North Korea-Syria-Egypt- and more
Lahore,Pakistan-hundreds of people(Muslims)rampaged through a christian neighborhood torching dozens of homes because "they heard" that a christian man committed what they call blasphemy against Islam's profit.Hey,why not kill and burn every ones house,after all that's the Muslim way! The middle east is full of these savages. Now the true story is,both the Muslim and the christian where blind drunk and got in to a fight. The next morning the Muslim trying to get back at the christian told this lie and you see what happened from there. The Muslims broke in to 2 churches and burned crosses and bibles. What would happen if the reverse where done? This is the same problem through out the middle east and the Muslim world! Kabul- Afghanistan- militants staged a 2 suicide bomb attack. What they did is kill their own people and 8 kids as well.Maybe because Chuck Hagel arrived or maybe not.The message is the Taliban likes to kill anyone. SO OBAMA,are you going to learn anything from the past? Sure throw more of our money weapons and troops at them..Wake the Heck up. Get everyone out of the middle east,stop giving them our tax money and our blood. As for North Korea,this short, fat crazy person with a bad hair cut is like an ant with a stick shaking it at an elephant. They are no better then Syria and Iran. Mean while Russia and China smile when they say no but trade oil for weapons......THERE IS WAY TO MUCH MAY HAM IN THE WORLD AND A PRESIDENT WITH NO BALLS. OK that is it for today and maybe the next few days. All races and faiths be well. Howard from Alabama.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Still not well but here are the head lines.
South Korea says it will strike back if North Korea attacks.... Israel mistreats Palestinian children in custody.....Russia says it is ready to discuss UN force for Mali....To much money spent in Iraq for such little results....Hugo Chavez dead from cancer. I would have written more but still in lots of pain from disk out of whack. Have a blessed day. Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Jerusalem-Iran-USA plus more
All the talks with Iran went nowhere.The only thing that happened was Iran got more time in which to build a nuclear bomb. I have said this before in some of my other blogs. When did President Obama turn in to a dove? Many reports out of Iran and other country's say,Iran continues to upgrade so they can build a nuke plus they now have another 3000 centrifuges. I think that it is likeley Israel will strike July or Aug of this year. Mali, so far 3 french soldiers where killed in fighting Al-Quida linked militants.French soldiers destroyed munitions,gun trucks and mortars. Jihadists are trying to turn Mali mostly in the north in to training camps and a sanctuary for themselves... In Algeria the elites(rich) are stealing money from the people.Vast oil fields owned by the state and B.P. with a Norway partner Statoil who run the oil and gas fields Realize this:Algeria has 190 billion in reserve which is 8 billion more then last year. That's a lot of money! On another note Chad-Chadian soldiers killed Mokhtar Belmokhtar the mastermind who took hostages and murdered them at a Algerian gas plant. On March 2nd Chadian forces also destroyed a base in north Mali while the french jets bomb the mountain hideouts. Iraq shuts border posts after Syrian rebels sized the frontier near Mosul. The fighting is so close to Iraq nthat they are fearful of the spilling over of that fighting. SO my readers tha is it for today. To all colors and faiths,be blessed and help some one in need. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Russia-the middle east and the U.S. plus more.
