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Thursday, August 30, 2012
Putins life style cost the people of Russia between 1 & 2 billion dollar$ a year. Jets-cars-booze-hookers even though he is still married and has a 24 year old gymnast as a girl friend.So old fart take off your shirt so we can see the Russian mob tattoos and not so tight lumpy skin left over from K.G.B. days.Still paying people off to stay in power? This greedy old man makes a few billion selling arm to Syria and Iran and pocket oil profits from the Russian people.If the kids from the pussy riot where not in jail--I would picture Putin naked on a horse except for a cowboy hat, rope in hand ,trying to round up hairy tacos. OR how about Putin,the ayatollahs-Assad oil wrestling in a reserve flat tank like the bitches they are.How can the Russian government give heavy arms(China to) to Assad. He already murdered over 20.000 of his own people.Iran's nuclear site doubled in the last year. Why the heck does Israel not bomb the crap out of them and mossed take out the leaders of Iran and Syria as well? .....IN AMERICA all is not well either! Some of the disgruntled seal team members said"Obama did not kill Bin ladin." You jerks,think about it. You swear an oath to the USA,as I did.This means you work for Obama. Where it not for him sending you guys there and giving the order to capture or kill Osama he would be planning more stuff like 911. SO, by proxy (you) he did kill him and gave you seals the credit! Time you shut up.Obama in the 3 1/2 years passed 85 or so things he said he would. Around 6-7 of them help us veterans and we who are over 65 as well. I hope in his second term he grows bigger balls and a hard line attitude against Syria,Russia,China and Iran--plus others who try to harm us. as for the debt to China--I would file bankruptcy.See how they like that. well enough of me and my big mouth. To all colors and religions,be well,blessed and help the world. Howard from Alabama.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Well folks,it is 9:00am in south Alabama. Hurricane on the way. We can not afford to drive up to Arizona for a few days so here we sit. It will be all over by Wednesday except for the clean up.While the world goes on I am shutting down until around Friday. To all colors and religions,be well,happy,and try to get along. Howard from Alabama.
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Hurricane Isaac's Path Path |
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Me too! Syria's Assad has killed thousands of his own people.Can anyone who is sane tell the world why?Iran keeps pissing not only Israel off,but most of the world. In essence they say come kill me. I foresee that being done very,very soon.Russia is lead around by another joker (Putin) who loves the blood of others. So for money to line his pockets he sells gunships,tanks,planes and ammo to Syria. Lets not forget China who does the same thing along with killing Buddhist monks and picking on Japan.The Saudis and the Arab Spring try to help but do not know how. all the above has happened before in history of the world and no one seems to learn from that....Is it not bad enough that mother nature tries to kill us we have to kill each other! In America there is a lot going on.First the Navy Seals got threatend by Al Quida because we killed their murdering leader and we will keep killing those who threaten America..Then the Republican party is looking more like the birth er party.The dirty insults both party's are advertising not to mention the billion$ that could go to feed the hungry and hurting in America. What a waste of money!! They block President Obama at every turn when he try's to do right by the people.The republicans have assured Obama a second term.( by their bad actions) I say good, in a second term you know more,you can get hard line and use executive order. Since he can not run for a third term(to bad) he can grow a bigger set.Lets hope he uses them!then you have the (Euro-pennis) doping board doing a witch hunt on Lance Armstrong. Where I him, a big f-u is in order and i would not return anything won. We need to legalize Marijuana then our prisons would not be full and the cost so taxing on us.How about this question. If we deport parents of American born children, what about them? Well, here we are in Alabama,sun is out 92 degrees with a slight breeze.about to make supper and go for a swim. my Mediterranean blood tan's well. Be safe,well,happy help a friend in need. Howard from Alabama
Monday, August 20, 2012
3atkhncb n,o,not --- which is shut up you Russian Idiots. This is to the government like Mr. K.G.B Putin and his followers. Last year you sold over 1Billion dollars worth of guns and ammo to Assad. How much this year including Helios-gunships? China as well. So for you to even comment on the west helping the freedom fighters in Syria is a double standard.For deputy Foreign Minister Gatilov's saying the west and Arab states are prolonging the war there, is like, let Assad use our Russian weapons to kill thousands of people which will end that conflict on the terms Russia likes. Rather then Syrian people protecting themselves. That's is on this rainy day in Alabama. All colors and religions,be well,blessed and happy. Help someone who needs it..Howard from Alabama
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Things to say from all over the world today!
