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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Last blog until Jan,2013

Here I am,sitting at the computer thinking of what the world is going through and the crazy leaders in all the country's on this earth.Russia gets pissed off at the USA and stops adoption of children in terrible run down conditions of the orphanage's in Russia. Putin is punishing who? there are babies everywhere who needs Russia? not the USA! Mr. K>G>B> has on thumb in his behind and one in his mouth.  Somebody yell switch  at this jerk.The government really stinks. If only the people ran the country! I have got news for you,it is the same story here in America. the government officials suck big time and do not work for a better America but for money in there pockets. Our President Obama tries and tries to help the 98% of Americans who are poor and middle class. However those we stupidly elected in Congress and the senate do nothing but sit on there collective butts,collecting around a $270.000 salary and do nothing for it. By the way they just got a raise!! About there medical it is 50 times better then the one medicare has which we pay an average of $140 a month in to. My point is while the freedoms and rules of America are the best in the world,we still have people starving and dyeing for no reason.There are things i would do to change thinking. I would call Castro in Cuba and work out a plan for those Cuban Americans and others to visit the country and family left behind.After all Cuba is only 26 mile off  the Florida shore. Then give Hugo Chavez a call to see if we can work together on helping each other. After all,peace is worth some compromise. Maybe even turn it to some kind of friendship.The Arab Nations need to be told what we do not like and of course do like.Time to be straight forward and transparent in the world. Walk softly and carry a big stick fit here. All nations of the world need to sit down and figure out a 75-100 year plan.We have 7 billion plus people and growing. This mean more food-housing-transportation and so much more.We need to work together and find a planet other than earth we can go to. that means working on solar wind and nuclear power for lasers blasting the solar sails. Cryogenics's on stopping crystalization  in the human blood so it work.Terra forming in case we need more 02 on another planet. BY the way stop cutting down the rain Forrest. why? well the 02 is one reason but the are medical cures yet to be found there.kill the ground cover and trees is like killing yourself, Instead of feeding the people of earth try teaching them to plant crops and how to use farm machinery. Animal husbandry and yes for the future cloning of them. Israel made farm land from desert why not ask then for help in a barren country? find fuels that burn clean like solar,wind and natural gas. Most of all,stop the killing of people and the earth. That's it until Jan 2013. to all people,be well,blessed happy,HELP someone who needs it. Howard from Alabama.         Please send this to everyone you may know. Thank you.      

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I wasn't going to do a blog until after new year,BUT

The world does not stop because of me and there is always something to say. Beirut news said.In Iran,a simple easy going man named Satta Beheshti who was a working class man.He lived with and helped his mother in the area south of Tehran called Robat Karim. Not long ago he decided to write a blog (as I do)about his life and his country.he wrote about struggles of the middle class in Iran and about political problems of the country and it's leaders,the restrictions mixed with stuff about friends and family. One of his blogs was sharper and criticized (the old fart) Khomeini  and said of him, he lies about much. Including how Iran supports Hezbollah  and the plight of human rights. He then was threatened that his mother would soon be wearing black.Then Iran's cyber bully police arrested him,tortured him and beat him bloody. a week later he was given back to his family DEAD. 41 Prisoners sent a letter to his mother saying they heard and saw him being beaten. In my eyes Khomeini is a thug as is the President of Iran. Both are murder mongers!! Because of the Internet in Iran those who have it heard of this. The 35 and younger crowed hates it's leader ship and I am sure in the next 5 years or so you will see a lot of dead leaders in Iran. there is a big change on its way. In Syria many generals and thousands of soldiers have defected to the rebels cause calling it the peoples revolution .Assad is not long for this earth! Mean time in the USA the Republican party  still will not do what 98% of the people who elected them want done.At least in America we can vote them out of office. So Christmas in Alabama sucked. No money to do anything. But we did have a turkey and the food was good. why? because I am a chef and can make something from nothing and taste good as well. Actually  I have nothing to complain about.even we poor have it better then most 3rd world country's.Here in America we have about 310 million people. We also have about 400 million guns. So the crap Assad or Khomeini pulls would be greeted with a bullet to the head. SO here in Alabama it has been a chilly day after Christmas even though the sun was out. the sun set over the trees is a bright orange against a light blue back round. To look at it you would think the world is right and peace full,but we know better. To all peoples and colors be well,blessed and happy. Try to help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


First,Turkey lifts N.A.T.O  veto on Israel following a raid on a Turkish ship with aid and food to Gaza. Then Assad orders fighters to target a bakery that left many people dead in Hama province. 61 people arrested in Kenya over tribal violence leaving 42 dead.Korea says-North Korea's rockets could reach the USA. A peace envoy is in Syria to discuss talks. As if that will help stop the genocide of Assad and his soldier's. Exporters of second hand clothes are using the same type of bins that charities use. Greed never stops! In America the N.R.A wants to put armed guards in schools. (more guns)  In India, police shoot journalist because he protest the gang rape of a 23 year old women.In Pakistan a bomber kills 9 people in Peshawar... AND so the news goes around the world. Here in America the Republican  party keeps fighting with President Obama about taxing the rich and helping the poor and middle class.There are people all over the USA homeless,no food to eat and tired of our government never getting anything done! here in Alabama it is 53 degrees and overcast,rain later.The people of the world get along just fine but governments,arms dealers and rulers of country's want war so they make money..Be well,be blessed no matter who you are.Howard from Alabama.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Russia-Syria-Turkey-Israel and the USA.