In Russia,President Putty Putin is trying to stop smoking.That is a good thing.Maybe he won"t blow so much smoke up Obama's butt when making promises he won't keep. Turkey accused Syria of attacking it's own towns with bombing and shelling with scud missiles. I guess Turkey just woke up after a 2 year nap!! Plus look in to your own past. Britain and Switzerland urged the U.N. to refer Syria to the international criminal court for war crimes.....I said the when 10,000 Syrians where murdered by Assad now it is 99,000 killed by him. 50 countries asked the Security Council to refer Syrian war crimes to the Hague. I say why did you not give the rebels weapons instead of your empty words?... The U.S.A.tells Iran to negotiate in good faith on their nuclear program. Somehow the U.S. government thinks the Islamic republic will stop the nuclear build up. Western governments(except for Israel) have no clue.Either take out there oil fields,infer structure,T.V. stations military air fields and Russian planes and weapons storage, their government and their leaders or they WILL build a nuclear bomb and use it. No ifs,and or but the time for talk was 2 years ago. Hey what the heck do i know? NOW Afghan thief Karzai. His brother ran all the drug trade in Afghanistan for years. U.S money is missing in the billions,we train the army and they kill us just for fun. HEY OBAMA take our weapons,troops, the 18 billion a year and get out NOW!! Not 2014. Last for today. Keep in mind I am a veteran who is disabled,messianic minister as well.If Israel does not open it's eyes and start honest talks their fear of a Palestinian uprising will come to pass.They will have only themselves to blame.Sit down and start talking,stop building,put up a fence and agree to a 2 state solution. Stop killing each other or did you forget Abraham was the father of both nations. That's like killing your own blood relative. Just get it done..... Now me. I have not been doing well ,with a disc out in my back which makes my right leg feel on fire and a lot of pain. That is why my reporting has slowed down. On good days I write as much as I can before I have to lay down to slow the pain. It has been a lot of rain these past 3 days but temperature in the 60's. To all of you regardless of color or faith,be well,blessed and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Russia-China-North Korea and more
Yes,Russia and China did criticise Pyongyang over there nuclear testing.They also oppose foreign military intervention. But that's all they will do! Any action against North Korea would have to come from the U.N. Both Russia and China are part of the U.N and i am thinking they both are in bed with North Korea so they pocket the cash from the sales of knowledge and weapons.... Al Qaeda militants fled Timbuktu in Mali forced out by the French...Aside from destruction of the 12th century holy scrips of Islam they left photo copies of how to down American drones. Check the A.P. wire service on the whole matter..--Iran has begun installing advanced centrifuges at the main enrichment plant. Of course that does worry the western world and Israel.The U.S. state department warned that it would put more sanctions on Iran. All i hear is a whole bunch of talk with no action.President Obama is really dragging his feet on this and many other things as well.Israel will strike Iran,only a matter of when!---Beirut 90-100 people dead from more Assad strikes with Russian planes and missiles.The death toll of killing is fast reaching 100.000 people..Somebody please shoot this guy in the head!! This fighting in Syria is murdering women and children. DOES ANYONE EVEN CARE? OK,now me. I have been laid up for 6 weeks .disk at l4-5 out and swollen with much pain down my right leg.Very hard to stand and sit. That is why my blogs go a few days or more. Thanks to my 3400 readers for understanding. To all colors and different faiths, be well blessed and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
In Cuba the monument which honors 266 American sailors that where on the USS Maine when it sank in 1898. The Cuban government is fixing and cleaning it as well as restoring it sends a message to President Obama and America. I have said this a few times now that we should extend a hand to Cuba. After all 26 miles from Florida is not that far and the Cuban missile miss hap is a long time over.(I was there in the navy) While we are at it try to send Hugo Chavez a message of friendship talks as well considering we can drive thru Mexico to south America.--- In Tehran Iran,the supreme leader said his country is not seeking nuclear weapons.(I do not believe him)but if they wanted to the U.S.A could not stop Iran. Poor Ayatollah says he and Iran are being bullied.(boo-hoo) So i am guessing the sanctions are working but i feel for the people not the government. There seems to be some inbred fighting between Khomeini and President Ahmadinejad as well as there Parliament. Some more news, Hezbollah warns Israel not to attack Lebanon. mean time they killed 5 Israeli tourist in Bulgarian report. Syria pro-government gunmen kidnapped 300 people in the north western area of Syria. So far 70,000 know people killed by Assad and maybe closer to 90,000 some reports say. There are uprisings across the Arab world. If the earth is trying to down size humans it surely is working.Even Russia is having problems with Islamist in the north. Egypt with the people uprising brothers killing brothers. North Korea's fat little leader with a bad hair cut eats steak and lobster while his people eat the dead relatives and feet and hands as well as other body parts are sold in markets. Yet this crazy boy not yet a man spends on nuclear bombs and missiles. We live in crazy times my friends and nobody does anything about it. Not even our President Obama who I thought would lead from the front. If your not going to help then bring all our troops home from everywhere. Close the 600 or so bases around the world and secure this country and it's borders. that's my advice for today. Here is some history- all humans come from the very first human women.we all have the same DNA of stardust in our body and blood. We are killing our on family every time there is a murder on earth. No matter what god you pray to,what color you are Be well,blessed and please help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Small blog today.
North Korea sets of nuclear bomb in spite of China and others warning of more sanctions. They say the test was "merely it's first response" to what it calls U.S. threats and Washington hostility. Of course we will be hostile to a tiny little country who's leader must have ridden the short bus to school.. Kim Jong UN is more nuts than his father was.He spends billions on nuclear tests and 90% of his people are starving. He however is fat....So what the heck is he thinking? Last night President Obama made the state of the union speech. He warned North Korea and Iran about nuclear advancement and added Iran will not get a nuke,he will do what he has to making it clear. Most everything else was about the USA. If your interested you can hear the speech on the Internet. For today that's it. Be well,blessed and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Middle East-tell me all about it!