Once again Afghan police kill American troops.2 today and the day is not over as well as the 36 so far this year.This is Karzi at work with his Taliban and tribe leaders. AND YET, Obama and Congress gives them 16 billion dollars and keeps troops there until 2014. How about moving that date to 2012 remove all troops,arms,tanks,trucks,advisers and get our 16 billion back to pay down the 14 trillion debt!!! I hope President Obama has bigger balls in his second term. NOW Syria who denied Ass-ads P.M and many others including an intelligence officer never left and did not defect. Never left because you killed them in cold blood with RUSSIAN and CHINESE weapons. NEXT: how about South Africa!! 34 minors shot dead-78 wounded-259 jailed. Can you say Apartheid? What did the minor do,throw platinum at the police? Police say "self defence" sure guns against dirt! As for the company,they offered to pay to bury the dead and educate the children.That is how big money does it,they pay you off and business as usual. EGYPT--The President Mohammad Morsi going to Iran. Bend over President Amadinejad get ready for your ass kiss.Hey maybe the coward country's want to line up Ayatollah Ali Khomeini and hims 7 little Ayatollahs for a b.j.???? Saudi Arabia wants U.S. air strip and boots on the ground to protect them. How about paying the United States of America.... so American tax payers can put that money to pay down the debt too. OR at least pay us back in oil. IN AMERICA..Obama asked congress to help put teachers to work.Of course they won't because it is good for the average American child. That's the republicans for you-Romney and Ryan are republicans. Obama said"oil release" on the table. He will have to do it by executive order as republicans do not like that either...MITT the twit and RYAN I'm dying if I'm lying about Iran will think twice about attacking Israel. How about saying exactly what you would do to help Israel!! SO MY FRIENDS-OR NOT :) to all colors and religions,be well,happy and help someone in need. Howard from Alabama.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Iran says"dismissing Isreali strike"
Such a strike would cause "very severe circumstances" and would be "stupid" says Iran. Pretty smart says Howard. If Israel hits the oil fields it takes down most of the money that Russia and China give them for oil. Then in the same strike get the heads of the big snake and all the little follower snakes ask well as the enrichment plants and then see who is stupid! with Iran testing long range missiles coupled with nuke enrichment should tell the world a story. Even Obama can not be blind to this! All Iran does is inflame to a point they are asking Israel to bomb the cramp out of it. I feel sorry for the people of Iran who are mostly under 35 years old and not working because of Iran's crap that comes out of the government. As i have said before the people are not the problem they are caught in the middle of crazy people who are begging to die. President Obama told Israel that with Iran all options are on the table. This means backing Israel against Iran. Speaking of which,Syria is getting help from Iran,Russia and china as well as Hammas and Hezbollah the latter 2 looking to wipe Israel out. While Israel is at it bomb Syrian oil fields and plane hangers on its way to Iran. NOW,as for Assad. His own generals and more important his Prime Minister defects to Jordan.That should tell you Assad is done for. I said this 2 months ago it is all over but the bullet to his head. He controls less the 30% of Syria.It is time the west and the Arab Spring get off its butt and help the freedom fighters with larger weapons. Done for today. No matter what color or religion you are, have a blessed day,be well and hug someone who needs it.Howard from Alabama
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Afgan police kill 3 more American Marines!!