Russia refuses to act as a go between with Syria's Assad by asking him to leave while most Arab States accuse Russia of shielding Assad. Russia's answer is they are not in the business of regime change. I say of course not because you sell them all kinds of weapons and ammo and planes.Then you buy oil from them while Assad caused so far 40,000 deaths. Of which Russian,China as well as Iran has a hand in it.Lets not forget North Korea as well. Iran as everyone knows supports Assad,who say they are battling a 21 month uprising.They to sell guns and ammo-planes to Assad.On the other side of the same coin they send humanitarian aid to Damascus  for Palestinians that Assad bombs. I have said this before:Iran wants to rule the middle east.  In turkey,the Prime Minister is allowing Patriot missiles in case of chemical weapons attack.....Israels Prime Minister has vowed to build in Jerusalem despite the U.N. criticism. Mean time in Egypt the Vice President quit(before someone killed him). I guess he can go back to being a judge.  Here in the USA same crap with the Republican party. It seems they want to keep the poor and middle class where they are as to not improve. Republicans hate Obama for wanting to tax the rich,himself included. Enough hate in the world already!! To all,be blessed and well. Help get the world in to a peace mood. Howard from Alabama

Thursday, December 20, 2012

United States-Afghanistan-Syria-U.K. and ?

How nuts are the Republicans in America? MUCHO!!!They now want to cut the aid for the storm Sandy from the east coast. The damage was 80 billion dollars and Obama was ready to help with that amount.BUT no,Republicans will only help with 23-24 billion.Sure,screw the people again! Then,they want to raise medicare on social security. John Boehner and his rich,white old men who by the way can afford a tax hike say no.At this point I am thinking the Republicans are racist against Obama. HEY YOU REPUBLICANS-YOU SUCK!!!!            Syrian fighter jets bomb a Palestinian camp in Damascus.Assad once again kills men-women and children.Can you say genocide!!..By the way Russia sold then the jets..    Kabul Afghanistan,Karzi says's he welcomes 1/2 of Britain's troops leaving and that his country and its forces can take care of its defense. OK, pull all American troops out with our tanks,weapons and our 16 billion in aid to them.      A British Antarctic survey team wants to drill 2 miles down in to a lake. Just to see if there is life. I can answer that!!! YES,anywhere you go on earth,the coldest-hottest-wettest-driest deepest places you have some type of life.It is called adaptation.     I have a question. What does the What good is a peace keeping mission if they have no guns to back them up?Is Israel looking to get back in to a conflict? Does Iran really think we will let them go nuclear and blow them up? Hey President Obama stop think so much and do stuff.Open trade with Cuba,call Hugo Chavez start some conversation. Get on Air Force one and visit Israel, Russia,U.K. and other country's. A good will tour couldn't hurt. Enough of above.  here in Alabama it rained most of the night and is still raining on and off.the sun is trying to come out and there is heavy gust of wind every now and again.My big German Shepherd hates to get wet unless she smells someone who is not known to us.  Our little white dog(Spitz) has a cough. We tried everything such as musinx d.m. and  the  p- cillians but no use. I think he has allergy's. so my readers time to relax. be well,be blessed and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.

Monday, December 17, 2012

USA needs to bring troops and it's money home

Today in Iraq north a bomber kills 25 people.Sunni's die and now it is Shiite's turn to die. Brother against brother,same blood flows in there  veins yet they kill each other.Iran,same old farts and a stupid President. Seems like nothing changes. The closer they get to a nuclear bomb the closer they become a target of the USA and Israel and member nations.Then we have the V.P. of Syria Shara saying nobody wins. But when you and Assad are dead the rebels can form some kind of democratic government.Libya is about to shut the southern border.Turkey trying to help Syrians who crossed to there border,with food and shelter. The USA is sending food and medicine.Egyptian women still hoping for better rights since the Arab spring. Yemen while Sal eh resigned Al Qaeda is moving in and blowing things As for Russia,now they are on the side of no one.They did this so who ever wins that conflict they can have a relationship with.In the mean time Russia-China and Iran sell guns and ammo to them. This is life in a lot of country's.Conflict and strife. I would much prefer a peace full world. Those who choose to forget the past are doomed to repeat it.Some one needs to open a happy news only TV  station. Last but not least,America has a lot of problems just like the rest of the world.Only no one talks about it. One day I will sit down and do that list of who,where and why a great deal of Americans are hurting for food - money-and a place to live. How our government doesn't give a crap about us veterans or those in need. we have 239 billionaires with over 2 billion dollars who are so dam greedy they will not help the poor and middle class add to that the 600 more billionaires with 1 billion or more plus- the 5000 millionaires in America.  To all the world,have a happy holiday,be blessed no matter who you are. Howard from Alabama

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hi world what's going on?