Ahmadinejad says " I will talk with the USA if the pressure stops". Yet he attacks dissidents in a refugee camp. Many dead and over 30 injured from mortars and missiles, the same ones he sends to Syria and Hezbollah . I say,what is there to talk about? It is the same crap over and over just to hedge his time to build more nuclear missiles.The people of Iran would rather have jobs and food but like North Korea nukes are more important to the governments. I believe Iran's goal is to be the middle east power,having the Arab States and country's bow to them...The sanctions are working and we need more of them. President Obama finally is going to Israel and it is about time! Obama needs to shore up his commitments. Netanyahu and Obama will talk about 3 major problems:Syria<Iran and Israel's bombing of Syria chemical weapons. Related to this is President Ahmadinejad's statement that until the USA takes the gun from his head he will not negotiate. ME, I say pull the trigger!! Syria's Assad will fall but before he does so there will be blood all over including Egypt. This guy is truly evil. There is Lot's more but I am still recovering from the flu and it took everything I have just to write the above. I would like to thank my 3,101 readers for hanging in there with me as being sick knocks me out on top of being a veteran who is disabled. Be well,be blessed help someone in need,be kind to the people you meet.Howard from Alabama.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Sorry my readers not feeling well
I will be resting in bed for a day or two. hurt my hip and leg need to stay off of it. I know there is a lot to report about but just can not do it right now. Be well-blessed and help someone today. Howard from Alabama
This is Jodie, I will be taking care of him so he can get back to all you readers. And he really enjoys seeing how many of you read his blog.
This is Jodie, I will be taking care of him so he can get back to all you readers. And he really enjoys seeing how many of you read his blog.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
What is going on in North Korea and other places?
The missile tests and what other country's are calling"menacing rhetoric". I call it crazy Kim Jong -Un trying to prove he is as rough and tumble as his father. Washington's expectations that baby Kim is trying to scare up his fathers ghost. I guess every short,fat,small (you know where) with a fat head needs to prove something! But to who? He spends billions of dollars on nuclear ambitions while his people starve to death.He refuses out side help and again the people of North Korea as really starving so much so that they are killing and eating there own children. If you do not believe me research it for your self!. There was a grandfather who dug up his recent dead granddaughter just so he would not starve. In the markets,you see fe
et and legs and body parts for sale...Yet-Kim Jong - UN threatens the very country's that would help his people... Egypt according to Generals of the army say it is heading for collapse.In Port Said they are burying the dead from conflict in the wave of political violence.Angry crowds against the Islamist President and Muslim Brother hood. General El - Sissi tried get both sides to talk but failed to get any compromise. As for President Morsi he has been unable to contain the unrest then he used a heavy hand and killed 60-80 more people. There are riots all over Egypt...... Israel and Syria, when i first wrote this draft Israel threatened to attack the Syrian area where the chemical and advanced weapons are stored. but as i was writing this draft last nigh it happened and Israel did attack near the border of Syria. The problem is,Israel is right. No one wants Hezbollah's and guerrilla Islamist's to get chemical weapons. In the mean time they are trying to steal the weapons. So yesterday's maybe became today's fact. Russia is keeping quiet because they supplied both help to North Korea and actual missiles to Syria. Now while we are on Russia what you do not hear from Puttee Put Putin is in Dagestan southern Russia they are dealing with corruption and Islamist unrest. Hey corruption,something not new to Putin's government. There is so much more going on that my heart is sad for the worlds people. Here is some: China Beijing smog so thick it is like smoking 3 packs a day. They closed the airport as well. Iran launches a monkey in to space- to bad the President of Iran wasn't riding on the top..beep-beep :) . French army seals of Timbuktu and the sorry part is that the stupid Islamist burned there own holy scrolls that where ancient. a suicide bomber blow up Somali President's villa. ON A FINAL NOTE: there seems to be so much death and destruction in this world we live in and it gets you nowhere and needs to stop!! No, i don't know how to fix it but with all the great minds on earth someone should. This last note to my readers is this. Be blessed,be well,help someone in need. It matter not what color you are or race try to get along without blood shed. Howard from Alabama.
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busy researching |
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Here we go again!!!