Why the heck are we protecting Afghanistan? Let Karzi and his murderous troops fend for themselves. President Obama,are you so busy trying to get elected that you take your eyes off the problems that really need attention? Get off your Butt and bring all our troops home and screw Afghanistan and that government. We did what we went to do,now get the ---- out of there. Seven dead in one day NOT right!! Do not wait for 2014 get everyone out now and do not give them any money(billions) or arms. As for Syria,it is bad enough you will not send arms or a seal team to help the freedom fighters. At this point I am thinking what a wuss you are! But Romney is worse so you will win by default instead of guts. Lets face it,Assad needs to go by leaving or by death for what he has done. Can you spell genocide? As for Iran. How can you let those little piss ants make you back down. MORE SANCTIONS!! OR Turn Israel loose on them.Your smart and talk a good game but as for action on your part, you suck. Am I angry at the injustice in the world? Yes,but you can do something if you choose to.Again, stop thinking of the election and think of our troops and the American people.As for both house's the republicans are far worse but the Democrats are not to much better. OH off subject-we send our kids to the Olympics and then we tax them? Are you and the IRS out of your minds? This should not be.Ask or take a pole and you will see it is not right. well that's it for today. Everyone be well,blessed and do a good thing for someone,Howard from Alabama
Friday, August 10, 2012
THANKS to the 1415 readers all over the world
Today i have to go see the doctors at the veterans hospital. At 67 the body has all these new aches and pain. Added to the disability it is a pain in the butt,arms,neck and all over.Plus arthritis in all places my hard to type or write. It's 9:30 am in Alabama.The rain for the past 2 weeks is a ground soaking problem and little sun to dry it up. Which,in turn makes everything sticky-humid. Please keep checking .I am sure my big mouth will find things to write. To all colors and religions,be well,happy and find the time for family and friends. Howard from Alab
Oh by the way if anyone would like to comment on any of my bloggs feel free. There is a comment box under this blogg. Thank you!
Oh by the way if anyone would like to comment on any of my bloggs feel free. There is a comment box under this blogg. Thank you!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Russia and Iran helping Syria's Assad
First Russia needs to stay out of the Syrian conflict. It is bad enough they sold copters and guns to Assad which he uses to murder his own people. All Assad has managed to do is bomb Syria back to the stone age. There is enough death and destruction at his hands for the west to get involved.Listen Obama if you can not help the freedom fighters with large weapons ,what the hell good are you as a leader.Unfortunately you are 10 times better then Mitt the twit. Iran,here is a crappy government run by death dealers. The religious leaders are nuts in that country.HELPING ASSAD IS THE SAME AS RUSSIA AND IRAN. MURDER BY PROXY IS STILL MURDER. My answer to this problem is simple. If you cut the heads off the snakes in Iran and Syria the snakes die and the country is better off. The west has the fire power,so use it!! Each day hundreds of humans die because the world really does not give a crap. Mark my words,the western alliance will surely pay dearly for there lack of assistance to the freedom fighters as well as not putting more sanctions on Iran. As for me, i am fed up with governments who will not help those who want freedom. I am outta here. going to get in the pool and cool off my hot head. To all colors and religions,be well,be happy,do something nice today. Howard from Alabama.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
It's 10:30 am in Alabama
The sun is out so heading for my pool. later have to go to doctors,perhaps I will write a blog later. For now, may you all be well,blessed and happy. Howard from Alabama
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Headline"China blame west for Syria problem"
Friday, August 3, 2012
Aug 8th-no real blog but
Kofi Annan as i said he would, got frustrated and quit talks with Syria. Rebels stole the Russian tank right from Assad. Again, I said Assad will fall-and he will if they can find the coward of Syria. What the freedom fighter need now is guidance on how to set up a government for the people and a transition of power. Do it, not while they are a young and strong power and before they become like the regime they hate. That's it for now. be well,blessed and happy, to all colors and religions. Howard from Alabama
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