Well i have started another blog at  ...It will be a mellow one compared to those on this site.which,by the way i will be still doing. In Alabama today we woke up to sunny skies and 68 degree weather. Now it is raining.The news here in America is mostly about the school shootings.I had to go to BBC UK to find out what is happing in the rest of the world.I do feel bad for the parents of the 20 children and 8 adults,my prays go out to all involved. How ever in other parts of the world things are crazy as well. What i will do out of respect is to pick up tomorrow about the world and it's other problem's. Be blessed and well to all. Howard from Alabama.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What is going on in Iran and other country's?

I do not think Iran has any idea of what would happen to there country should they keep going on with the nuclear enrichment program. Israel and the United States are not the only ones who will bomb the crap out of them. On another note they launched a sort of Internet whit government slanted news and information such as,a video of strict adherence to Islamic interpretation (militant style) of Islam you tube style!! Teheran's air has become so toxic the even the government is telling people to move away from the city. Despite the US saying no smaller drones where downed Iran say count them again :) I guess they think it's funny? What is truly going on in Iran is this: the under 35 group which makes up 70% of the people are fed up starving,out of work and fed up with the government. Mean time the President of Iran and the band of bearded old farts of out of step old men are spending crazy amounts of money they do not really have. Instead of feeding it's people it buys rocket and nuclear plans from North Korea,china and Russia. Their real goal in the mid east is to control the whole area as it did in the 12th century. So I will end today's rant with and Iranian fairy tale...... One day Armadinajard (spelled wrong :0) or as I call him(i'madinnerjacket) was lost in the desert. From far off he spots a shinny object.As he moves towards it and picks it up he discovers a lamp. So he rubs the sand off of it and what do you know a genie comes out of the lamp and says,you have 3 wishes. He is tired and hungry and wishes for a palace of food,drink and 72 women. Poof there it is. next he wishes for billions in coins and stocks. Poof there it is.He looks around at the 72 women,smile and wishes for his manhood to touch the floor--so the genie cut off his legs. He then ask why? the answer is never mess with a Jewish genie. To all the folks who read my blog forward it to your friends. No matter who you are or what color you are enjoy your holiday. Be blessed,be happy and help some one in need. Howard from Alabama

Sunday, December 9, 2012


So here I am in the greatest country on earth. Sure I have many freedoms and while I am poor in the money area,America does help some what. We "re  very low on food this week as our other bills are very high. The church helped with a couple of bags of food.As for gas for the car I had to put it on a charge card which I hate to do.MY wife and I are both disabled and need medication. I am a veteran so I can get reduced cost medicine at the veterans clinic.however many Americans sleep in there cars if lucky enough to have a car. Others sleep in missions or just on the street.Yes some entitlement programs help but not the 1000"s who need it. this afternoon our son and daughter-in-law took us shopping with their food stamps,we are very lucky to have kids that help once in a while.hey if you want to help my paypal is if not that's OK. The sun is almost gone from the horizon,wind is picking up,going to rain.Tempeture is 71 and about to rain.Still not bad for December.  Happy holidays and no matter who you are,be well,be blessed and happy. Howard from Alabama.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thanks to my 3000 readers for understanding.

A few things going on that are note worthy In America,the Republican party does not know how to compromise! When they come up for election next most will be voted out of office.Even the public polls taken show Americans are really fed up and angry at them. Republicans are mostly comprised of rich,white, old and out of step with the poor as well as the middle class in the USA. President Obama is governing all Americans while Republicans just the wealthy.     Mean while Russia and the USA set up a surprise meeting about Syria with the United Nations envoy with hope of stopping the genocide in that country. Before Assad and his troops use poison gas. I am fairly sure that if he does the U.S will air strike him......Next is that un-great full piece of crap Karzi who blames NATO for corruption in Afghanistan when it is he who needs to stop it!I say corruption has made him very rich and he turned on his ally who tried to help him.President Obama should stop the money he gives to them and bring the troops home NOW!!!!  Then we have Ramallah,west bank. The King of Jordan made a visit to support the Palestinians.He will not speak much as he is an ally of both the USA and Israel. MY opinion on this(being messianic Jew for Jesus) is a very simple one. Israel needs to keep to its word ,stop building in Gaza west bank and allow a 2 state solution. Enough blood has been shed on both sides. This world will fall to hate and greed. Both sides need to live in peace and help each other become better. Here in Alabama the sun is mostly out and the temperature  for this time of year is pretty good. average morning high 40's and low 70's by afternoon. the wind is flowing over the trees(mostly pine) and it does not seem like winter .Global warming?? to all of you reading this,be well,be blessed no matter to who you are. Howard from Alabama.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sorry folks-been sick and in bed for a few days

I am still not well but later today or tomorrow i will pick up where i left off. Thanks for your understanding.