What is it with country's that beg for the United States to bomb them back to the stone age? And or just blow off the face of the earth?? North Korea has a lot of moxie for such a small set of balls :) How many sanctions does it take, along with international isolation? Country's like Iran and North Korea,China,Russia who can not feed the people because it would rather spend it on nuclear ambitions.President Obama has a lot to deal with here in the USA(republicans) and the crazes in other country's. Iran,Syria,Russia,China, Oh about Syria,Assad now has a death toll of over 60,000 people. I said this before-genocide!! And still, no one has a bullet with Assad's name on it....... IN Ramallah,west bank the Palestine President asked some of Israeli politicians for a sit down to discuss the peace. ME,I still think a 2 state solution would be best for both of them. It beats killing each other....IN the USA,Republicans are busting Clinton's butt about the attack in---- Libya. Enough already,move on and fix the problems so they do not happen again. How much talking can the loud mouth Republicans do and still get nothing done? Sure they want our guns because they see another revolution coming. I have know idea if these blogs shed some light or not but,there must be leaders of country's who can get things done with out blood shed? To all colors and races,be blessed,be well, help another in need. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, January 21, 2013
I have been very tired these past 3 weeks.
It seems I pulled something in my back,which,is effecting my leg and thigh to my knee.The pain has been bad and I don't feel like writing my blog. In any event the news is all bout President Obama and his re-election. The swearing in and the dances and party's this week. He did mention a few things but all and all the same stuff. Lance Armstrong got caught up in all the lies he has told about doping, so,another American shamed. I learned a long time ago if you tell the truth you will not have to remember what you said last year or ten years ago because it will be the same answer! Maybe next week I will get back to insulting all the leaders of the world and the bad things they do. But for now there is some great movies,DVDs and TV to watch. It is good to escape the world once in a while. To all colors and races, be well,blessed and try to help someone in need. What goes around will come around. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, January 14, 2013
America-money-guns-the middle east plus more.
America, with some of it's money problems forces Obama to say "we are not a dead beat nation". He was speaking AT the republicans lack of American Spirit for their lack of helping the middle class and poor. This time President Obama has the power to kick some butt. It is called executive and he could use it for an amount he thinks he will need towards the debt and the budget. Republicans have held this country hostage long enough.How can you reach a budget with out additional borrowing? Not possible! But republicans always fall back to cutting social security and now not paying our troops over seas and other things that are legal to pay and must be met. How about cutting the average salary of a congressman or senator from the $270 thousand they make a year and there medical is 20 times better then medicare. Cut some of that instead. NEXT gun control. take away citizen's guns then the country is ripe for invasion. OK,we do not need assault weapons and plastics or TNT. But hand guns-shot guns-bows-knives you can't have them at least not from me. OK lets leave the USA news. Heading over to the middle east,King of Jordan has said failure to get the peace talks going between Israel and Palestinians may lead to more blood shed. It doesn't take a Csar to figure that one out. He is correct. But Isreali government is being butt heads and lying about Gaza and wanting peace. If they wanted it then it would happen. Syria,this fool,psyco needs shock treatment or a hole in his head.He keeps bombing Damascus and the suburbs. Then he fires mortars in to Turkey. He tells the Russians to go to hell on any talks. Some body please shoot this genoside devil. Then you have Palestinian Prime Minister warning that the government will fail id the Arabs do not keep there promise to help with aid. You know how to tel when an Arab is lying? His lips are moving!..Now Israel. What can i say about this dishonest government who says it wants peace but does everything to promote war and bloodshed The courts said to leave alone the palestinians in there tent city of E 1 area of Jerusalem did they listen NO they evacuated the area against the court order. Maybe they forgot what happened in WW 2 to them. Afghanistan and the US are talking about staying after 2014 and about legal immunity. I say get the hell out and let them handle there own problems and take our 16 billion a year with us. Russian scientists just had to drill almost 12.000 feet under the ice to what was a pristine lake 14 million years old. Not any more after the contaminants from there drilling put oil and other bacteria in that lake. Humans seem to screw everything good up. Now the USA and other country's are about to do the same. Stop already!! So, that's it for today. Be well,be blessed no matter what color or race you are. Help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Jan 13th,still have not found a laptop!!
I will keep it simple until i buy a laptop with some speed to it. Hey anyone out there have an extra laptop they are willing to part with??Leave me your email in comments and I will contact you. So quickly, Russia's Putin is an a number one jerk. He punishes the children in the orphanages just to spite Obama..In France the Islimists get bombed by the French army in north Mali. Well that is what you get when you let murders in your country. Gotta go will try to get new computer in the next few days. all colors and races-be well-be blessed.Howard from Alabama.
Friday, January 11, 2013
This will be a short blog!
My computer is running as slow as pushing your mother-in-law up hill in San Fran Cisco. So it will be a short one until i go to Walmart and buy a new one. they have laptops with a lot to offer for around $400.00 mine is now 8 years old. In Afghanistan President Obama finally listens to the Americans and will be leaving sooner then 2014. GOOD! Karzi is a real piece of work. Blaming the US for everything he could have stopped. Lets hope Obama brings out tanks,drones,weapons and most of all the tax payers money. I would not give this loud mouth .16 cents let alone 16 billion dollars. He has said, he has the country under control. Let's leave and do not return his calls. The same for Iraq. Why the hell should we train them to kill us? Next Russia. They have the billions to build a 16 Intercontinental ballistic missile sub and 2 more ordered. How about feeding your people? OR fixing your infrastructure. I still can not figure out why America would give China billions to fix OUR roads and other infrastructure needs? Are you nuts Obama and congress? Are you telling me and other Americans you can not find an American company to do these jobs? There is so much more to say and not enough people speaking up. the congress and the senate really suck. they can not find ways to work together and we Americans suffer. I wish we could fire them all and start over.Israel who is supposed to be our friend keeps finding ways to screw there neighbors. (and I am messianic) Any way no matter who you are or what color--be blessed,well and happy.Try to help another in need. Howard from Alabama.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Writing bad news upsets me as it does my readers!!
But,here we go again. Kuwaiti court sentenced a man to two years for telling the truth about it's Arabs are full of crap about wanting freedom for it's people if they can do above. Even the lawyer of the man is afraid to say his name. But, Sal eh-Al Anzi the man in jail will rot in prison or maybe the guards will beat him to death as they do so many others. Of course the U.S.A. will keep quite about this and it does not make the news here in America because we buy oil from them. Did you know,here in America we have more oil and natural gas then all the world combined! We have a problem not getting the oil but,the dam tree hugers holding us up. Maybe President Obama should tell them to get bent. In Syria two faced Assad calls for peace then asks Syrians to fight his war. Is not 60,000 people dead enough genocide caused by Assad enough for this insane leader? Even the E.U. says he must step down. On Syria's border<Israel wants to build a fence because of radical Muslims and Islamist's forces have taken over the area near the border by Ramallah west bank. Palestinian self rule government is nearly completely incapacitated because the lying Arabs that promised them 100's of millions of dollars in aid did nothing so far. It seems to me getting anyone to keep there word today are all lies they tell each other. In Egypt, Morsi expands his cabinet with Muslim brother hood adding to what he calls his ministers.The reshuffle is to help with different problems.. Good luck with that! We already know how it will turn out.(not well) In Pakistan by the border there is fighting with India.Bullets going both ways. Also in Pakistan, US drones killed 9 militants near Dera Ismail Khan. If the Pakistan government was not so corrupted,stopped hiding then and did not lie to us then drones would not be used. The Taliban is in bed with the leaders of Pakistan and commander Maul vi Nazir. This goes for Al Qaeda as well. militant Muslims allowed to set up training camps to teach how to murder men,women and children. So yes bomb them with all we have. won't they be surprised when they go to hell and there are 72 7 foot men to greet them. OUCH! In Yemen drones killed Mukbel Ab bad and several others near Rada'a province of Baydah. To bad we missed Kaid AL Dhahab and his brother. Next time we won't miss. Al Qaeda and Muslim militants are,as i call them,roaches of the middle east. There are many of them and they keep popping up! Yes once in a while we screw up and people die but if we had the help of the people we would not Miss often. Here is one for the books, President of Yemen Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi said---he personally approves of drone strike in his country. To bad other leaders do not feel the same way. There are Many Americans who think Obama should pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq now and take our troops,weapons and tax payer money with us.I say do not stop there. South Korea, Saudi Arabia and about 500 base's around the world. Lets keep our money and blood in America and the heck with everyone else. If they want our help let them pay our troops salaries.our planes and maintenance on them,feed our troops or pay for the food. Should one of our troops die they pay the family 300.000 and all cost involved. If you will not do that then help yourself . OK folks getting tired on this Sunday evening in Alabama. to all races and colors be well,blessed and help someone who needs it. Howard from Alabama
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